Links & documents

KRAM indicates important frameworks and cooperates with others in support of interests of academic employees. On this page, we offer related links.

The present Bremische Hochschulgesetz (BremHG) from 3/2019.

The present Strategiepapier 2018-2028 - strategic position paper of the University of Bremen.

For all scientists of importance is the policy of the Uni Bremen for the institutional belonging in psublications, including references for open access publication.

For clear allocation of publications to a specific scientist: register via SuUB on ORCID.

KRAM would like to highlight some of the work agreements (Dienstvereinbarungen) between staff council representatives and university management, which partly concern academic employees.

On the homepage our staff council see for example:

  • Work agreement about the duration of employment contracts for academic employees
    Dienstvereinbarung zur Dauer von Arbeitsverträgen im Mittelbau,
  • Work agreement and guideline working hours
     Denstvereinbarung und Leitfaden Arbeitszeit,
  • Work agreement personnel selection procedures for university lecturers
    Dienstvereinbarung zum Personalauswahlverfahren bei Lektor/innen,
  • Work agreement for the evaluation of teaching and studying (with respect to data protection for employees)
    Dienstvereinbarung zur Evaluation von Lehre & Studium (i.S.d. Datenschutz für Mitarbeiter/innen),
  • Work agreement and guideline for occupational assessment
    Dienstvereinbarung und Leitfaden zur dienstlichen Beurteilung.

NGA_Wiss is a present network for good work in the sciences. Representatives of academic employees are in the process of building a network all over Germany. Main goal is the fight against precarious working conditions at universities and other institutions of higher education. Here you find some materials about it.

Very nice are these helper in an argument about limitless contracts from 2022:

Link to the networking blog "about precarious conditions in the sciences and in education".

On the federal level, supported by the initiative NGA_Wiss academic employee start to organise themselves within their university, often for the first time. If you are interested in this development is on federal level, you can subscribe for the NGA_Wiss Mailing list

Current radio feature 31. Jan 2019 about the academic employees initiative at the University of Göttingen

The labour union Ver.di Bremen-Niedersachsen takes on the topic of "good work at universities" as an important subject matter of their political sculpturing as well. Read more in: Flyer Gute Arbeit an Hochschulen 2013, Ver.di report 2016, etc..

The Bremen labour union for pedagogy and science (Gewerkschaft für Erziehung und Wissenschaft) GEW is of course active in "our field" with different initiatives. See their list of publications.

From the German Federal Statistical Office:
Statistisches Bundesamt (2018). Hochschulen auf einen Blick. Ausgabe 2018.

From the Science Council:
Wissenschaftsrat (2018). Hochschulbildung im Anschluss an den Hochschulpakt 2020. Positionspapier.

From the international Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD):
OECD (2018). Bildung auf einen Blick 2018. OECD-Indikatoren.

From the consortium federal report on scientific junior staff development:
Konsortium Bundesbericht wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs (2017): Bundesbericht wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs 2017. Statistische Daten und Forschungsbefunde zu Promovierenden und Promovierten in Deutschland (BuWiN 2017).

2020 Study about work situation in academia (in German)
"Organisierte, metrifizierte und exzellente Wissenschaftler*innen. Veränderungen der Arbeits- und Beschäftigungsbedingungen an Fachhochschulen und Universitäten von 1992 über 2007 bis 2018" (Link to the report as part of the research project „Academic Profession in Knowledge Society (APIKS)“ from INCHER, Kassel)



The council for social and economic data (Rat für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsdaten RatSWD) published in 2018 a paper of 110 pages. It presents results and recommendations of the council about the pre-requisites, user expectations, but also problems of archiving qualitative data and secondary usage in qualitative social research. For qualitative social researchers this is of interest.

Citation: Hollstein, Betina & Strübing, Jörg (Hrsg.) (2018). Archivierung und Zugang zu Qualitativen Daten. RatSWD Working Paper 267/2018. Berlin: Rat für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsdaten.

If you want to suggest further important links for this page, contact a KRAM chairperson. Thanks!