
Prize Award Ceremony BBDC 2022

We cordially invite you to the award ceremony of the Bremen Big Data Challenge 2022! The ceremony, including an exciting talk by Prof. Dr. Thang Vu, takes place on the 13th of May 2022 from 2 - 4 PM.

The Bremen Big Data Challenge is an annual programming competition focused on data analysis in which students from Bremen and the surrounding area can compete with each other. In this year's challenge, the students had to correctly reconstruct missing data of motion sequences that have been captured by two different modalities (video and motion capture).

The five best teams of this year's challenge will be honored on the 13th of May 2022. Thanks to the sponsors "JUST ADD AI", "neuland, Büro für Informatik" and "die Sparkasse Bremen", a total of 1500 euros of prize money will be awarded as well as further non-cash prizes. The ceremony starts at 2 PM with an introduction by the hosts, the Dekan for Mathematics and Computer Science, Prof. Rolf Drechsler, as well as the sponsors. Next, Prof.Dr. Thang Vu will give us a glimpse into his research. Awarding the winners their prizes will be the highlight of the event. The event will end around 4 PM.

We are happy to announce that Prof. Vu will give a presentation on his current research. Prof. Vu is chair of digital phonetics at the institute of natural language processing at the University of Stuttgart. In his keynote, he will talk about machine learning in the natural language processing field.

We thank all the participants and everyone interested in the BBDC 2022 and are looking forward to welcoming you to the award ceremony!
Your BBDC Team


Location of the event

Universität Bremen
Cartesium, Raum: Rotunde (EG)
Enrique-Schmidt-Str. 5
28359 Bremen


Further informationen

Bremen Big Data Challenge:
Collaborative research center “EASE“:
High-profile area “Minds, Media, Machines“:
Cognitive Systems Lab:



Yale Hartmann
Cognitive Systems Lab
FB 03 University of Bremen

Bremen Big Data Challenge 2022 Logo