Research Training Group π³ - Parameter Identification – Analysis, Algorithms, Applications

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Researchers: Daniel Otero Baguer,Tobias Kluth, Iwona Piotrowska-Kurczewski, Peter Maaß, Alexander Denker, Pascal Fernsel, Jean Le`Clerc Arrastia, Johannes Leuschner, Maximilian Schmidt
Project funding: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Project sponsor: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Partners: Werner Brannath, Kompetenzzentrum für Klinische Studien, Universität Bremen; Christof Büskens, Universität Bremen; Alfred Schmidt, Universität Bremen; Jens Rademacher, Universität Bremen; Dmitry Feichtner-Kozlov, Universität Bremen; Thorsten Dickhaus, Universität Bremen; Vanessa Didelez, Leibniz-Institut für Präventionsforschung und Epidemiologie - BIPS, Bremen; Kathrin Flaßkamp, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken
Duration:  01.10.2016 - 30.09.2025

The Research Training Group "Parameter Identification - Analysis, Algorithms, Applications", short π³, funded by the German Research Foundation DFG, has been located at the Center for Technomathematics since October 2016. Beyond ZeTeM, mathematicians from the fields of algebra/topology, applied analysis and statistics are involved. In addition, a total of five other associated scientists from the departments of physics/electrical engineering, biology/chemistry and production engineering as well as from the European Molecular Biology Lab in Heidelberg are or were involved in the Research Training Group.

In accordance with the title of the Research Training Group, the main focus is on parameter identification. Mathematics is a universal language that, like no other science, is capable of making even the most complex problems of the most diverse origins manageable by reducing them to their essentials. In particular, this leads to deterministic, high-dimensional and nonlinear models for numerous problems of parameter identification, which occur in various forms in all areas of the natural, life and engineering sciences as well as in industrial and economic applications. In this research training group, the focus is on problems that are essentially modeled by minimizing appropriate objective functionals. For this purpose, approaches from different mathematical subdisciplines are pursued, which, however, exhibit numerous analytical cross-connections and lead to comparable algorithmic challenges.

The determination of parameters can be found in many mathematical research directions. In π³, this issue is primarily addressed in three research areas: inverse problems, direct optimization, and mathematical data analysis. In addition to the development of new methods, their transfer into industrial practice is another focus of the graduate school. For this reason, each research area has a targeted benchmark application in which the newly developed methods are used and tested. Fitting to the three research areas of π³, these are the determination of surface structures, automotive applications and MALDI imaging.

The international team of PhD students is trained especially at the interface of applied mathematics and scientific computing for the academic and non-academic job market. Mathematical qualification and promotion of scientific independence are the guiding principles of the qualification and supervision concept. A characteristic feature of this college are so-called study groups: These consist of four to six researchers who work on related topics and exchange ideas. In the qualification program, emphasis is also placed on maintaining good scientific practice, equality and preparation for further professional life. The doctoral students are specifically prepared for leading positions in research and industry.

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