
Jessica Birkholz - Doctorate successfully completed

On Sept. 23, 2022, Jessica Birkholz successfully defended her dissertation entitled "Entrepreneurship and Regional Knowledge Dynamics. Empirical Evidence from Germany" with great success and was awarded her PhD. In her cumulative dissertation thesis, she focuses on the relationship between start-up activities and regional development in Germany in four empirical studies. She has published her results in the discussion paper series "Bremen Papers on Economics & Innovation" of the Institute for Economic Research and Policy (IERP).

Jessica Birkholz studied at the University of Bremen (B. Sc. and M. Sc.) before joining the working group as a research assistant in March 2018. She enriched the work of the working group in various capacities, including her work in the project "VISIBLE 2.0". Since September 2022, Jessica Birkholz continues her scientific career in the working group in the BMBF project "hyBit".

We congratulate Jessica Birkholz very warmly on her excellent PhD, look forward to future collaborations and wish her many more scientific successes!