Instrument Database
3D Materials Analytics
Xradia 520 Versa

General information
- Investigation area
- Techniques3D X-ray Microscopy
- ManufacturerZEISS
- Fabrication year2016
- Measured quantityTrue 3D spatial arrangement of X-ray absorption in the sample
- Main applicationNon-destructive testing, characterization of the 3D microstructure of industrial or geologic materials, biologic tissues etc.
- In-situ, real-time compatibleYes
- Correlated workflow availableYes
Instrument specification
- Technical aspects
two-stage geometric and optical magnification based on high resolution optics, (0.4X, 4X and 20X objectives) to provide submicron resolution at large working distances, for a large range of sample sizes
diffraction contrast tomography for unlocking crystallographic information (mapping of grain orientations)
flexible, high contrast imaging for challenging materials—low atomic number (low Z) materials, soft tissue, polymers, fossilized organisms encased in amber, and other materials of low contrast
in-situ-stage to characterize the microstructure of materials in native-like environments (under variation of pressure, tensile or temperature) as well as the evolution of properties over time (4D)
- In-situ capabilitiesMechanical in-situ test stage
- Correlated workflowA correlated workflow from XRM to SEM (Auriga 40, IMSAS) in terms of sample positioning / localized analyses is possible via the Atlas software (ZEISS)
- Application scientistWolf-Achim Kahl
MAPEX Center for Materials and Processes
GEO-Building / Room 5070
Phone number +49 421 218 65408
wakahlprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de - Principal investigatorLucio Colombi Ciacchi
Instrument location
- BuildingLION
- Room0201