News archive
25th International Bremen Film Conference
Save the date: the 25th International Bremen Film Conference will take place from May 5 – 8 on the topic „From Mind/Screen: Mental Illness and Film“. You will find more informations here
Selection interview cooperating Universities
The selection interviews for the academic year 2021/2022 for the cooperating Universities PUJ, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá, and Universidad del Valle, Cali, will take place digitally at 12th February 2021 from 10 am.
The team of the Latin American History wishes...

Student assistant Collaborative Research Center 1342 „Global Dynamics of Social Policy“
For the 1st of February 2020 the Collaborative Research Center 1342 „Global Dynamics of Social Policy“ is searching a student assistant for 5 hours a week for the project B02.
Applications must be send to Prof. Dr. Delia González de Reufels by 12.12.2019.
Please find details about the vacancy in german here
Classes winter semester 2019/20
We are happy to announce our classes for the winter semester 2019/20
Please find descriptions of the seminars in German here
Film reviews 30. International Filmfest Emden-Norderney
From the 12th -19th June 2019 students of history visited the 30. International Filmfest Emden-Norderney. They wrote reviews and published them.
You will find the reviews here
Jour Fixe SoSe 2019
Please find the program of the Jour Fixe of the summersemester 2019 here.
We would like to announce espacially the presentation “Labour Policy, Germanness, and Nazi Influence in Brazil” by Prof. Dr. Ursula Prutsch at the 26th June 2019 from 2 to 4pm in Room 7.1020 of the Unicom Building.
We are happy to announce the program for the movie series Global Families which will take place in May 2019 in the City 46 (Birkenstraße 1 / 28195 Bremen)
Please find the programm here.
Interview with Abelardo Baldizón
Abelardo Baldizón gets attention of the press in Nicaragua for his book "Conflicto político e ideología en Nicaragua (1821-1933)".
You will find an interview with him here
Program: Social Policies and the Media: The Creation and Circulation of Images of State Intervention in the 20th Century
We are happy to announce the program for the Workshop “Social Policies and the Media: The Creation and Circulation of Images of State Intervention in the 20th Century.”, which will take place on 27th November 2018 in the Unicom 7.1020. The Workshop is organized by Prof. Dr. Delia González de Reufels in cooperation with Dr. Ricardo Borrmann and Dr. Teresa Huhle.
You will find the program of the Workshop here
Workshop: Social Policies and the Media: The Creation and Circulation of Images of State Intervention in the 20th Century
On 27th November 2018 the Workshop “Social Policies and the Media: The Creation and Circulation of Images of State Intervention in the 20th Century.” organized by Prof. Delia González de Reufels in cooperation with the CRC 1342 and the socium, will take place at the University Bremen in the Unicom 7.1020. The aim of the Workshop would be to explore the connections between social policy, visual culture and media such as photography and film at different points in history.
Please find more details on the enclosed poster
Blog Film reviews Osnabrück
From 17th to 21st October students of the seminar „Film reviews for historians […]“ have visited the film festival Unabhängiges FilmFest Osnabrück. They created a online blog and published their reviews.
You will find the blog here
Program: Research in Film and History. New Approaches, Debates and Projects
We are happy to announce the program for the conference “Research in Film and History. New Approaches, Debates and Projects”, which will take place from 28th to 30th November 2018 in Bremen.
You will find the program of the conference here
Call for Papers: Familien-Bilder. Lebensgemeinschaften und Kino – Filmsymposium 2019
Please find more details here
Invitation to the presentation by Prof. Dr. Celina G. Becerra
We kindly invite you to the presentation of Prof. Dr. Celina G. Becerra, who will talk tomorrow, the 19th June 2018 in GW2 B2860 (VIP-Raum) from 4-6pm about „The History of Epidemics in the Parishes of New Spain in the Early 19th Century”.
Please find more details on the enclosed poster
CFP – Research in Film and History: New Approaches, Debates and Projects – November 2018
The conference „Research in Film and History: New Approaches, Debates and Projects“ organized by Prof. Dr. Delia González de Reufels, Dr. Rasmus Greiner and Prof. Dr. Winfried Pauleit will take place in Bremen from November 29-30 2018. We cordially invite you to send us your abstracts until the 1st of May 2018. We are looking forward your applications!
You will find informations about the conference and the Call for Papers here
Conference report “”Social Policies and the Welfare State in the Global South (19th-20th Cenbtury)”
A detailed report on the conference “Social Policies and the Welfare State in the Global South (19th-20th Century)”, which took place at the Universität Bremen from September 14th to 15th, has just been published on the platform H-Soz-Kult. You can find the report here:
Colloquium on history and film: Presentation by Dr. Rasmus Greiner
On October 16th 2017 Dr. Rasmus Greiner will present his project on “Audiovisuelle Histosphären: Filmische Erfahrung und Reflexion der Transitionszeit in Argentinien am Beispiel von El Clan (AR 2015)” from 6-8pm in room SFG 2010. You are cordially invited!
Please find more details on the enclosed poster
International Conference „Social Policies and the Welfare State in the Global South
An international group of historians and social scientists from Argentina, Chile, Australia, several European countries, the United States and Canada gathered on September 14th and 15th at Universität Bremen to analyze and discuss social policies and the welfare state in the Global South. A transnational and entangled perspective was constitutive to the majority of the presentations which shed new light on hitherto understudied aspects of social politics.
The conference gave proof of the importance of the transfer of knowledge (both from the South to the North and between countries of the Global South), was further able to show the heterogeneity of the actors involved and raised further methodological questions. The topics presented in four panels ranged from colonial social policies and their repercussions on Europe, the importance of International Organizations and processes of judicial codification as well as child labor laws in Latin America to the role of Chilean physicians in the establishment of social medicine programs in Mozambique. Keynote speakers professors Anne-Emanuelle Birn (University of Toronto) and Christoph Conrad (Université de Génève) focused on larger research projects in their presentations. While Birn delved back into the beginnings and further development of South-South-cooperation in health since the early 20th century, Conrad highlighted the possible future of social policies by assessing the global challenge of ageing.
The conference was organized by Delia González de Reufels and Teresa Huhle (Latin American History, Universität Bremen) in cooperation with the SOCIUM, the Research Center on Equality and Social Policy of this university. A publication will follow.

International Conference
Social Policies and the Welfare State in the Global South (19th–20th Century)
September 14th – 15th, 2017 Universität Bremen
The conference brings together an interdisciplinary and international group of junior and senior scholars who are working on the history of social policies and the welfare state in the Global South from a transnational, entangled or global history perspective.
CFP – Social Policies in the Global South – Sep. 2017
An international conference on „Social Policies and the Welfare State in the Global South in the 19th and 20th century“ organized by Dr. Teresa Huhle and Prof. Dr. Delia González de Reufels in cooperation with the Research Center on Inequality and Social Policy: SOCIUM will take place at the Universität Bremen from September 13-15 2017. We cordially invite you to send short abstracts until October 31st 2016. You find the full Call for Papers here. We are looking forward to your applications!
CFP Bremen Film Conference “Cinema and Childhood” April/ May 2016
The 21st Bremen Film Conference will take place from April 26 to May 1st 2016 on the topic of “Cinema and Childhood”. The conference is the product of a cooperation between Filmstudies (Department 9), Latin American History (Department 8) and the Community Cinema Bremen, City 46. The submission deadline for paper proposals is October 30th, 2015. You find here the Call for Papers in German and English. We look forward to your applications!
21st Bremen Film Conference Apr. 28 – May 1, 2016
Save the date: the 21st International Bremen Film Conference will take place from April 28 to May 1st 2016 on the topic of “Cinema and Childhood”. The conference is the product of a cooperation between Filmstudies (Department 9), Latin American History (Department 8) and the Community Cinema Bremen, City 46. The Call for Papers will be published soon.
Public lecture on health and family planning in Latin America
Prof. Dr. Raúl Necochea López from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill will held a guest lecture on “Contraception Crucible: Health Workers Encounter Family Planning in 20th Century Latin America”on Thursday June 18th 2015. The lecture takes place from 12-12 pm in room B1410 in GW2. You are all cordially invited! You can also find the respective information here.
Workshop “Population and Rural Development”
We cordially invite you to a workshop on “Population and Rural Development: New Historical Research and Approaches”. The workshop takes place on Monday, June 14th 2015 from 11-1 am in room B2770 in GW2. You can find the program here.
ADLAF celebrates 50 years
On June 25th 2015, the Association for German Latin American Studies ( Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutsche Lateinamerikaforschung – ADLAF) celebrates its 50th anniversary in Berlin. The interested public is invited to join the festivities. You find the program here.
Following, the 4th interdisciplinary ADLAF conference for junior scholars takes place on June 26th and 27th 2015 at the Institute for Latin American Studies (FU-Berlin). You find the program here.
Summer semester 2015
An interesting and good summer semester 2015 to everyone!
Film Conference “The Future is Now” May 6-10 2015
The 20th International Bremen Film Conference will take place May 6-10, 2015. The conference is the product of a cooperation between Filmstudies | Department 9, Latin American History | Department 8 and the Community Cinema Bremen | CITY 46 in association with further cooperators.
Under the heading “The Future Is Now: Science Fiction Cinema as Audio-visual Blueprint of Histories, Spaces and Sound,” the conference invites film scholars, historicians as well as film makers and cineasts to eye the diverse facets of the film genre.
Program Flyer (partly in German)
Vivian Sobchack | University of California, Los Angeles || Karin Harrasser | Kunstuniversität Linz || Simon Spiegel | Universität Zürich || Sherryl Vint | University of California, Riverside
Marc Bonner | Universität zu Köln || Matthias Grotkopp | Freie Universität Berlin || Tobias Haupts | Freie Universität Berlin || Adam Nadolny | Poznan University of Technology || Christian Pischel | Freie Universität Berlin || Ivo Ritzer | Universität Bayreuth || Lars Schmeink | Universität Hamburg/ HafenCity Universität || Werner Suppanz | Universität Graz || Brian Willems | University of Split || Anke Woschech | Technische Universität Dresden || Rüdiger Zill | Einstein Forum, Potsdam
Delia González de Reufels | History of Latin America – Dep. 8 || Winfried Pauleit | Film Studies – Dep. 9 || CITY 46 | Kommunalkino Bremen e.V.
Louisa Manz
Tel.: +49 (0)421 449 635 85
Wednesday, May 06, 2015
7:00pm: F.P.1 Doesn’t Respond
Feature film (F.P.1 antwortet nicht, GER 1932, dir. Karl Hartl), German without subtitles, film for panel 2
9:00pm: First Spaceship on Venus
Feature film (Der schweigende Stern, GDR/ PL 1960, dir. Kurt Maetzig), German without subtitles, film for panel 2
Thursday, May 07, 2015
11:00am: Lensbased Media Art Class, UdK Berlin
Presentation (in the film makers’ attendance)
2:00pm: Introduction
Winfried Pauleit & Delia González de Reufels | Universität Bremen
2:45pm: Politics
Research Panel 1 (in English)
6:30pm: Predestination
Feature film (AUS 2014, dir. Michael & Peter Spierig), Original version with German subtitles, film for keynote 1
8:30pm: Abject Times. Temporality and the American Science Fiction Film after 9/11
Keynote Vivian Sobchack | University of California, Los Angeles
Friday, May 08, 2015
10:00am: German Science Fiction
Research Panel 2 (in German)
11:40am: Architecture
Research Panel 3 (in English)
2:00pm: Under the Skin
Feature film (UK 2013, dir. Jonathan Glazer), Original version with German subtitles, film for keynote 2
2:00pm: Lensbased Media Art Class, UdK Berlin
Presentation (in the film makers’ attendance)
4:00pm: Greeting
Jan Oehlmann | Nordmedia
4:15pm: An der Grenze des Fremden. Naturalisierung und Verfremdung im neueren Science-Fiction-Kino
Keynote Simon Spiegel | Universität Zürich (in German)
6:30pm: Elysium
Feature film (USA/ CDN/ MEX 2013, dir. Neill Blomkamp), Original version with German subtitles, film for keynote 3
8:30pm: The Future as History. Science Fiction Counterfactuals
Keynote Sherryl Vint | University of California, Riverside
10:00pm: The Man Who Fell to Earth
Feature film (UK 1976, dir. Nicolas Roeg), Original version
Saturday, May 09, 2015
10:00am: Cold/ Emotion
Research Panel 4 (in German)
11:40am: Sound/ Body
Research Panel 5 (in English)
2:30pm: Antiviral
Feature film (CDN 2012, dir. Brandon Cronenberg), Original version, film for panel 5
4:30pm: Kontrafaktische Korrekturmaßnahmen. Regierung und Politik des Lebens in der Science Fiction
Keynote Karin Harrassar | Kunstuniversität Linz (in German)
7:00pm: Science | Fiction. Envisioning the Extra-ordinary
Film program, curated by Alejandro Bachmann | Österreichisches Filmmuseum, Vienna
8:30pm: Her
Feature film (USA 2013, dir. Spike Jonze), Original version with German subtitles, film for panel 4
8:30pm: Dandy Dust
Experimental film (A/ UK 1998, dir. Hans Scheirl), Original version, film for keynote 4
10:45pm: Snowpiercer
Feature film (KOR/ USA 2013, dir. Joon-ho Bong), Original version with German subtitles, film for panel 4
Sunday, May 10, 2015 || Stanisław Lem Day
11:00am: First Spaceship on Venus
Feature film (Der schweigende Stern DDR/PL 1960, dir. Kurt Maetzig), German version without subtitles, film for panel 2
11:00am: Dandy Dust
Experimental film (A/ UK 1998, dir. Hans Scheirl), Original version, film for keynote 4
1:30pm: Introduction to Stanisław Lem
Yvonne Pörzgen | Universität Bremen (in German)
2:00pm: Polish Short Films Based on Stories by Stanisław Lem
4:00pm: Test pilota Pirxa
Feature film (Inquest of pilot pirx, PL/ RUS 1978, dir. Marek Piestrak), German version without subtitles
6:00pm: Ijon Tichy: Raumpilot
TV series, four episodes (GER 2007-2011, dir. Oliver Jahn, Dennis Jacobsen, Randa Chahoud), German version without subtitles
8:30pm: Solaris
Feature film (USSR 1972, dir. Andrei Tarkowski), Original version with English subtitles
Intensive course Spanish in the semester break
The Fremdsprachenzentrum der Hochschulen im Land Bremen (FZHB) offers intensive courses in the semester break (february to march 2015):
Intensive courses generally consist of 30 hours of teaching. They last between one and three weeks and normally take place in the semester break. The FZHB also offers intensive courses as special courses for specific target groups during the semester. Currently courses are available for: English, Finnish, French, Sign Language, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Swedish, Spanish.
For more information and application visit:
Feliz navidad!
We wish all of you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Study and Internship abroad in Latin America
We cordially invite you to the information session “Studium und Praktikum in Lateinamerika”. The event takes place on November, 17th 2014, from 2.15 pm to 4 pm in room GW2 B 2860.

CFP Conference Film and History May 2015
You are cordially invited to submit paper proposals for the 20th International Bremen Film Conference taking place from May 6th-10th, 2015 on “The Future is Now: Science Fiction Cinema as Audio-visual Blueprint of Histories, Spaces and Sound”. The submission deadline is October 10th, 2014. The full Call for Papers is available here in German and English.
Guest lecture ‘Violencia en Colombia’ on July 7, 2014
We cordially invite you to a guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Carlos Ortiz. The lecture takes place on Monday, July 7th from 4-6pm in room MZH 1450.
Prof. Dr. Carlos Ortiz teaches and conducts research at Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, and he will speaking about “Violencia y procesos de memoria histórica en Colombia”. The lecture will be held in Spanish, with simultaneous interpretation.
You also find this information here
Conference Film and History, May 7-11 2014
The 19th “Internationale Bremer Symposium zum Film” takes place from May 7-11, 2014. The annual conference of the Fachbereich 9 from Universität Bremen and the Kommunalkino Bremen e.V. City 46 this year is organized in cooperation with the working group Latin American History. Entitled “Film und Geschichte. Produktion und Erfahrung von Geschichte durch Bewegtbild und Ton” it looks at the intersection between film studies and history.
Keynote Speakers
Gertrud Koch | Freie Universität Berlin || Richard Dyer | King’s College London || Thomas Elsaesser | Columbia University New York
Anne Barnert | Institut für Zeitgeschichte Berlin || Bernhard Groß | HBK Braunschweig || Christoph Hesse | Freie Universität Berlin || Mason Allred | UC Berkeley || Massimo Perinelli | Universität Köln || Matthias Steinle | Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris || Mattias Frey | University of Kent || Mila Ganeva | Miami University, Ohio/ IFK Wien || Nicholas Baer | UC Berkeley || Sabine Moller | Humboldt-Universität Berlin || Sven Kramer | Leuphana-Universität Lüneburg || Vrääth Öhner | Universität Wien || Yvonne Zimmermann | Philipps-Universität Marburg
(The complete program can be found here.)
Wednesday, May 7th 2014
7 pm: Bremer Filmschätze retten und Vergangenheiten rekonstruieren
Film program, curated by Daniel Tilgner | Bremer Landesfilmarchiv
8:30 pm: Madame Dubarry
Silent film (Ernst Lubitsch, D 1919, 114 Min.) with live music
Thursday, May 8th 2014
11 am: Majubs Reise
Film (Eva Knopf, D 2013, 48 Min.) and discussion with the filmmaker
2 pm: Einführung ins Thema
Winfried Pauleit & Delia González de Reufels | Universität Bremen
2:30 pm: Aneignung
Research Panel 1
6:30 pm: Aufschub
Film (Harun Farocki, D 2007, 40 Min.)
7:15 pm: Der Vergangenheit ihre eigene Zukunft lassen? Harun Farockis Aufschub
Presentation by Thomas Elsaesser | Columbia University New York
9 pm: On Air
Film program, curated by Alejandro Bachmann | Österreichisches Filmmuseum
from 10:30 pm on: God Save the Patriots!
Walk In/Out-Cinema, kuratiert von Christine Rüffert | Universität Bremen
Friday, May 9th 2014
10 am: Archive und Archivmaterial
Research Panel 2
2:30 pm: Nachkriegskino
Research Panel 3
7 pm: The Shadow of M. Serial Killing and Nazism in Film
Presentation by Richard Dyer | King’s College London
8:30 pm: Der Verlorene
Film (Peter Lorre, D 1951, 98 Min.)
Saturday, May 10th 2014
10 am: Kracauer
Research Panel 4
2 pm: Kracauers Theorie der Geschichte und des Films
Presentation by Gertrud Koch | Freie Universität Berlin
3:30 pm: film:art 63: Every Picture Tells a Story – Fact + Fiction in Experimental Film
Film program, curated by Christine Rüffert | Universität Bremen
7 pm: No!
Film (Pablo Larraín, CHL/ USA/ F 2012, 118 Min.)
9:15 pm: Hiroshima, mon amour
Film (Alain Resnais, F/ J 1959, 90 Min.)
from 11pm on: God Save the Patriots!
Walk In/Out-Cinema, curated by Christine Rüffert | Universität Bremen
Sunday, May 11th 2014
11 am: Hito Steyerl: Jounal No 1 – An Artist’s Impression + November
Film program and conversation with Hito Steyerl (videotape), curated by Klaas Dierks | Universität Bremen
2 pm: The Act of Killing
Film (Joshua Oppenheimer, DK/ NOR/ USA 2012, 159 Min.)
6 pm: The Halfmoon Files
Film (Philip Scheffner, D 2007, 87 Min.) and discussion with the filmmaker
8:15 pm: Quellen des Lebens
Film (Oskar Roehler, D 2013, 159 Min.)

CFP Conference Film and History May 2014
You are cordially invited to submit paper proposals for the 19th International Bremen Film Conference taking place from May 7-11th 2014 on “Film and History”. The submission deadline is 1st December 2013. The full Call for Papers is available here in German and English.
Information on studying in Latin America
We cordially invite interested students from all programs to an information session on possibilities of studying in Latin America. The meeting takes place on Tuesday, 19th November 2013 from 4:15 to 6pm in GW2 B2335a. You also find this information here.
Guest lecture “Malthusian Moments” on July 2 2013
We cordially invite you to a guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Thomas B. Robertson.
The lecture takes place on Tuesday, July 2nd from 4-6 pm in room GW2 B 3850.
You also find this information here.
Prof. Robertson teaches and conducts research at Worcester Polytecnic Institute, Massachusetts, USA, and will be speaking about “Malthusian Moments: American Environmentalists and Population Questions during the Cold War”.
Prof. Robertson is an environmental historian with a focus on the history of the United States and a special interest in the relation between the history of population politics and demography and environmental movements. He recently published a much acclaimed book on the neo-malthusian environmental movement in the 20th century United States.

Prof. Dr. Annick Foucrier holds guest lectureship in Bremen
Prof. Dr. Annick Foucrier will be visiting the working group “Latin American History” between May 13 and 18, 2013 as a guest lecturer. The expert on the history of migration in North America is the director of the Centre de Recherches d’Histoire Nord-Américaine at the Sorbonne (Paris 1).
Frau Prof. Foucrier will give three lectures on French emigration to the United States in the 19th and early 20th century. You are cordially invited.
- American Federal Censuses and French Immigrants in Chicago (1870-1930) on Tuesday, May 14, 2-4pm in room GW2 B 2235a
- Gender and Migrations: French-Born Women in the United States (1810-1930) on Wednesday, May 15, 12-2pm in room SFG 1080
- About the History of French Immigrants in the United States (1820-1930) on Thursday, May 16, 12:30-2pm in room GW2 B1150
Workshop: Recent Research on Colombian History after 1945
On Tuesday, January 15th 2013, the “Latin American History” invites to a workshop on Colombian History after 1945. The presentations will take place in GW2, room B 2860, from 10.00am to ca. 4.00pm.
To view the workshop schedule please click here. Prior registration with Teresa Huhle is requested.
2nd meeting of the ADLAF working group “Latin American History in Global Perspective”
At its second meeting, the working group “Latin American History in Global Perspective” will deal with the role of experts in the modernization efforts of Latin American states in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The production of expert knowledge took place in transnational settings characterized by power asymmetries, different national academic traditions, political circumstances and multiple histories of professionalization. Latin American societies were not mere receptors of North American and European expertise. Latin American experts actively took part in transnational transfers of knowledge and external expertise was always subject to complex adaptations in local contexts.
The working group’s second meeting will be held on 24-26 January 2013 at the Freie University Berlin, Institute for Latin American Studies. It will bring together the contributions by its members to the theme “Expert Knowledge in Latin American History. Local, Transnational and Global Perspectives (Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries)”. Furthermore we encourage the participation of historians of Latin America and other world regions whose research projects focus on expert knowledge.
Guest lecture on 26th of November 2012
On Monday, 26th November 2012, 2-4 pm, the AG Latin American History invites to a guest lecture by Dr.Ulrike Schmieder, Historical Department of the University Hannover.
The lecture on “Bevölkerungsentwicklung und Migration in der Karibik nach der Abolition der Sklaverei: Martinique und Kuba” will take place in SFG room 2040.
Prof. Dr. Chantal Cramaussel, Guest Lecturer at the University of Bremen
Prof. Dr. Chantal Cramaussel, professor at the Colegio de Michoacán, our mexican partner university, is the visiting DAAD Lecturer in Latin American History at the History Department of the University Bremen. Until december 2012 she will be teaching in Mexican Historical Demography, Colonial History and Ethnohistory. The exact description as well as the exact dates of the classes are offered here.
The working group Latin American History is looking forward to a productive knowledge exchange with Ms. Cramaussel!
The West or the Rest? Latin America’s Global Embeddedness in Historical Perspective
An International Workshop on “The West or the Rest? Latin America’s Global Embeddedness in Historical Perspective” will take place from 14th to 16th June 2012 at the Institute for Latin American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin. The conference will be held in English.
For the Workshop program and more information click here.
II. Meeting of the Working Group “Latin American History in Global Perspective” in January 2013
At its second meeting, the working group “Latin American History in Global Perspective” will deal with the role of experts in the modernization efforts of Latin American states in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
The working group’s second meeting will be held on 24-26 January 2013 at the Institute for Latin American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin. It will bring together the contributions by its members to the theme “Expert Knowledge in Latin American History. Local, Transnational and Global Perspectives (Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries)”. Furthermore we encourage the participation of historians of Latin America and other world regions whose research projects focus on expert knowledge.
The call for papers and more information are available here.
Lecture: Ensayo de reconstrucción de familias y dinámica demográfica de Antiguo Régimen, 1730-1820
On Tuesday, 14th February 2012, 11 am-1 pm, gives Ana Rosalía Aguilera Nuñez (Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México) a lecture on “La población de San Juan Teitipac, Oaxaca, México: Ensayo de reconstrucción de familias y dinámica demográfica de Antiguo Régimen, 1730-1820”. The presentation will take place in GW2 Room 2335a.
Workshop: Entangled Knowledge, Related Insights? The Transnational Transfer of Knowledge in the 20th Century II, 2nd February 2012
On Thursday, February 2nd the AG Latin American History in cooperation with Modern and Contemporary History of the History department invites to the second interdisciplinary workshop.
Presentations on the topic of “Entangled knowledge, related insights? The transnational transfer of knowledge in the 20th Century” will take place in GW2, room B 2770, from 09.30am to 4.15pm. Afterwards there will be room for discussion.
Prior registration with Ursula Meller is requested.
- 09:30 Eröffnung und Begrüßung: Delia González de Reufels, Universität Bremen
- 09:45 Für immer Indien. Fernreisen in der Jugendkultur Westeuropas und der USA in den langen 1960er Jahren: Isabel Richter, Universität Bremen
- 10:45 Europäischer Kunsttransfer: Die Novembergruppe als künstlerische Plattform der europäischen Avantgarde im Berlin der 1920er Jahre: Isabel Wünsche, Jacobs University Bremen
- 11:45 Kaffeepause
- 12:00 Die NS-Wirtschaftslenkung – ein Exportschlager?: Jaromír Balcar, Universität Bremen
- 13:00 Mittagessen und Kaffee
- 14:15 „Hybrid artefacts“: Die Kunst der sibirischen Völker am Amur und auf Sachalin im Blick des deutschen Orientalisten Berthold Laufer: Doris Kaufmann, Universität Bremen
- 15:15 Der Osten des Ostens. Zur Vielfalt slavischer Orientalismen: Wolfgang S. Kissel, Universität Bremen
- 16:15 Abschlussdiskussion und Kaffee
Workshop: Population in the 20th Century, 5th May, 2011
On Thursday, 5th May, 2011, the working group Latin American History invites to a workshop.
There will be presentations on the topic of “Population in the 20th Century. Global and Local Perspectives”. The workshop will take place in GW2, room B 2770, from 9.30am to 4 pm. Afterwards there will be room for discussion.
Prior registration with Annika Hartmann, M.A., is requested.
- 09:30 am Opening and Welcome: Delia González de Reufels, University Bremen
- 09:45 am „Population“ – Principles of the construction of a political subject: Thomas Etzemüller, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg
- 10:45 am The Medical Discovery of the Colombian “Population Problem” in the 1960s: Teresa Huhle, University Bremen
- 11:45 am „Plan Your Family – Plan Your Nation“ – Population Policy in Kenia (1965-1980s): Maria Dörnemann, Eberhard Karls University Tübingen
- 2 pm The “Third World” within their own country? Population policy in Oaxaca, Mexico (1960s-1980s): Mario Faust-Scalisi, University Bremen
- 3 pm The Failure of population policy programs: The debate on Haiti in the 1970s and 1980s: Delia González de Reufels, University Bremen
- 4 pm Final discussion
First meeting of the working group „Latin American History in Global Perspective“ in January 2011
Aiming to observe Latin American History in its global interdependence, the working group was founded in 2009 under the roof of ADLAF (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutsche Lateinamerikaforschung). Latin America is to be analyzed within the context of important global developments, processes of change and experiences since the mid-19th century. In the working group, counter movements, deliberate segregation and alternative concepts that are also characteristic for Latin America and thus undermine or even prevent global interdependences, should also be a topic.
The working group especially addresses historians and will constitute itself at the first meeting on January, 27th and 28th 2011 at the University of Bremen.
This meeting will be concerned with developing a work program for the group and identifying further possibilities for cooperation and networking. Furthermore already existing projects, as well as research projects that include perspectives in Global History will be introduced and discussed. Explicitly welcome are projects that examine the issues and difficulties of such an analysis or involve methodological considerations. ADLAF supports the meeting financially and it is open for all members of ADLAF.
Studying in Latin America and Spain, 14th December 2010
The event offered by the AG Latin American History in cooperation with the International Office of the University Bremen informs students on how to study at various Latin American and Spanish universities. Information that will be helpful for preparing, financing and realizing any study-related stays abroad will be provided. Finally students who have studied at universities in Mexico and Argentina will talk about their experiences.
Date: Tuesday, December 14th 2010
Time: 6.15 pm – 7.45 pm
Room: SFG 2010
Interested students from all BA and Master programs are welcome!
Workshop: Entangled Knowledge, Related Insights? The Transnational Transfer of Knowledge in the 20th Century, 9th December 2010
On Thursday, December 9th the AG Latin American History in cooperation with Modern and Contemporary History of the History department invites to an interdisciplinary workshop.
Presentations on the topic of “Entangled knowledge, related insights? The transnational transfer of knowledge in the 20th Century” will take place in GW2, room B 2770, from 10am to 4.30pm. Afterwards there will be room for discussion.
Prior registration with Ursula Meller is requested.
- 10:00 am Opening and Welcome: Delia González de Reufels, University Bremen
- 10:15 am Modernisation as a global practice. Transnational transfer of knowledge in the field of development and of development aid in the 20th Century: Corinna R. Unger, Jacobs University Bremen
- 11:15 am Agents of Modernity: Military inspectors, Military relationships and the transfer of knowledge in Chile and the United States: Delia González de Reufels, University Bremen
- 12:15 am Reading patterns of culture: Polynesian skin-marks as travellers through time, space and discourse: Doris Kaufmann, University Bremen
- 2:30 pm Transfer of art: Receptions of the French impressionism in Russia and its re-interpretation by the Avant-garde: Isabel Wünsche, Jacobs University Bremen
- 3:30 pm Civilizacija/Civilisation in post-Stalinist times (1954-1972): History of concepts, discourse analysis and entangled history: Wolfgang S. Kissel, University Bremen
- 4:30 pm Closing discussion