Instrument Database
Surface Analytics
JPK Nanowizard III

General information
- Investigation area
- TechniquesAtomic Force Microscopy
- ManufacturerJPK Berlin Germany
- Fabrication year2012
- Main applicationSurface analysis, morphology of nanomaterials, interaction between biomolecules and interfaces.
Instrument specification
- Technical aspects
For solid sample, its surface should be flat with nanoscale roughness. The dimension can be 1cm*1cm or bigger. For the liquid sample like nanoparticles, the sample should be dropped onto a flat substrate like silica wafer or mica, and the sample can be measured after it is dried. For the force spectroscopy measurement, it is necessary to contact with Dr. Wei or Miss. Li before the experiments because there are special needs for the modification of substrates and AFM probes.
- Application scientistYendry Corrales Ureña
Fachbereich 4
Hybrid Materials Interfaces, TAB-Building, Room 3.35
Phone number 0421 218 64581
reginacoprotect me ?!hmi.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de - Lucio Colombi Ciacchi
Fachbereich 4
Hybrid Materials Interfaces, TAB-Building, Room 3.30
Phone number +49 421 218 64570
colombiprotect me ?!hmi.uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de - Principal investigatorLucio Colombi Ciacchi
Instrument location
- FacultyFachbereich 4
- Institute UniversityUFT