Instrument Database

X-Ray Diffraction

Bruker D8 Venture Kappa-diffractometer

MAPEX Gerätedatenbank Logo

Allgemeine Informationen

  • Untersuchungsgebiete
  • Techniken
    Single-crystal X-ray Diffraction
  • Hersteller
  • Herstellungsjahr
  • Gemessene Größe
    Unit cell of single crystals; Orientation of single crystals; X-ray diffraction (XRD) data for single crystal structure analysis
  • Hauptanwendung
    Single crystal diffraction for crystal structure analysis
  • In-situ, real-time kompatibel

Spezifikationen des Geräts

  • Technische Aspkete

    Fast 4-circle Kappa-diffractometer with monochromatic Mo K_alppha radiation and 2D detector.
    Typically complete difraction data sets may be obtained for crystal structure analysis of single crystals of about 100-400 µm diameter.
    Determination of orientation only is also possible for large crystals up to several mm. Extremely small amounts of powder may be subjected to rotation measurements to achieve powder patterns (however, with rather low resolution in reflection widths) - usually use powder XRD for small samples due to better resolution.

  • In-situ-Möglichkeiten
    Typical single crystals may be subjected to non-ambient temperature from -100 to 1000°C.


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