Instrument Database
Cryo-static/dynamic testing HB100

General information
- Investigation area
- Techniquestensile test
- ManufacturerZwickRoell
- Fabrication year2022
- Measured quantityDetermination of stress-strain diagram, bending test, fracture mechanical properties (all up to 10K)
- Main applicationMechanical testing under cryogenic conditions up to 10K
Instrument specification
- Technical aspects
The servo-hydraulic testing machine allows static/dynamic testing in tension/compression direction. By means of an integrated flow cryostat, specimens can be cooled to temperatures down to 10 K by means of liquid helium. Tensile/compression tests and bending tests, among others, are possible by means of different specimen holders.
- Additional measurement possibilitiesTesting down to 10 K.
- Application scientistAndree Irretier
Fachbereich 4 , IWT
Phone number 0421 218 51419
irretierprotect me ?!mpa-bremenprotect me ?!.de - Principal investigatorRainer Fechte-Heinen
Instrument location
- BuildingMPA
- Room0190
- InstituteIWT