X-Ray Diffraction Highlights

The Picture of Synthesis and characterization of (Pb1−xSr x )MnBO4: a structural and spectroscopic study (2024)
Materials Modelling| X-Ray Diffraction|

Synthesis and characterization of (Pb1−xSr x )MnBO4: a structural and spectroscopic study

Carla M, Uribe-Rincon, M Mangir Murshed, Thorsten M. Gesing

Journal of Crystallography - Crystalline Materials 239 (2024): 3-4


The presence of  ns 2  stereo-chemical active lone electron pairs (LEPs) causes asymmetric atomic environments around a given  p

Figure from the publication
Materials Modelling| X-Ray Diffraction|

Halide-sodalites: thermal behavior at low temperatures and local deviations from the average structure

Marius Wolpmann, Martin Etter, Andrea Kirsch, Filippo Balzaretti, Wilke Dononelli, Lars RobbenThorsten M. Gesing

Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - Crystalline Materials 238 (2023): 27 - 38


Sodalites of the general type |Na8X2|[T1T2O4]6 with X = Cl−, Br−,…

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Correlated Workflows| In-situ, real-time investigations| X-Ray Diffraction| Spectroscopy| Electron Microscopy|

On red tin (II) oxide: temperature-dependent structural, spectroscopic, and thermogravimetric properties

Sarah Wittmann,  M. Mangir MurshedThorsten M. Gesing

Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 648 (2022): e20220031


Polycrystalline red tin(II)oxide (RSO) has been synthesized by a fast reflux method. X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) data Rietveld refinement confirms the…

Correlated Workflows| In-situ, real-time investigations| X-Ray Diffraction|

Effects of iron substitution and anti-site disorder on crystal structures, vibrational, optical and magnetic properties of double perovskites Sr2(Fe1−xNix)TeO6

Asmaa Zaraq, Duncan H. Gregory, Brahim Orayech, Josu M. Igartua,Abdeslam El Bouari,James D. Eales, Paul A. Binghamand Thorsten M. Gesing

Dalton Transactions 45 (2022): 4086


The double-perovskite series, Sr2(Fe1−xNix)TeO6 (x = 0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, and 1) has…

The İmage of Nano-crystalline precursor formation, stability, and transformation to mullite-type visible-light photocatalysts (2022)
X-Ray Diffraction| Spectroscopy|

Nano-crystalline precursor formation, stability, and transformation to mullite-type visible-light photocatalysts

Thorsten M. GesingM. Mangir Murshed, Selina Schuh, Oliver Thüringer, Konrad Krämer, Tim Neudecker, Cecilia B. Mendive & Lars Robben 

Journal of Materials Science 57 (2022): 19280-19299


A new precursor for the formation of mullite-type visible-light…

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X-Ray Diffraction|

Revisiting the Growth of Large (Mg,Zr):SrGa12O19 Single Crystals: Core Formation and Its Impact on Structural Homogeneity Revealed by Correlative X-ray Imaging

Christo Guguschev, Carsten Richter, Mario Brützam, Kaspars Dadzis, Christian Hirschle, Thorsten M. Gesing, Michael Schulze, Albert Kwasniewski, Jürgen Schreuer, Darrell G. Schlom

Crystal Growth and Design 22 (2022): 2557–2568


We demonstrate the growth of…

X-Ray Diffraction|

Halide-sodalites: thermal expansion, decomposition and the Lindemann criterion

Marius Wolpmann, Lars RobbenThorsten M. Gesing

Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - Crystalline Materials 237 (2022): 1-3


Twelve cubic sodalites |Na8X2|[T1T2O4]6 (T1 = Al3+, Ga3+; T2 = Si4+, Ge4+; X = Cl−, Br−, I−) were examined using high-temperature (HT)…

X-Ray Diffraction| Spectroscopy|

Thermal anomalies and phase transitions in Pb2Sc2Si2O9 and Pb2In2Si2O9

Mathias Gogolin, M. Mangir Murshed, Lkhamsuren Bayarjargal, Detlef Klimm, Thorsten M. Gesing

Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - Crystalline Materials 236 (2021): 283-292


Pb2Sc2Si2O9 and Pb2In2Si2O9, respectively, the scandium and indium containing structural…

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X-Ray Diffraction| Spectroscopy|

KLi2RE(BO3)2 (RE = Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, and Y): Structural, Spectroscopic, And Thermogravimetric Studies on a Series of Mixed-Alkali Rare-Earth Orthoborates

Pengyun Chen, M. Mangir Murshed, Michael Fischer, Thomas Frederichs, Thorsten M. Gesing

Inorg. Chem 59 (2020): 18214–18224


We report a detailed structural, spectroscopic, and thermogravimetric investigation of a new series of mixed-alkali rare-earth…

X-Ray Diffraction|

Crystal structure and temperature-dependent properties of Na2H4Ga2GeO8 – a novel gallogermanate

Irma Peschke, Lars Robben, Christof Köhler, Thomas Frauenheim, Josef-Christian Buhl, Thorsten M. Gesing

Zeitschrift für Naturforschung B 75 (2020): 9-10


Synthesis, crystal structure and temperature-dependent behavior of Na2H4Ga2GeO8 are reported. This novel…

X-Ray Diffraction|

On the nature of the phase transitions of aluminosilicate perrhenate sodalite

Kowsik Ghosh, M. Mangir Murshed, Thomas Frederichs, Naveen K. C. Muniraju, Thorsten M. Gesing

Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - Crystalline Materials 235 (2020): 6-7


The temperature-dependent structure-property relationships of the aluminosilicate…

X-Ray Diffraction|

Low-temperature anharmonicity and symmetry breaking in the sodalite |Na8I2|[AlSiO4]6

Lars Robben, Isaac Abrahams, Michael Fischer, Stephen Hull, Martin T. Dove und Thorsten M. Gesing

Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - Crystalline Materials (2018) 234, Heft 4


The aluminosilicate iodide sodalite |Na8I2|[AlSiO4]6 was examined by…

X-Ray Diffraction|

Temperature-dependent Structural and Spectroscopic Studies of (Bi1–xFex)FeO3

Andrea Kirsch, M. Mangir Murshed, Melanie J. Kirkham, Ashfia Huq, F. Jochen Litterst and Thorsten M. Gesing

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2018) 122 (49), 28280–28291


We report on temperature-dependent structural and spectroscopic features of (Bi1–xF…

X-Ray Diffraction|

Structural and spectroscopic comparison between polycrystalline, nanocrystalline and quantum dot visible light photo-catalyst Bi2WO6

Michael Teck, M. Mangir MurshedMarco Schowalter, Niels Lefeld, Henrike K. Grossmann, Tim Grieb, Thomas Hartmann, Lars RobbenAndreas Rosenauer, Lutz MädlerThorsten M.Gesing

Journal of Solid State Chemistry (2017) 254, 82-89 


The structural and…

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