Döbereiner Lab


Physarum polycephalum

Slime molds and basal cognition

The slime mold Physarum polycephalum has become famous in the recent years for its problem solving capacities despite lacking a brain. Physarum polycephalum and other comparatively simple species like Hydra or C. elegans have ignited a new field called basal cognition. We study similarities in collective oscillation patterns in animal brains and the tubular network of Physarum with its peristaltic waves. 

Zelle rot

Cellular motion

Our work on animal cells has a strong focus on mouse embryionic fibroblasts. We are interested in the motility and active deformations of these cells and, especially, in the mechanisms that lead to various different forms of cellular motion that are based on the polymerization of actin. One of our special interests thereby lies in the widely observed wave-like phenomena. 

A student reading in the library.


Follow this link to find out more about our recent publications in peer-reviewed journals and contributions in book chapters. 

Brand new!

  • Integrated biology of Physarum polycephalum: cell biology, biophysics, and behavior of plasmodial networks C Oettmeier, A Fessel, HG Döbereiner, Myxomycetes, 453-49


Interview and Talk

DSC Talk: Emergence and Universality

In his classical paper More is different P.W. Anderson (1972) discusses the hierarchical levels of nature. Each level is made of and obeys the laws of its constituents from one level below. All levels are connected by quantitative relations to their lower and higher hierarchical neighbor which links the physical entities of all hierarchies.


Lecture Series: Information and Structure

In 2021 and 2022 due to our participation in the NFDI initiative (National Research Data Infrastructure), our lecture series dedicated to decision-making has taken a new direction. In the following talks we will concentrate on the relationships between data, science and knowledge creating a transdisciplinary discussion platform for scientists and interested public. 

NFDI4Phys: Research Data Management Initiative

Progress in science strongly depends on advanced, reliable, accessible management, processing and interpretation of data across disciplinary boundaries. The ever-increasing quantity of data gained from experiments and simulations require transparently structured and machine-actionable infrastructures, concisely summarized by the FAIR-principles




  • Sharing our research with others is important to us. Through broad media coverage, we make our work accessible to the scientifically interested public.
  • Follow this link to find us on YouToube, radio, TV, online magazines, local newspapers and more. 


Lectures summer term 2025

Office hours
  • During the summer semester 2025, office hours are available by appointment via e-mail




Cellular motion
  • Malte Ohmstede
  • Anna Piorecka-Ecken 



Follow the link below to view our contact details


Prof. Dr. Hans-Günther Döbereiner

Research group leader

Institute for Biophysics (FB1) University of Bremen
Otto-Hahn-Allee 1
28359 Bremen

Oncoming lectures

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