Application & Starting Studies

Entry requirements
To study law at the University of Bremen you require the general higher education entrance qualification or an equivalent qualification. It is also possible to enrol for trial studies, in particular if you do no have a university entrance qualification (as yet). Further information about trial studies at the University of Bremen can be found here.
The admission to law studies will be granted after the application procedure has been concluded at the beginning of the winter semester. Admission to the law programme is restricted; there is a selection procedure. Further information on the admission procedure at the University of Bremen can be found here.
Applications should b submitted to the central Application portal of the University of Bremen.
Orientation Week
At the beginning of the winter semester, the Faculty of Law offers an Orientation Week programme. This takes place a week before the start of the lecture period. Students are accompanied for a week by tutors studying in a higher semester and provided with all information required for a successful start of studies.
Just before and during the Orientation Week further information can be found on the Instagram-Account for First Semesters of the Faculty of Law at the University of Bremen.
Visit the Uni-Start-Portal.