Vacancies and Projects

PhD students and post-docs

We often have projects for interested post-graduate students or research assistants. The german academia system functions in a way that the Department or Faculty applies for funding for specific projects. As a consequence, the topic of the research project is already defined and cannot be chosen freely by the student (well, exceptions are of course possible). We try to accomodate the ideas, talents, and wishes of candidates in the project planning. If you are interested to work with us, either on your PhD student or as a research assitant, send us briefly your motivation together with your resume and an idea of your research interests.

You can always write us; currently, however, we are looking for students for the following projects (if the list is empty, this probably means we have no open projects or we are not yet in the phase of active searching ...)

There are several funding options for Post-Docs, however, most of our projects were planned for PhD students. We are very happy to help in writing a proposal for your own position (e.g., DFG) in our department. Of course, we welcome Post-Docs who would like to come to us on a research fellowship or stipend!


Dr. Michael Baune
UFT 2180
+49 421 218 63385
mbauneprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de



We are always looking for students who are interested to work in our deparment as student assistant. Depending on your interest and talent you can either work in the lab with coat, glasses and pipette or do programming work (or a mixture of both or something in between). The pay is alright and the atmosphere is very nice (you can ask several of our PhD students who started as student assistants and simply never left).

Intermittently, we are looking for students intersted in doing their Master's, Bachelor's or project thesis with us. If you are intersted, the easiest way is to write us a short email with your interests and strenghts.

Nevertheless, currently, we have the following projects (albeit this list being incomplete!):


Kevin Kuhlmann
UFT 2190
+49 421 218 63394
k.kuhlmannprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de