Rainer Malaka

Prof. Dr. Rainer Malaka
Technologie-Zentrum Informatik und Informationstechnik (TZI)
Geschäftsführender Direktor
Professor Digitale Medien
Universität Bremen
Tel.: 0421/218-64402
email: malaka@tzi.de
Post: Postfach 330440, 28334 Bremen
Office: Bibliothekstraße, MZH, Raum 6490
Prof. Dr. Rainer Malaka is professor for Digital Media at the University of Bremen. He is manageing Director of the Center for Computing Technologies (Technologiezentrums Informatik und Informationstechnik, TZI) and Director of the PhD program Empowering Digital Media that is funded by the Klaus Tschira foundation. He was member of a collaborative research center (CRC/SFB) on autonomous logistics and is member of the CEC/SFB EASE „Everyday Activity Science and Enginering“ at the University of Bremen. His research focus is on multimodal interaction, language understanding, entertainment computing, and artificial interlligence.
Research Interests
Interactive Systems
Contextual Computing
Multimodale Interaction
Semantics and Ontologies
Adaptive and Cognitive Systems
Member of the Academic Senate of the University of Bremen
Member of the Faculty Board of the Department for Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Bremen
PI in the Collaborative Research Center EASE
Member of the Steering Board of the Interdisciplinary College
Member of the high-profile area Minds Media Machines of the University of Bremen
Member of the research cluster LogDynamics at the University of Bremen
PI in the International Graduate School for Dynamics in Logistics (IGS)
Member of the Mahidol Bremen Medical Informatics Research Unit (MIRU)
Steering Board of IFIP-ICEC International Conference on Entertainment Computing
Member of Editorial Boards
International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering
International Journal of Web Based Communities
Journal on Entertainment Computing (Section Editor for Serious Games)
I-COM, Journal of Interactive Media
book series ‘Gaming Media and Social Effects’
Google Scholar has a quite complete list of all my publications. Please contact me if you need a reprint of work that is not available online.