
Ann Hipp leads 4th DFG Network meeting on “The dynamics of innovation systems” in Jena

From January 25th to 26th, 2024 the 4th meeting of the DFG network "The Dynamics of Innovation Systems: Perspectives, Influences and Operationalization" led by Ann Hipp took place at FSU Jena.

The aim of the network is to facilitate an exchange of research between the different perspectives on innovation systems. After a welcome speech by Uwe Cantner and an introductory lecture by Ann Hipp, Tom Brökel, Maria Greve, Hanna Hottenrott, Martin Kalthaus, Petrik Runst and Michael Wyrwich gave insights into their current research on cooperation, innovation and inventorship. The findings were intensively discussed by the network members and the guests from FSU Jena and enriched with keynotes by Cristina Chaminade (Lund University) and Müge Özman (Institut Mines-Télécom Business School Paris).

We would like to thank the local organizers Uwe Cantner, Holger Graf und Martin Kalthaus for their support as well as all network members, the keynote speakers and guests for their participation in the network meeting!

We look forward to the final event on September 19th and 20th, 2024 at ifo Dresden, which will be co-organized by Anna Kremer and Felix Rösel.

For further information, see:


DFG Treffen Jena