
Solidarity as a Practice of Anti-Discrimination

"It is not enough to oppose discrimination. We need anti-discrimination." (paraphrased from Angela Davis)

Solidarity as a Practice of Anti-Discrimination.


"It is not enough to oppose discrimination. We need anti-discrimination."
(paraphrased from Angela Davis)

A Workshop from Students for Students

SFG ground floor (0150)
Thursday 29th June 23
4-6pm (room reserved until 8pm)


Where, when and how are we exposed to discrimination at university and what can we do against this?

What does solidarity mean for us at the university? Together, we would like to discuss these questions and invite everyone interested to reflect upon them and to network with each other in the context of a workshop. Our aim is to highlight alliances between students and to strengthen as well as create further connections.

A common engagement of students through solidary actions at university. Which forms can it take? Where do we need more? What can we do?

Check out our Flyer.