How do orchestra and choir work?

How can I participate?
Usually at the beginning of each new project, new members can join simply by coming to the first rehearsal without registering, provided they are members of the University, but in Winter 21/22 everyone, not only the players of instruments whose numbers are restricted (wood, brass, percussion) must contact the University Music in advance. In the orchestra, of course, mastery of the instrument is a prerequisite. If you want to sing in the choir, you need to be able to control your voice, to read music and have choir experience or other experience in making polyphonic music. Not only everyone who studies or works at the University is welcome, but also externals who are music fans. If you are not a member of the University, however, you must first contact the University Music . The orchestra and choir are open to everyone who enjoys playing music or singing and wants to contribute in a positive way.
Attendance at rehearsals
The first rehearsal is a “taster” session. Everyone who decides to continue is then expected to take part in the rehearsals on a regular basis—possibly missing a maximum of two rehearsals—and participating in the concerts. If you miss more than two rehearsals for very good reasons, you can explain these reasons to the Director, who then makes a decision based on the situation and possibly makes further participation dependent on conditions. Anyone who is absent from an ongoing project without giving valid reasons can be excluded from further participation in all future projects of the University Choir and Orchestra. The decision concerning who can participate in rehearsals and concerts rests always with the Director
Where and what is rehearsed? Where do i get the sheet music?
All rehearsals take place in the GW1 auditorium. To ensure that orchestra and choir can sit on suitable chairs, the seating for the orchestra or choir must be arranged before and after each rehearsal. The persons allocated this task must be available to start at 7.15pm. All other members of the orchestra and choir come at 7.20pm to be ready to start singing and playing punctually at 7.30pm. Details of which group is responsible for arranging the seating and what is to be rehearsed can be found in the rehearsal schedule under “Details” by clicking on the respective rehearsal date.
Sheet music is available from 7 pm in the foyer of the GW1 auditorium before the first rehearsal – for the choir members mostly for purchase; borrowed copies for the orchestra members. New members of the orchestra can also contact the University Music in advance to arrange how to obtain their copies.
Everybody is required to bring a pencil to all rehearsals, members of the orchestra have to bring music stands with them.