Instrument Database
Surface Analytics
Dimension Icon XR

General information
- Investigation area
- TechniquesAtomic Force Microscopy
- ManufacturerBruker
- Fabrication year2021
- Measured quantityRMS, surface morphology
- Main applicationMeasuring of surface morphology
Instrument specification
- Technical aspects
Features of the AFM: ScanAsyst, DCUBE-TUNA, DCUBE-SCM, FAST TAPPING, KPFM, NanoLithography, NanoMan, NanoScope Realtime, PeakForce QNM, Ramp&Hold
- Application scientistEickhoff, Martin
Fachbereich 1
NW1 M4070 Institut für Festkörperphysik
Phone number 0421 218 62220
martin.eickhoffprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de - Hinz, Alexander
Fachbereich 1
NW1 M4100 Institut für Festkörperphysik
Phone number 0421 218 62216
ahinzprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de - Principal investigatorEickhoff, Martin
Instrument location
- GroupAG Festkörpermaterialien
- BuildingNW1
- RoomO0070
- FacultyFachbereich 1
- Institute UniversityIFP