Literatures and Media of Religions

active research projects

woman im Schatten, Denkpose vor Elektronikgeräten

The construction of mental health among Muslims on social media

Samira Ghozzi-Ben Miled

This dissertation project examines how mental health is constructed among Muslim influencers and their followers on Social Media. 


The Changing Role of Religion in Societies Emerging from Covid-19

Hannah Grünenthal, Kerstin Radde-Antweiler

The role of religion has changed during the COVID-19 pandemic, taking on renewed significance in many societies, including those experiencing secularization. RECOV-19 compares the changing role of religions in four, secularizing, global north contexts: Canada, Germany, the Republic of Ireland/Northern Ireland, and Poland.



Media and Religion


Video presentation

Prof. Dr. Kerstin Radde-Antweiler



This peer-reviewed online journal aims to create and promote a platform for scientific discussions of video games. The aim is to explore both established approaches and new frontiers of research into video games in culture, religion and society.

ISSN 2364-382X

Videospiler vor Bildschirmen in einem e-Sports setting, Kopfhörer, grüne Beleuchtung, unscharfe Bildschirme, vermutlich DOTA
Alex Haney / Unsplash

Research field esports – Negotiating the notion of the nation and discussing value formations

Dr. Dr. Lisa Kienzl

Video game cultures are central parts of contemporary societies. Considering ethical questions, negotiating identity and discussing the position of technology in society are vital elements in the field of esports.

Frau mit Maske vor Laptop, dunkle Gesamtumgebung. Einzige Lichtquelle Bildschirm

Value formations in a video-game-franchise

Bodil Stelter

 I investigate value-formations by actors in the vicinity of video games (gamevironements). I examine how negotiations of values ​​take place through different interrelated contexts (USK age-rating, journalistic reception, social media discourse, gaming practice) in the German-speaking context.

Kriegsstrategisches Brettspiel

Gaming the Nation. An Intersectional Investigation of Nation, Identity and Video Gaming

Dr. Kathrin Trattner

The research project addresses the multiple interrelations between video gaming and constructions of national identity by connecting two often juxtaposed research perspectives – media aesthetics and communication studies.


Completed projects