Instrument Database
Electron Microscopy
Spectra 300

General information
- Investigation area
- TechniquesTransmission Electron Microscopy
- ManufacturerThermoFisher Scientific
- Fabrication year2020
- Measured quantityMorphological quantities, Elemental distribution, Strain distribution
- Main application(Scanning) transmission electron microscopy
- In-situ, real-time compatibleYes
- Correlated workflow availableYes
Instrument specification
- Technical aspects
EDX detector, HAADF detector;
Tomography holder;
heating(RT-1000°C)/cooling(lN2-70°C) holder;
Electrical Biasing holder;
- In-situ capabilitiesTemperatures, Electrical biasing
- Correlated workflowCorrelation with FIB/SEM and any other technique that allows marking of specimen positions for FIB/SEM.
- Application scientistThorsten Mehrtens
Fachbereich 1
NW1, M4190
Phone number 042121862273
mehrtensprotect me ?!ifp.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de - Marco Schowalter
Fachbereich 1
NW1, M4180
Phone number 042121862263
schowalterprotect me ?!ifp.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de - Principal investigatorAndreas Rosenauer
Instrument location
- BuildingNW1
- RoomO0050
- FacultyFachbereich 1
- Institute UniversityIFP