Module A-G
During the first term you will participate in two mandatory modules (A and B).
This eight week course (Module A) with theoretical and practical exercises on the basics of biochemistry, molecular cell biology and microbiology combines the modules "Biochemistry" and "Molecular Cell Biology". Especial emphasis will be to integrate the molecular aspects in these fields into a general understanding of chemical principles in living processes. During the first three weeks of theory (lectures with integrated exercises) the basics will be taught. The following four weeks are mainly dedicated to laboratory exercises (three days per week) with additional lectures and theoretical exercises. During the last week the knowledge and its application will be strengthened in further tutorials. Theoretical and lab exercises will be held in parallel groups. Module A consists of the following modules:
- Basics in biochemistry and molecular cell biology [PDF] (147 KB) (see topics and timetables)
- Methods in biochemistry and molecular cell biology [PDF] (147 KB) (see topics and timetables)
- Basics in biomolecular medicine [PDF] (158 KB)
You get 21 credit points for this module.
In the second mandatory module B, you will participate in one or two courses.
For the regular BMB curriculum you will attend bioorganic chemistry [PDF] (104 KB) or glycobiochemistry [PDF] (88 KB) or biophysics, [PDF] (100 KB) for the specialization "MicroSys" you will participate in two modules project management [PDF] (104 KB) and food microbiology [PDF] (147 KB) instead.
You get 9 credit points for this module.
The second term starts with Module C which consists of selected aspects of biochemistry and molecular biology [PDF] (146 KB). The lectues and exercises cover the following topics:
- cell biology
- molecular biology
- metabolism
- regulatory networks
- homeostasis
- protein folding
- sequence alignment creation and evaluation
- homology modelling
Requirements: "Basics in biochemistry and molecular biology" An oral exam covering the topics of this module will be held at the end of this module.
You get 6 credit points for this module.
In the second term, you can participate in the following modules which broaden and deepen the aspects of the modules taught in the first term:
- recombinant protein [PDF] (169 KB)
- intracellular targeting of proteins [PDF] (147 KB)
- electron transport [PDF] (147 KB)
- NMR: physical basics and biomedical applications [PDF] (116 KB)
- microbial biofilms [PDF] (22 KB)
- functional genomics of marine eukaryotes [PDF] (147 KB)
- Molecular mechanisms governing developmental decisions in flowering plants [PDF] (116 KB)
- Cell physiology of marine organisms; cellular energy budget and metabolic fingerprinting [PDF] (119 KB)
- bacterial genomics and biodiversity* [PDF] (147 KB)
- functional genomics of bacteria: RNA and microarray analysis* [PDF] (147 KB)
- development of microbial strains* [PDF] (104 KB)
* Theses modules can be chosen for regular BMB curriculum and have to be chosen for the specialization "MicroSys".
At the end, you should be able to strategically and experimentally tackle scientific problems in the field, and critically evaluate experiments.
You have to participate in three modules and for each module you get 6 credit points, i.e. you totally get 18 credit points for this module.
Two laboratory rotations
In the third term, you will participate in the work of two different research groups (which you can choose yourself), where you will gain knowledge about the scientific problems of the group, and the experimental techniques and approaches to tackle these problems. Each laboratory rotation [PDF] (146 KB)takes 9 weeks.
Alternatively, you can participate in the laboratory rotations between the first and second, and the second and third term, and thereby shorten the total time for getting your M.Sc. to three terms. However, only excellent students who obtain the grades 1.0 to 1.3 in the first module of the first semester (module A, biochemistry and molecular cell biology) are eligible for the accelerated track - see our examination regulations.
You get 12 credit points for each laboratory rotation and additionally 3 credit points for a workshop presentation, i. e. you totally get 27 credit points for this module.
Project Proposal
Module F is the project proposal [PDF] (147 KB). The project proposal consists of the following parts:
- seminar
- poster
- written project proposal
- defense of the proposa
You get 9 credit points for this module.
Master thesis and colloquium
In the fourth term, you will work on your master thesis and defend it. The thesis will take 24 weeks. (If you participate in the lab rotations between the terms, you will be able to work on your master thesis in the third term - see our examination regulations)
You get 30 credit points for this module.
Please note that you have officially to apply for admission to a master thesis. For the application you need the following:
- student status report [PDF] (39 KB) with all signatures and grades
- the certificate of the current enrolment
- our BMB form no. 1 [PDF] (471 KB), duly filled in and signed
Please turn over these documents to Mrs Bärbel Matthes, room A3310. She will forward them to the examination office. Mrs. Ernst from our examination office has the official lists of available supervisors, second referees and examiners.
Within short you will receive a letter (our BMB form no. 2 [PDF] (467 KB)) in which the examination office confirms your admission to the master thesis.
After having finished your master thesis you have to hand over three printed copies of your master thesis together with our BMB form no. 3 [PDF] (471 KB) to the examination office. Please be so kind as to give a further copy to the supervisor of your defense.
With our BMB form no. 4 [PDF] (471 KB)you must apply for admittance to the thesis defense. Your master defense has to take place at the latest four weeks after your two referees have handed over their reports to the examination office.
During your thesis defense your committee has to write the minutes (our BMB form no. 5) [PDF] (28 KB). After the defense the minutes must be forwarded to the examination office. Your final certificates will be officially handed over by the chairman or the vice chairman of the examination board.