Winter Semester 2015/16

Max Bruch: "Odysseus - Szenen aus der Odyssee", op. 41
On 6th February 2016 orchestra and chorus took the listeners in the "Glocke" back to the time of the German Romantic Era. During the summer semester of 2014, the orchestra had already discovered the melodic power and musical depths of Max Bruch’s compositions while performing his 3rd Symphony. Now the chorus could take part in the enjoyment, as both ensembles performed together one of Bruch’s largest and most successful compositions from the 19th century: "Odysseus". This performance returned Bruch’s “Odyssey” to Bremen after a long hiatus. This oratorio has a deep and longstanding connection to Bremen: The composer originally dedicated it to the “Singacademie in Bremen" after the successful premiere in 1872.
For more details, see the German version. Listen to an example from the live-recording of the concert from the movement "Das Gastmahl bei den Phäaken" here.