News Archive

Bibliothek Institut für Handelsrecht

The Institute of Commercial Law thanks Bremen lawyers RMK - Rosenboom Menges Klindwort for their support

The Institute of Commercial Law thanks Bremen lawyers RMK - Rosenboom Menges Klindwort for their generous support in furnishing the Institute library with a large conference table and chairs.

Inner courtyard

Research excellence at the new location

Research at international top level is carried out at Forum am Domshof - this is result of the current Times Higher Education ranking.

Group photo at the port

Excursion to Neustädter Hafen

On 13th January 2025, an excursion to the port with the harbour police took place as part of the lecture series "Water Legislation" of Prof. Dr. Katharina Reiling.

Professor Viellechner

5th YUFE Law Conference at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń/Poland

On 15/16 May 2024, the 5th Law Conference of the European university alliance YUFE (Young Universities for the Future of Europe) took place at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń/Poland.

Good and bad practices in European Housing Law and Policy

From 21-22 November 2024, the Universities of Groningen and Bremen hosted an international conference on ‘Good and bad practices in European Housing Law and Policy’.

ZERP Colloquium on 27 November 2024, 6:00 p.m.

Lecture and discussion with PD Dr. Kolja Möller

In guter Verfassung? 75 Jahre Grundgesetz

Fifth Bremen Talks on the Constitutional State on 6 December 2024 in Bremen

Group photo doctoral awards ceremony

Doctoral Awards Ceremony 2024

On 19 November 2024, this year's doctoral awards ceremony of the Faculty of Law took plance in the Kaminsaal of Bremen Town Hall.

Lecture: Die EU der Zukunft: Größer, flexibler und effizienter?

Lecture by Prof. Dr. Christian Calliess LL.M. Eur (FU Berlin), followed by discussion, 6:00-8:00 p.m. in room 40010.

Prof. Dr. Abbo Junker

Bigas Invites to a Lecture on 27 November (Wednesday) at 5:00 p.m. s.t.

Professor Dr. Abbo Junker (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich) will talk about repayment clauses for education and payment in employment contracts (in German).

Participants of the area of specialisation

Field of Specialisation Labour and Social Security visits 74th German Jurist Forum in Stuttgart

From 24 - 27 December 2024, the Field of Specialisation Labour and Social Security had the pleasure to take part in the 74th German Jurist Forum (DJT) in Stuttgart.

Bürgermeister Bovenschulte hält eine Rede anlässlich der Eröffnung der Uni Bremen in der City / Jura Fachbereich

Mayor Bovenschulte Welcomes the First Semesters

On 7 October, the Mayor and President of the Senate Dr. Andreas Bovenschulte, himself a gradudate of the Faculty, welcomed the new first semesters at Forum at Domshof.

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Coffee Lectures at Domshof

The Faculty presents itself, on Wednesdays, 11.00 a.m., Forum at Domshof.

Orientation Week 2024

The Orientation Week for the winter semester 2024/25 takes place from 7 - 11 October.

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Summer Party of the Institute of Commercial Law

On 26 June 2024, of the Institute of Commercial Law celebrated its traditional summer party.

Maternity Protection for the Self-Employed

Maternity protection for the self-employed is the subject of two events this week, in which Professor Dr. Ursula Rust is taking part.

Group photo graduates

Graduation ceremony 2024

On 28 June, 65 graduates together with their families and friends attended the annual graduation ceremony of the Faculty.

Group photo on the beach

Seminar on Sylt

The summer seminar of the field of specialisation "Climate – Environment – Sea“ took place from 5 - 8 July on Sylt.

Justus-Liebig Moot Court-Team mit Coach im Gerichtslabor der Universität Bremen

Team of the University of Bremen for the Justus-Liebig Moot Court reaches the final rounds

This year, for the second time, the team of the Faculty of Law at the University of Bremen reached the final rounds of the Justus-Liebig Moot Court in Giessen.

Award of prize

VIR Summer Party

As every year, the summer party of the Association for Infrastructure Law took place at the Institut Français on Contrescarpe, on 19 June 2024.


Seminar "Mergers & Acquisitions: Cycle of a corporate transaction"

On 28.6.2024, the block event of this year's seminar in the university elective "International and European Business Law" took place. The topic was: "Mergers & Acquisitions: Cycle of a corporate transaction".

Group photo conference

International Conference on "Informed Consent to Dispute Resolution Agreements"

On Thursday and Friday, 20-21 June 2024, Prof. Dr. Gralf-Peter Calliess and Dr. Nicholas Mouttotos convened an international conference on the topic of Informed Consent to Dispute Resolution Agreements.

Participants in Leipzig

Field of Specialisation „Climate – Environment – Oceans“ at the Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig

On 12 June 2024, the Field of Specialisation „Climate – Environment – Oceans“ visited the Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig.

Sebastian Kolbe

Lecture: „Differenzierungsmöglichkeiten bei Nachtarbeitszuschlägen in Tarifverträgen“

Today at 5:00 p.m., Prof. Kolbe will hold a lecture at Deutscher Arbeitsgerichtsverband e.V. at the regional conference Bremen at the Arbeitnehmerkammer.


buten un binnen | regionalmagazin of 6 June 2024

At the Centre of European Law and Politics at Bremen University, legal issues and problems relating to Europe have been examined and researched since 1982.

Presentation of the Reader "Unrecht mit Recht?"

On 11 June 2024, we invite to a presentation of the reader project "Unrecht mit Recht?"!

Film Screening

The film is about the unlawful detention of Murat Kurnaz in the US detentiion camp Guantánamo and the case for his release which was brought before the Supreme Court in Washington DC.

Information Event for Prospective Students

Information day with study counselling and talks with students for those interested to study at Bremen University

Prof. Dr. Pia Lange

The European Election in June: why we should vote

Pia Lange on the importance of the European Parliament and the national governments' habit of blaming Brussels

ZERP Colloquium on 7 June 2024, 4:00 p.m.

Lecture and discussion with Prof. Dr. Marcelo Neves "The challenge of transdemocracy"

ZERP Colloquium on 22 May 2024, 6:00 p.m.

Book presentation and discussion with Prof. Dr. Jürgen Neyer "Europa im Unfrieden"

Climate Senior Women

Climate Lawsuits - What is going to happen next?

On Friday, 14 June 2024, 10.00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Prof. Dr. Claudio Franzius, Dr. Roda Verheyen and Prof. Dr. Gerd Winter will host an event on climate lawsuits in the FEU library (B 2245).

Female Future Docs Information sheet

Doctorate and academia – the right choice for me?

Within the framework of "Female Future Docs", young researchers present their thesis subject and talks about their path to a doctorate. Which subject inspired them? Which formal requirements have to be observed? Which obstacles have to be overcome?

ICtDRA Conference

On 20-21 June 2024 Gralf-Peter Calliess and Nicholas Mouttotos of the Institute for Commercial Law of the University of Bremen convene a transatlantic conference on ‘Informed Consent to Dispute Resolution Dispute Agreements’ in Bremen.

Students at the Federal Social Court

Excursion to the Federal Social Court

On 28 February 2024, students of the field of specialisation "Labour and Social Law in the International and Supranational Context" accompanied by Prof. Dr. Angie Schneider went on an excursion to the Federal Social Court.

Speakers at the conference

Women Lawyers at the Universities – Gender Law in Research and Teaching

From 15 to February 2024, the conference "Women Lawyers at the Universities – Gender Law in Research and Teaching" took place at Haus der Wissenschaft in Bremen.

Präsentation im Hörsaal

Constitutional Moot Court

When the fundamental rights lecture turns into a hearing before the Federal Constitutional Court

Thomas Streinz

"Evolution of European Data Protection Law"

Guest lecture by Thomas Streinz of the NYU School of Law within the framework of the seminar "European Administrative Law" of interim professor Andrej Lang

Participants of the Faculty

9th Moot Court at the Federal Labour Court

On 18 January 2024, the 9th Moot Court of the Federal Labour Court took place in Erfurt, with three teams of Bremen University participating.

Research assistants at the protest

Research assistants take a stand against right-wing extremism

Research assistants of the Faculty of Law joined the protest "Loud Against the Right" on 21 January 2024 in Bremen to take a stand for democratic coexistence.

Participants of the conference

Gerd Winter in Seoul

On 29 November, the South Korean Justice Research and Training Center (JRTC) in Seoul organised a conference on two “paradigm shifts” for the legal order, i.e. artificial intelligence and climate change.

Promotionsfeier 2023

Doctoral Awards Ceremony 2023

On 23 November 2023, the annual doctoral awards ceremony of the Faculty of Law took place in the Kaminsaal of Bremen Town Hall.

Professor Viellechner at the award ceremony

Berninghausen Prize for Excellence in Teaching awarded to Prof. Dr. Lars Viellechner

On 29 November 2023, Prof. Dr. Lars Viellechner was awarded the Berninghausen Prize for Excellence in Teaching.

Professor Calliess and Professor Joerges

Conference Economic Law and Political Economy

The Conference „Economic Law and Political Economy" was held on the occasion of the 80th birthday of Prof. Christian Joerges (Emeritus Professor Hertie School Berlin and Emeritus Professor Bremen) on 11 November 2023.

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Inaugural and Valedictory Lectures

On 10 November, the valedictory lecture of Prof. Dr. Ursula Rust and the inaugural lectures of Prof. Dr. Angie Schneider and Prof. Dr. Jörg Schnitzler took place at the University of Bremen.

VIR Tagung

VIR Annual Conference 2023

This year's Annual Conference of the Association for Infrastructure Law (VIR) took place on 16 November 2023.

New Field of Specialisation “Transnational Law”

The first and only of this kind in Germany! Join now for summer term 2024!

Julia Genuss

The Faculty welcomes Professor Dr. Julia Geneuss

The Faculty of Law is pleased to welcome newly appointed Professor Dr. Julia Geneuss.

Panel discussion

7th Bremen Conference on Maritime Law

On 26 and 27 October, the Research Association for Maritime Law organised the 7th Bremen Conference on Maritime Law.

Training at Loyforth Office

Moot Court Teams at LOYFORT

On 24 October 2023, the teams of the University of Bremen were received by Dr. Amel Sarić at the office of LOYFORT lawyers in the Bremen-Überseestadt for the Moot Court at the Federal Labour Court in January 2024.

Logo Forschungsstelle für Tierschutzrecht

No Trivial Offence: Further Training on Protection of Species Law

First training on species protection law for legal practitioners in Germany

Prof. Dr. Pia Lange

Election of Prof. Dr. Pia Lange to the Constitutional Court

The Faculty is pleased to announce that Professor Dr. Pia Lange was elected as member of the Bremen Constitutional Court for the 21st legislative period on12 October 2023.

Pia Lange und Lars Viellechner at the Representative Office

4th Bremen Talks on the Constitutional State at the Bremen Representative Office in Berlin

On 14 and 15 September 2023, the 4th Bremen Talks on the Constitutional State took place at the Bremen Representative Office in Berlin, on the topic of "Opinions and Judgments: End of Freedom of Expression or Start of the Debate".

Visit to the Federal President's Office

ZERP Visit at the Federal President's Office

On 13 September 2023, the work groups of Prof. Dr. Pia Lange and Prof. Dr. Lars Viellechner visited the official residence of the Federal President in Berlin, Bellevue Palace.

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The Faculty welcomes newly appointed Prof. Dr. Katharina Reiling

Katharina Reiling has been appointed as professor of public law, in particular administrative law, international law and maritime law.

Audience at the Bremen Insolvenzrechtstag

Bremen Insolveny Law Day 2023

On 1 September 2023, the Bremen Insolvency Law Day took place.

Conference Maritime Law

7th Bremen Conference on Maritime Law on 26/27 October 2023

The 7th Conference on Maritime Law is concerned with two highly topical subjects: autonomous navigation and the resilience of maritime infrastructures.

Group in front of the Bunker

FEU Excursion to Bunker Valentin

With Anna Himmelskamp returning to the FEU from maternity and parental leave, this year's FEU excursion to Bunker Valentin took place on 3 August 2023.

Delegation Kültür University of Instanbul

Delegation of Istanbul Kültür University visits the Faculty of Law

As part of a DAAD study trip, a delegation from Istanbul Kültür University visited the Faculty of Law. They were interested in the new Master's program “Transnational Law” and future possibilities to cooperate.

Participants of the seminar on the beach

Seminar on Langeoog

The Research Centre for European Environmental Law (FEU) organised a seminar on "Climate Litigation Cases in Comparison) on the North Sea island Langeoog from 17 to 21 July 2023, sponsored by the Bremen lawyer firm BBG and Partners.

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New Field of Specialisation “Transnational Law”

You may still join in the winter term 2023–2024!

Professor Franzius and Michelle Radvan

Summer Party of the Association for Infrastructure Law (VIR)

On 8 June 2023, the VIR summer party took place at the Institut français.

Lecture Hall Faculty of Law

Introduction of an Integrated Bachelor Degree Programme within the Framework of the State Examination: Successful Expert Visit at the Faculty!

In accordance with the principle of "one examination regulation, two degrees", the Faculty of Law is planning to introduce an integrated Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) degree programme as part of the law study programme with the First Law Examination (state examination) as of winter semester 2024/25.

Event Poster

7x7 Minutes Vol. 2 on 03 July 2023, 17:30 p.m.

On 3 July 2023, 17:30 p.m., Fachschaft Jura Bremen together with Frauen im Recht present the second round of "7x7 Minutes"!

ZERP Colloquium on 5 July 2023, 6:00 p.m.

Book presentation and discussion with Prof. Dr. Pia A. Lange, LL.M.

Poster with information on the event from the text

Female Future Docs on 27 June 2023

The series "Female Future Docs“ initiated in April in cooperation with Deutscher Juristinnenbund continues with another event.

Lecture by Professor Grimm

ZERP Colloquium with Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Dieter Grimm on 31 May 2023

On 31 March 2023, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Dieter Grimm, former judge at the Federal Constitutional Court, was a guest in Bremen.

Women's representatives

Women's Assembly of the Faculty

The Women's Assembly of the Faculty of Law took place on 1 June.

Presentation of the certificate

Prof. Herzog celebrates 40th Anniversary at the University

A very special item on the agenda of the Professorium today: on behalf of the Mayor Dr. Andreas Bovenschulte, the Dean Prof. Dr. Gralf Callies paid tribute and expressed his thanks to Prof. Dr. Felix Herzog for 40 years of work in the public service.

Lecture by Prof. Dr. Ulrich Mückenberger

On 23 May 2023, 6:30 p.m., the Arbeitnehmerkammer Bremen and the Juristische Gesellschaft Bremen e.V.are hosting a lecture by Prof. Dr. Ulrich Mückenberger entitled "Zwischen Normalarbeitsverhältnis und (neuer) Selbstständigkeit: Arbeitnehmerbegriff im Umbruch".

Poster Facuty Career Day

Faculty hosts a Faculty Career Day Law at the University of Bremen

On 25 May, the first Bremen Faculty Career Day Law takes place on the ground floor of Block B, GW1 (former Bio Biss) from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Lecture Hall Faculty of Law

Faculty of Law in the current CHE-Ranking

The results of the student survey within the framework of the current CHE ranking prove that that the faculty’s targeted efforts to improve the study situation have been successful.

ZERP Colloquium on 31 May 2023, 6:00 p.m.

Lecture and discussion with Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Dieter Grimm, LL.M. Registration by email:

ZERP Colloquium - Launch Event on 26 April 2023, 6:00 p.m.

Book presentation and discussion with Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Christian Joerges, followed by reception. Registration per email:


Restorative Justice and Criminal Justice - a Contradiction?

On 25 April 2023, 4:00-6:00 p.m., Dr. Clivia von Dewitz will hold a lecture on "Restorative Justice and Criminal Justice - a Contradiction?" in the Gerichtslabor.

Poster of the event

Female Future Docs

In cooperation with Deutscher Juristinnenbund (djb), the Fachschaft Jura Bremen has recently initiated the series of events "Female Future Docs", intended exclusively for FLINTA*.

Prof. Dr. Laura Neumann

The Faculty welcomes newly appointed Prof. Dr. Laura Neumann

The Faculty is pleased to announce that Frau Prof. Dr. Laura Neumann will join the lecturing staff from the summer semester 2023.

Information on the JAPG Amendment 2023

As of 1 April 2023, the Amendment of the Bremen Legal Education and First Law Examination Act enters into force. This is of importance not only for new students but, in some cases, also for those who were admitted to the course of study under the JAPG of 2003.

9th Moot Court Labour Law in the Winter Semester 2023/24

Dear friends of labour law, in the winter semester 2023/2024, the Federal Labour Court will once again host a labour law moot court in Erfurt.

Professors Schneider and Kolbe

First Workshop of the Working Group Labour Law in Bremen

On 22 March 2023 (4 p.m., Room 129, Arbeitnehmerkammer, Bürgerstraße 1) the newly founded Working Group Labour Law invited to a first workshop.

Yufe Logo

YUFE Law Conference in Rijeka

Prof. Dr. Gralf-Peter Calliess, Prof. Dr. Pia Lange and Prof. Dr. Lars Viellechner participated in the 3rd YUFE Law Conference, which took place at the University of Rijeka in Croatia on 23 and 24 June 2022.

ZERP Directors

New Board of Directors of the Centre of European Law and Politics

On 1st December 2022, Prof. Dr. Pia Lange and Prof. Dr. Lars Viellechner became members of ZERP. Together with Prof. Dr. Christian Joerges and Prof. Dr. Christoph Schmid, they form the new Board of Directors of ZERP.

Guest Lecture Prof. Yoshiki Kurumisawa (Tokio) "Individuelles Eigentum statt Privateigentum" Tuesday, 7 March 2023, 2:00 p.m. FEU Library (B 2245)

Attempt at a concept of ownership adapted to a sustainable society Yoshiki Kurumisawa is Professor for Sociology of Law at the Waseda Universität Tokyo.

11th World Congress of Constitutional Law

Professors Pia Lange and Lars Viellechner from Bremen University at the 11th World Congress of Constitutional Law in Johannesburg. 11th World Congress of Constitutional Law: Constitutional Transformations, University of Johannesburg/South Africa, 5 – 9 December 2022

Presentation of the certificate to Antje Kautz

Congratulations on 25 Years of Service

On 1 September 2022, Antje Kautz was able to look back to 25 years in the public service.

Carla Hinrichs

Last Generation - Why climate protection is needed now and what we are doing for it - presentation and discussion on 31 January 2023, 2 p.m., GW1 – HS 1010

Carla Hinrichs is an activist, spokewoman of the initiative „Last Generation" and law student at the University of Bremen.

Presentation of the certificate

Appointment of Dr. Jörg Schnitzler as Honorary Professor

The Faculty is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Jörg Schnitzler as Honorary Professor for social law.

Dead lynx

2nd Virtual Expert Conference on Species Protection Law a Great Success!

On Friday, 16 December 2022, the Second Virtual Expert Conference on Species Protection Law took place.

Lecture hall

Dies Academicus

This year's Dies Academicus took place at the Faculty of Law on 7 December. Lectures and events on this day included the presentation of the areas of specialisation, exam preparation and the prospect of an amendment of the JAPG, which is expected in the next year.

Doctoral graduation ceremony

Doctoral Awards Ceremony 2022

On 24 November, this year's Doctoral Awards Ceremony of the Faculty of Law took place at Bremen Town Hall, in the impressive Fireplace Room.

Lecture hall

Dies Academicus 2022

Once a year, the University of Bremen organises a  Dies Academicus with lectures and discussions on a range of subjects concerning teaching and studying, which take place centrally and at the faculties. There are no regular lectures on this day.


International Academy of Comparative Law: General Report on the Liability of Credit Rating Agencies

The XXIth World Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law was held in Asunción, Paraguay, from October 23 to 28, 2022. Patrick C. Leyens has been appointed general rapporteur of the XXVIth section on „The Liability of Credit Rating Agencies".

Welcoming address of the dean

Welcoming Address at the Constitutional Law Scholars Conference

From 5 to 7 October, the 81st Annual Conference of the Association of German Constitutional Law Scholars took place in Bremen.

Welcoming Address of the Dean of Studies for the Winter Semester 2022/23 and Information on the Orientation Week

As Dean of Studies, I would like to welcome you at beginning of your studies at the Faculty of Law at the University of Bremen!

Conference organisers

Zero-Emission Mobility

This was the subject of the Annual Conference of the Association for Infrastructure Law (VIR), which took place at the Haus der Bürgerschaft on 8. September 2022.

Poem alternatives for Germany, interdisciplinary project “One university, one book”

In the winter semester, an interdisciplinary course is offered in this context as part of General Studies (supplementary studies, studium generale). The course with the number 10-GS-2-05 can be found (in Stud.IP of course and) in the university-wide supplementary studies / studium generale /…

Group photo graduates

Graduation ceremony and summer party 2022

On 15 July, the graduates of the First Law Examination of August 2021 and February 2022 were presented with their diplomas at a formal graduation ceremony.


Theodor Körner Award (Stefan Heiss)

Stefan Heiss has received the Theodor Körner Award for his dissertation project.


"Rights of Nature and Human Rights" by Augustín Grijalva Jiménez

On Wednesday, July 20 at 5 p.m., former Ecuadorian constitutional judge Agustín Grijalva Jiménez will give a lecture on Rights of Nature and Human Rights at the department.

Justus Liebig Moot Court Team
Fachbereich 6 - Rechtswissenschaft|

Successful participation of the Faculty in the Justus-Liebig Moot Court

The Faculty of Law of Bremen University took part in the Justus-Liebig Moot Court for the first time this year.

Ladestation Elektroauto

Annual Conference of the Association for Infrastructure Law (VIR) at the Haus der Bürgerschaft on 8. September 2022

The Conference deals with legal and practical questions regarding the conversion to zero-emission mobility in public transport and motorised individual transport.

Dean and Professor Buchner with guests from Tanzania

Guest researchers from Tanzania at the Faculty of Law

The Dean and Prof. Dr. Benedikt Buchner (IGMR) welcome guests from Tanzania. Prof. Dr. Alex Makulilo from the Open University of Tanzania and his colleagues Dr. Rindstone Ezekiel und Dr. Doreen Mwmalangala visit the University Bremen for an Institute meeting at the Faculty of Law.

YUFE Law Conference Proceedings on SSRN

The papers of the first YUFE Law Conference 2021, which was hosted by the Faculty of Law of the University of Bremen, are now available on SSRN.

Summer party of the Faculty on 15 July, from 5:30 p.m. onwards

All students and Faculty members are invited!

Fachbereich 6 - Rechtswissenschaft|

FEU: Seminar on Spiekeroog

From 7 to 10 June 2022 the Research Centre for European Environmental Law and international law firm McDermott Will & Emery organised a seminar on „Environmental law and Public Economic Law“ at the isle of Spiekeroog.

NFDI4Health Task Force COVID-19 Symposium

On 13 June 2022, the NFDI4Health Task Force COVID-19 hosts a symposium in Bremen.

Lecture series "Small conferences: non-violent work - work in the future – in times of demographic change"

On Monday, 13 June, the four-part lecture series "Small conferences: non-violent work - work in the future – in times of demographic change" starts in GW1, H1000, within the framework of the interdisciplinary WoC research lab "Violence, Age and Gender".

CAMPUS PRIZE for legal scholar and biology didactics scholar

The dissertation of Andreas Gutmann was awarded the Campus Prize Research for a Sustainable Future.

Vis Moot Team of the Faculty of Law receives “Honorable Mention” for Memorandum of Claimant

The Vis Moot team 2021/22 of the Faculty of Law of the University of Bremen received an “Honorable Mention” for the “Best Written Memorandum for Claimant” at the 19th Willem C. Vis East International Commercial Arbitration Moot (Vis East Moot).

Pia Lange

The Faculty welcomes newly appointed Prof. Dr. Pia A. Lange (UCT)

The Faculty is pleased to announce that Prof. Dr. Pia A. Lange, LL.M. (UCT) will join the lecturing staff in the summer semester. Prof. Lange has taken on a professorship for public law, European law, social law as well as gender and diversity dimensions in law.

Award of the Federal Cross of Merit to Prof. Dian Schefold

The Bremen legal scholar Prof. Dr. Dian Schefold was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit on 7 February 2022. On behalf of the Federal President, he was presented with it by Mayor Dr. Andreas Bovenschulte during a ceremony at the City Hall.

Gold Medal of Tbilissi University for Professor Rolf Knieper

Professor Rolf Knieper - a university lecturer at the Faculty of Law of the University of Bremen until 2006 - has been awarded the Gold Medal of Tbilisi State University. This is the highest award that the university in the Georgian capital can bestow.

Dr. Raphael Korbmacher has joined the Faculty's Study Centre team

We are pleased that Dr. Raphael Korbmacher joined the Study Centre team of the Faculty of Law on 1 October 2021.

Fachbereich 6 - Rechtswissenschaft|

"Lets talk about science" - An Interview with Prof. Dr. Claudio Franzius

„Let’s talk about science“ – this is the title of a series of TV talks presenting the different faculties of the University of Bremen produced by students of the university.

The Faculty welcomes the newly appointed Prof. Dr. Angie Schneider at BIGAS

The Faculty is pleased to announce that Prof. Dr. Angie Schneider has joined the team of lecturers in the winter semester 2021/2022. Prof. Dr. Schneider has taken up a professorship for civil law, in particular family law, labour and social law as well as gender studies.

Dies Academicus

This year's "Dies Academicus" will take place on Wednesday, 1 December 2021, at the Faculty of Law.

University Fair „Studies and Internships Abroad“

The International Office has organised an online "Fair for Studies and Internships Abroad" from Monday, 15 November, to Wednesday, 17 November 2021.

Überreichung der Urkunde

Dr. Dennis-Kenji Kipker new Honorary Professor at the HSB

Dr. Dennis-Kenji Kipker has been appointed as Honorary Professor for IT Security Law at the Bremen City University of Applied Sciences from 1 October 2021.

Fachbereich 6 - Rechtswissenschaft|

Faculty of Law participates for the first time in the “Hans Soldan Moot Court” on German private law

The Hans Soldan Moot Court (Soldan Moot) is the largest student competition on German private and civil procedural law as well as attorney law in Germany. It takes place once a year in Hanover. For the first time, the University of Bremen has sent a team to the competition. The competition is a…

6th Bremen Conference on Maritime Law Haus Schütting Bremen, 28/29 October 2021

Our world is becoming more unpredictable and complex. Achieving economic success without taking into account the resulting environmental consequences is no longer acceptable.

Fachbereich 6 - Rechtswissenschaft|

Interview with the Mayor

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the University, the Faculty of Law conducted an interview with the Mayor of the City of Bremen, Dr. Andreas Bovenschulte, a graduate of the Faculty, which was presented to the Rector of the University Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Scholz-Reiter on 6 Septbemer 2021.…