Funding Opportunities for Early Career Researchers (ECRs)

The MAPEX Center for Materials and Processes via the MAPEX Core Facility for Materials Analytics (MAPEX-CF) invites Early Career Researchers (ECRs)* to apply for short-term research grants.

*master students close to graduation, doctoral researchers, and postdocs.


Dr. Wilken Seemann

University of Bremen
IW3, Room 2190
Am Biologischen Garten 2
28359 Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218 64954
E-Mail: mapexcfprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de

Materials characterization
@ international research institution or
@ other German research institutions.

This grant intends to enable preliminary experiments for future proposals to be submitted, for example to the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). Activities that clearly add value to doctoral or master’s research, such as supplementary materials analysis not possible at the University of Bremen, are also considered for funding.

Proposals can be submitted at any time.

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Materials characterization
@ MAPEX Core Facility for Materials Analytics
including travel and accomodation.

This grant intends to enable activities that add value to research projects, such as supplementary materials analysis that are not available at the applicant's home institution.

Proposals can be submitted at any time.

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Materials characterization
@ MAPEX Core Facility for Materials Analytics

This grant intends to enable preliminary experiments for future proposals to be submitted, for example to the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). Activities that clearly add value to doctoral or master’s research, such as supplementary materials analysis, are also considered for funding. In this case, it must be explained why these experiments were not already planned and budgeted before the start of the work and how the results could contribute to the increase of scientific knowledge and the qualification of the candidate.

Proposals can be submitted at any time.

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Funded Projects

Porträt von Christian Rhode

MAPEX-CF supported Christian Rhode (Leibniz IKZ Berlin) visiting Prof. Thorsten M. Gesing (Institute of Inorganic Chemistry and Crystallography)

From the 06.05. to the 24.05.2024, I visited the University of Bremen as a guest researcher in the group of Prof. Dr. Thorsten M. Gesing. The central scientific objective of the visit was to perform single crystal X-ray diffraction experiments on Mg and Zr-substituted SrGa12O19 and Sr(Ga,Al)12O19-cr…

Photo of Alishbah Zaka

MAPEX-CF supported Alishbah Zaka (National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan) visiting Dr. Lars Robben (Institute of Inorganic Chemistry and Crystallography)

The month-long research visit (10th Jan to 9th Feb 2024) at the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry and Crystallography, University of Bremen, was planned for the phase and morphological analysis of metal loaded ZSM-5 zeolite under the supervision of Dr. Lars Robben. During my visit, I got helpful…

MAPEX-CF supported Mariia Kepper (Uni Bremen) using the X-ray microscope

The group Chemical Process Engineering (CVT) at the University of Bremen studies how particle mixtures can be separated in porous media using electric fields.

In the research project “Investigation of dielectrophoretic effects in porous structures” led by Professor Dr. Jorg Thöming and Dr. Michael…

Instrument manager

Dr. Wilken Seemann

University of Bremen
IW3, Room 2190
Am Biologischen Garten 2
28359 Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218 64954
E-Mail: Instrument Manager

Science manager

Dr. Hanna Lührs

University of Bremen
IW3-Building, Room 2230
Am Biologischen Garten 2
28359 Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218 64580

Scientific coordinator

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lucio Colombi Ciacchi

University of Bremen
TAB-Building, Room 3.30
Am Fallturm 1
28359 Bremen
Phone: +49 421 218 64570
E-Mail: Scientific coordinator

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