Instrument Database
Electron Microscopy
EM 900

General information
- Investigation area
- TechniquesTransmission Electron Microscopy
- ManufacturerZeiss
- Fabrication year1990
- Measured quantityMorphology
- Main applicationTransmission electron microscopy
Instrument specification
- Technical aspects
This is a simple TEM with up to 250.000 x magnification at 80 keV. Well suited for fast morphological characterization of nanostructured materials, microtome sections of biological material and similar use cases. The device is very easy to use and changing of samples is fast (1 min). No further features besides imaging.
- Application scientistMichael Maas
Fachbereich 4
Advanced Ceramics IW 3 / 2140
Phone number 042121864939
michael.maasprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de - Principal investigatorKurosch Rezwan
Instrument location
- GroupAdvanced Ceramics
- BuildingIW3
- Room2070
- FacultyFachbereich 4