Instrument Database

X-Ray Diffraction

X-ray powder diffractometer Stadi MP

MAPEX Gerätedatenbank Logo

Allgemeine Informationen

  • Untersuchungsgebiete
  • Techniken
    Powder X-ray Diffraction
  • Hersteller
    Stoe & Cie GmbH
  • Herstellungsjahr
  • Gemessene Größe
    X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns
  • Hauptanwendung
    Structure determination and refinement from temperature-dependent X-ray data
  • In-situ, real-time kompatibel

Spezifikationen des Geräts

  • Technische Aspkete

    Ge(111) monochromized Mo and Ag radiation

    Transmission (capillary and flat samples) and reflection geometry

    Dectris Mythen 1k linear detector (18° 2θ width) allowing for energy discrimination to suppress sample fluorescence and fast data collection for e.g. observation of reaction kinetics

  • In-situ-Möglichkeiten
    Stoe in-situ HT2 heating chamber allows for application of different gases while heating (300 K – 1873 K); Anton Paar HTK-1200 N heating chamber (300 K - 1200 K) for TD reflection and transmission measurements; Oxford Cryosystems PheniX He-closed cycle cooling chamber (12 K – 310 K)



  • Gruppe
  • Gebäude
  • Raum
  • Fachbereich
    Fachbereich 2
Aktualisiert von: MAPEX