Research Highlights

GaN atomic electric fields from a segmented STEM detector: Experiment and simulation

Tim Grieb, Florian F. Krause, Thorsten Mehrtens, Christoph Mahr, Beeke Gerken, Marco Schowalter, Bert Freitag, Andreas Rosenauer

Journal of Microscopy 295 (2024): 140-146

Atomic electric fields in a thin GaN sample are measured with the centre-of-mass approach in 4D-scanning transmission electron microscopy (4D-STEM) using a 12-segmented STEM detector in a Spectra 300 microscope. The electric fields, charge density and potential are compared to simulations and an experimental measurement using a pixelated 4D-STEM detector. The segmented detector benefits from a high recording speed, which enables measurements at low radiation doses. However, there is measurement uncertainty due to the limited number of segments analysed in this study.

The Picture of GaN atomic electric fields from a segmented STEM detector: Experiment and simulation (2024)
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