

Please register for lectures, seminars and courses on StudIp only.

Course Catalogue - Vorlesungsverzeichnis University of Bremen

IMSAS offers lectures, seminars and courses in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (ET/IT) Dipl./B.Sc./M.Sc.,  International Information and Automation Engineering (IAE) M.Sc., Communication and Information Technology (CIT) M.Sc.and and Electrical Engineering for Economics (WI).

GMST - Einführung ind die Mikrosystemtechnik

Sensor Science

BioMems/Microfluidic Devices


Sensors and Measurement Systems

Thermische Sensoren

Understanding Germany


GMM - Praktikum Mikroelelektronik und Mikrosystemtechnik

Vertiefungsprojekt BSc; Entwurf und Technologie für Mikrosensoren

Schwerpunktlabor Mikroelektronik/Mikrosystemtechnik II

Sensor Characterization Laboratory