
New third-party funded project "hyTracks": How could a regional hydrogen economy be created in Bremen?

Everyone is currently talking about hydrogen as a promising technology of the future. However, the road to a hydrogen economy is long, and the question arises as to how the transformation can succeed. The transformation to a sustainable hydrogen economy represents a major challenge not only for energy suppliers and industry, but also for almost all areas of society.

The "hyTracks" project, which started on 01 December 2020, will use the example of Bremen's industrial port to investigate what a transformation towards a green hydrogen economy might look like. For this purpose, the project bundles competences from computer science as well as technical and economic sciences. Approaches from innovation research will be combined with agent-based models and energy system modeling. The goal is to jointly develop an electronic and interactive participation platform in which technical as well as socio-economic information related to the hydrogen transformation is processed in a bundled way in order to show possible transformation paths along alternative decision scenarios. Stakeholders in the sense of "real decision-makers" will continuously accompany the development process within the BreLAB.

The project, which is funded by the BMBF for three years, is coordinated in the "Resilient Energy Systems" working group (Department of Production Engineering). In addition to the working group "Innovation and Structural Change" (Department of Economics), the "Digital Media Lab" (Department of Mathematics and Computer Science) is also involved.

Contact: Dr. Tobias Wendler

Bremer Industriehafen
Bremer Industriehafen