

Angewandte Kognitionspsychologie:


Dissertation als Buch:

  • Janczyk, M. (2010). Interference in skilled and unskilled grasping. Berlin: Logos.


Accepted / in press:

Bhatia, K., Osenberg, A., Janczyk, M., & Franz, V.H. (accepted/in press). Reviewing evidence for the perception-action model from Garner interference. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance.

Janczyk, M., Eichfelder, L., Liesefeld, H.R., & Franz, V.H. (accepted/in press). Learning and transfer of response-effect relations. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology.

Janczyk, M., Mackenzie, I.G., & Koob, V. (accepted/in press). A comment on the Revised Diffusion Model for Conflict Tasks (RDMC). Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.

Koob, V., Dignath, D., & Janczyk, M. (accepted/in press). Task order control in dual-tasks: Only marginal interactions between conflict at lower levels and higher processes of task organization. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics.

Kunde, W., & Janczyk, M. (accepted/in press). Thoughts about thoughts about actions and outcomes: Comment on Custers (2023) Motivation Science.

Michaelsen, T., Janczyk, M., & Liesefeld, H. R. (accepted/in press). Towards a better approach for measuring visual-search slopes. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance.


Janczyk, M., & Miller, J. (2024). Generalization of unpredictable action effect features: Large individual differences with little on-average effect. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 77, 898-908.

Kaup, B., Ulrich, R., ..., Janczyk, M., ... (2024). Modal and amodal cognition: An overarching principle in various domains of psychology. Psychological Research, 88, 307-337.

Koob, V., Sauerbier, C., Schröter, H., Ulrich, R., & Janczyk, M. (2024). Separating facilitation and interference in backward crosstalk. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 50, 295-312.

Kroneisen, M., Groß, R., Erdfelder, E., & Janczyk, M. (2024). Survival processing occupies the central bottleneck of cognitive processing: A psychological refractory period analysis. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 31, 274-282.


Eichfelder, L. A., Franz, V. H., & Janczyk, M.  (2023). Is there hierarchical generalization in response-effect learning? Experimental Brain Research, 241, 135-144.

Ellinghaus, R., Janczyk, M., Wirth, R., Kunde, W., Fischer, R., & Liepelt, R. (2023). Opposing influence of global and local stimulus-hand-proximity on crosstalk interference in dual-tasks. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 76, 2461-2478

Janczyk, M. (2023). Compatibility effects with touchless gestures. Experimental Brain Research, 241, 743-752.

Janczyk, M., Giesen, C. G., Moeller, B., Dignath, D., & Pfister, R. (2023). Perception and action as viewed from the Theory of Event Coding: A multi-lab replication and effect size estimation of common experimental designs. Psychological Research, 87, 1012-1042.

Janczyk, M., Koch, I., & Ulrich, R. (2023). Is there a cognitive link between the domains of deictic time and number? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 49, 493–507.

Koob, V., Mackenzie, I. G., Ulrich, R., Leuthold, H., & Janczyk, M. (2023). The role of task-relevant and task-irrelevant information in congruency sequence effects: Applying the Diffusion Model for Conflict tasks. Cognitive Psychology, 140, 101528.

Koob, V., Ulrich, R., & Janczyk, M. (2023). Response activation and activation-transmission in response-based backward crosstalk: Analyses and simulations with an extended diffusion model. Psychological Review, 130, 102-136.

Langenberg, B., Janczyk, M., Koob, V., Kliegl, R., & Mayer, A. (2023). A tutorial on using the paired t test for power calculations in repeated measures ANOVA with interactions. Behavior Research Methods, 55, 2467-2484.

Liesefeld, H.R., & Janczyk, M. (2023). Same same but different: Subtle but consequential differences between two measures to linearly integrate speed and accuracy (LISAS vs. BIS). Behavior Research Methods, 55, 1175-1192.

Mittelstädt, V., Mackenzie, I. G., Koob, V., & Janczyk, M. (2023). The impact of distractor relevance on the strength and timing of cognitive control: Evidence from delta plots and diffusion model analyses. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 49, 1588-1614.

Richter, T., Ulrich, R., & Janczyk, M. (2023). Diffusion models with time-dependent parameters: An analysis of computational effort and accuracy of different numerical methods. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 114, 102756.

Schonard, C., Ulrich, R., & Janczyk, M. (accepted/in press). Temporal aspects of two types of backward crosstalk in dual-tasks: An analysis of continuous mouse-tracking data. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 76, 2068-2083.

Simi, N., Mackenzie, I.G., Leuthold, H., Janczyk, M., & Dudschig, C. (2023). Cognitive control mechanisms in language processing: Are there both within- and across-task conflict adaptation effects? The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 76, 649-671.


Brüning, J., Koob, V., Manzey, D., & Janczyk, M. (2022). Serial and parallel processing in multitasking: Concepts and the impact of inter-individual differences on task and stage levels. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 48, 724-742..

Janczyk, M., Feghhi, I., & Rosenbaum, D. A. (2022). What matters in making demand-based choices: Time alone or difficulty too? Psychological Research, 86, 1355-1365.

Janczyk, M., Schneider, C., & Hesse, C. (2022). Resource limitations in bimanual pointing. Human Movement Science, 83, 102939.

Schneider, C., Janczyk, M., & Bade, N. (2022). Verifying pragmatic inferences in context: An experimental comparison of presuppositions of again and the definite determiner with scalar implicatures. Proceedings of Linguistic Evidence 2020.


Bratzke, D., & Janczyk, M. (2021). Introspection about backward crosstalk in dual-task performance. Psychological Research, 85, 605-617.

Mahesan, D., Janczyk, M.. & Fischer, R. (2021).Two types of between-task conflict trigger respective processing adjustments within one dual-task. Acta Psychologica, 103450, 1-11.

Röttger, E., Janczyk, M., Haider, H., & Fischer, R. (2021). No reduction of between-task interference in a dual-task with a repeating sequence of SOAs.. Acta Psychologica, 103451, 1-11.

Schneider, C., Bade, N., Franke, M. & Janczyk, M. (2021). Presuppositions of determiners are immediately used to disambiguate utterance meaning: A mouse-tracking study on the German language. Psychological Research, 85, 348-1366.

Schonard, C., Xiong, A., Proctor, R. W. & Janczyk, M. (2021). Examination of a response-effect compatibility task with continuous mouse-movements: Free- vs. forced-choice tasks and sequential modulations. American Journal of Psychology, 134, 415-439.


Janczyk, M., & Kunde, W. (2020). Dual tasking from a goal perspective. Psychological Review, 127, 1079-1096.

Janczyk, M., Naefgen, C., & Kunde, W. (2020). Are freely chosen actions generated by stimulus codes or effect codes? Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 82, 3767-3773.

Koob, V., Durst, M., Bratzke, D., Ulrich, R., & Janczyk, M. (2020). S1-R2 and R1-R2 Backward Crosstalk both affect the central processing stage. Journal of Cognition, 3(1), 1-12.

Schneider, C., Bade, N., & Janczyk, M. (2020). Is immediate processing of presupposition triggers automatic or capacity-limited? A combination of the PRP approach with a self-paced reading task. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 49, 247-273.

Schneider, C., & Janczyk, M. (2020). Capacity limitations of processing presuppositions triggered by determiners. Acta Psychologica, 211, 103159.

Schonard, C., Ulrich, R., & Janczyk, M. (2020). The Backward Crosstalk Effect does not depend on the degree of a preceding response conflict. Experimental Psychology, 67, 277–291.


Durst, M., & Janczyk, M. (2019). Two types of Backward Crosstalk: Sequential modulations and evidence from the diffusion model. Acta Psychologica, 193, 132-152.

Durst,  M., Ulrich, R., & Janczyk, M. (2019). To prepare or not to prepare? When preparation of a response in Task 2 induces extra performance costs in Task 1. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 26, 654-660.

Janczyk, M., & Lerche, V. (2019). A diffusion model analysis of the response-effect compatibility effect. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 148, 237-251.

Janczyk, M., Humphreys, G.W., & Sui, J. (2019). The central locus of self-prioritization. The Quarterley Journal of Experimental Psychology, 72, 1068-1083.

Janczyk, M., & Ulrich, R. (2019). Action consequences affect the space-time congruency effect on reaction time. Acta Psychologica, 198, 102850.

Janczyk, M., Xiong, A., & Proctor, R.W. (2019). Stimulus-response and response-effect compatibility with touchless gestures and moving action effects. Human Factors, 61, 1297-1314.

Liesefeld, H.R., & Janczyk, M. (2019). Combining speed and accuracy to control for speed-accuracy tradeoffs (?). Behavior Research Methods, 51, 40-60.

Naefgen, C., & Janczyk, M. (2019). Smaller backward crosstalk effects for free choice tasks are not the result of immediate conflict adaptation. Cognitive Processing, 20, 73-85.

Rosenbaum, D. A., & Janczyk, M. (2019). Who is or was E. R. F. W. Crossman, the champion of the Power Law of Learning and the developer of an influential model of aiming? Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 26, 1449-1463 .

Schneider, C., Schonard, C., Franke, M., Jäger, G., & Janczyk, M. (2019). Pragmatic processing: An investigation of the (anti-)presupposition of determiners using mouse-tracking. Cognition, 193, 104024.

Schuch, S., Dignath, D., Steinhauser, M., & Janczyk, M. (2019). Monitoring and control in multitasking. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 26, 222-240.


Durst, M., & Janczyk, M. (2018). The motor locus of the no-go based backward crosstalk. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 44, 1931-1946.

Herbort, O., Büschelberger, J. & Janczyk, M. (2018). Preschool children adapt grasping movements to upcoming object manipulations: Evidence from a dial rotation task. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 167, 62-77.

Huestegge, L., Pieczykolan, A., & Janczyk, M. (2018). Backward crosstalk and the role of dimensional overlap within and between tasks. Acta Psychologica, 188, 139-147.

Janczyk, M., Aßmann, M., & Grabowski, J. (2018). Oral vs. written recall of long-term memory items: Replicating and extending the Writing Superiority Effect across knowledge domains. American Journal of Psychology, 131, 263-272.

Janczyk, M., & Leuthold, H. (2018). Effector system-specific sequential modulations of congruency effects. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 25, 1066-1072.

Janczyk, M., Mittelstädt, P., & Wienrich, C. (2018). Parallel dual-task processing and task-shielding in older and younger adults: Behavioral and diffusion model results. Experimental Aging Research, 44, 95-116.

Janczyk, M., Renas, S., & Durst, M. (2018). Identifying the locus of compatibility-based backward crosstalk: Evidence from an extended PRP paradigm. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 44, 261-276.

Kunde, W., Wirth, R., & Janczyk, M. (2018). The role of feedback delay in dual task performance. Psychological Research, 82, 157-166.

Naefgen, C., Dambacher, M., & Janczyk, M. (2018). Why free choices take longer than forced choices: Evidence from response threshold manipulations. Psychological Research, 82, 1039-1052.

Naefgen, C., & Janczyk, M. (2018). Free choice tasks as random generation tasks: An investigation through working memory manipulations. Experimental Brain Research, 236, 2263-2275.

Renas, S., Durst, M., & Janczyk, M. (2018). Action effect features, but not anatomical features, determine the Backward Crosstalk Effect: Evidence from crossed-hands experiments. Psychological Research, 82, 970-980.

Schröder, P.A., Dignath, D., & Janczyk, M. (2018). Individual differences in uncertainty tolerance are not associated with cognitive control functions in the flanker task. Experimental Psychology, 65, 245-256.

Steinhauser, R., Wirth, R., Kunde, W., Janczyk, M., & Steinhauser, M. (2018). Common mechanisms in error monitoring and action effect monitoring. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 18, 1159-1171.

Vogel, D., Scherbaum, S., & Janczyk, M. (2018). Dissociating decision strategies in free-choice tasks - A mouse tracking analysis. Acta Psychologica, 190, 65-71.

Wirth, R., Janczyk, M., & Kunde, W. (2018). Effect monitoring in dual-task performance. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 44, 553-571.

Wirth, R., Steinhauser, R., Janczyk, M., Steinhauser, M., & Kunde, W. (2018). Long-term and short-term action-effect links and their impact on effect monitoring. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 44, 1186-1198.


Dignath, D. & Janczyk, M. (2017). Anticipation of delayed action-effects: Learning when an effect occurs, without knowing what this effect will be. Psychological Research, 81, 1072-1083.

Dignath, D., & Janczyk, M., & Eder, A.B. (2017). Phasic valence and arousal do not influence post-conflict adjustments in the Simon task. Acta Psychologica, 174, 31-39.

Janczyk, M. (2017). A common capacity limitation for response and item selection in working memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 43, 1690-1698.

Janczyk, M., Büschelberger, J., & Herbort, O. (2017). Larger between-task crosstalk in children than in adults: Behavioral results from the backward-crosstalk paradigm and a diffusion model analysis. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 155, 95-112.

Janczyk, M., Durst, M., & Ulrich, R. (2017). Action selection by temporally distal goal-states. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 24, 467-473.

Janczyk, M., & Huestegge, L. (2017). Effects of a no-go Task 2 on Task 1 performance in dual-tasking: From benefits to costs. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 79, 796-806.

Naefgen, C., Caissie, A., & Janczyk, M. (2017). Stimulus-response links and the backward crosstalk effect – A comparison of forced- and free-choice tasks. Acta Psychologica, 177, 23-29.


Gressmann, M., & Janczyk, M. (2016). The (un)clear case of invalid retro-cues. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 244.

Janczyk, M. (2016). Sequential modulation of backward crosstalk and task-shielding in dual-tasking. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 42, 631-647.

Janczyk, M. (2016). Die Rolle von Handlungszielen bei der Entstehung von Doppelaufgabenkosten. Psychologische Rundschau, 67, 237-249.

Janczyk, M., & Kunde, W. (2016). Garner-Interference in skilled right-handed grasping is possible. Motor Control, 20, 395-408.

Janczyk, M., & Reuss, H. (2016). Only pre-cueing but no retro-cueing effects emerge with masked arrow cues. Consciousness and Cognition, 42, 93-100.

Janczyk, M., Welsh, T.N., & Dolk, T. (2016). A role of goals for social inhibition of return? The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 69, 2402-2418.

Pfister, R. & Janczyk, M. (2016). schoRsch: An R package for analyzing and reporting factorial experiments. The Quantative Methods for Psychology, 12, 147-151.


Eloka, O., Feuerhake, F., Janczyk, M. & Franz, V.H. (2015). Garner-Interference in left-handed awkward grasping. Psychological Research, 79, 579-589.

Janczyk, M., Dambacher, M., Bieleke, M., & Gollwitzer, P.M. (2015). The benefit of no choice: Goal-directed plans enhance perceptual processing. Psychological Research, 79, 206-220.

Janczyk, M., Nolden, S. & Jolicoeur, P. (2015). No differences in dual-task costs between forced- and free-choice tasks. Psychological Research, 79, 463-477.

Janczyk, M., Yamaguchi, M., Proctor, R.W., Pfister, R. (2015). Response-effect compatibility with complex actions: The case of wheel rotations. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 77, 930-940.

Wirth, R., Pfister, R., Janczyk, M., & Kunde, W. (2015). Through the portal: Effect anticipation in the central bottleneck. Acta Psychologica, 160, 141-151.


Janczyk, M., Augst, S., & Kunde, W. (2014). The locus of the emotional Stroop effect. A study with the PRP paradigm. Acta Psychologica, 151, 8-15.

Janczyk, M. & Kunde, W. (2014). The role of effect grouping in free-choice response selection. Acta Psychologica, 150, 49-54.

Janczyk, M. & Berryhill, M.E. (2014). Orienting attention in visual working memory requires central capacity: Decreased retro-cue effects under dual-task conditions. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics. 76, 715-724.

Janczyk, M., Pfister, R., Hommel, B., & Kunde, W. (2014). Who is talking in backward crosstalk? Disentangling response- from goal-conflict in dual-task performance. Cognition, 132, 30-43.

Janczyk, M., Pfister, R., Wallmeier, G., & Kunde, W. (2014). Exceptions from the PRP effect? A comparison of prepared and unconditioned reflexes. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 40, 776-786.

Pfister, R., Janczyk, M., Gressmann, M., Fournier, L.R., & Kunde, W. (2014). Good vibrations? Vibrotactile self-stimulation reveals anticipation of body-related action effects in motor control. Experimental Brain Research, 232(3), 847-854.

Pfister, R., Janczyk, M., Wirth, R., Dignath, D., & Kunde, W. (2014). Thinking with portals: Revisiting kinematic cues to intention. Cognition, 133(2), 464-473.


Janczyk, M. (2013). Level-2 perspective taking entails two processes: Evidence from PRP experiments. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 39, 1878-1887.

Heinemann, A., Pfister, R., & Janczyk, M. (2013). Manipulating number generation: Loud + long = large? Consciousness and Cognition, 22, 1332-1339.

Janczyk, M., Pfister, R., & Kunde, W. (2013). Mice move smoothly: Irrelevant object variation affects perception, but not computer-mouse actions. Experimental Brain Research, 231, 97-106.

Pfister, R., Schwarz, K. A., Carson, R., & Janczyk, M. (2013). Easy methods for extracting individual regression slopes: Comparing SPSS, R, and Excel. Tutorials in Quantitative Methods for Psychology, 9, 72-78.

Pfister, R., Schwarz, K. A., Janczyk, M., Dale, R., & Freeman, J. B. (2013). Good things peak in pairs: A note on the bimodality coefficient. Frontiers in Quantitive Psychology and Measurement, 4, 700.

Pfister, R. & Janczyk, M. (2013). Confidence intervals for two sample means: Calculation, interpretation, and a few simple rules. Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 9, 74-80.


Janczyk, M., Heinemann, A., & Pfister, R. (2012). Instant attraction: Immediate action-effect bindings occur for both, stimulus- and goal-driven actions. Frontiers in Psychology, 3, 446.

Janczyk, M. & Kunde, W. (2012). Visual processing for action resists similarity of relevant and irrelevant object features. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 19, 412-417.

Janczyk, M., Pfister, R., Crognale, M., & Kunde, W. (2012). Effective rotations: Action effects determine the interplay of mental and manual rotations. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 141, 489-501.

Janczyk, M., Pfister, R. & Kunde, W. (2012). On the persistence of tool-based compatibility effects. Journal of Psychology, 220, 16-22.

Janczyk, M. & Wühr, P. (2012). Inhibition does not always cause emotional devaluation: No evidence for retrieval-induced devaluation. Experimental Psychology, 59, 372-378.

Kunde, W., Pfister, R. & Janczyk, M. (2012). The locus of tool-transformation costs. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 38, 703-714.

Pfister, R., Heinemann, A., Kiesel, A., Thomaschke, R., Janczyk, M. (2012). Do endogenous and exogenous action control compete for perception? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 38, 279-284.

Pfister, R., & Janczyk, M. (2012). Harleß' Apparatus of Will: 150 years later. Psychological Research, 76, 561-565.

Pfister, R., Schwarz, K.A., & Janczyk, M. (2012). Ubi irritatio, ibi affluxus: A 19th century perspective on haemodynamic brain activity. Cortex, 48, 1061-1063.


Wienrich, C. & Janczyk, M. (2011). Absence of attentional capture in parallel search is possible - A failure to replicate attentional capture in a non-singleton-target search task. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 73, 2044-2052.

Janczyk, M. & Grabowski, J. (2011). The focus of attention in working memory: Evidence from a word updating task. Memory, 19, 211-225.


Janczyk, M., Franz, V.H. & Kunde, W. (2010). Grasping for parsimony: Do some motor actions escape dorsal processing? Neuropsychologia, 48, 3405-3415.

Janczyk, M. & Kunde, W. (2010). Does dorsal processing require central capacity? More evidence from the PRP paradigm. Experimental Brain Research, 203, 89-100.

Janczyk, M. & Kunde, W. (2010). Stimulus-response bindings contribute to item switch costs in working memory. Psychological Research, 74, 370-377.

Heuer, H., Janczyk, M. & Kunde, W. (2010). Random noun generation in younger and older adults. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63, 465-478.


Janczyk, M., Skirde, S., Weigelt, M. & Kunde, W. (2009). Visual and tactile action effects determine bimanual coordination performance. Human Movement Science, 28, 437-449.

Janczyk, M., Wienrich , C. & Kunde, W. (2008). On the costs of refocusing items in working memory: A matter of inhibition or decay? Memory, 16, 374-385.

Janczyk, M., Schöler, H. & Grabowski, J. (2004). Arbeitsgedächtnis und Aufmerksamkeit bei Vorschulkindern mit gestörter und unauffälliger Sprachentwicklung. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie, 36, 200-206.


Strobach, T., Wendt, M., & Janczyk, M. (2018). Multitasking: Executive functioning in dual-task and task switching situations. Frontiers in Psychology (Cognition), 9, 108.

Janczyk, M. & Pfister, R. (2015). Von der Basis zur Anwendung: Kognitionspsychologie und ihre Bedeutung für den Alltag. Teil 2: Lernen und Gedächtnis. In-Mind Magazine, 4.

Janczyk, M. & Pfister, R. (2014). Von der Basis zur Anwendung: Kognitionspsychologie und ihre Bedeutung für den Alltag. Teil 1: Wahrnehmung und Handlung. In-Mind Magazine, 2.

Pfister, R., Janczyk, M., & Kunde, W. (2013). Action effects in perception and action. Frontiers in Psychology (Cognition), 4, 223.

Sonstige Publikationen (Kommentare, Public Outreach, ...)

Giesen, C. G., Janczyk, M., Dignath, D., Pfister, R., & Moeller, B. (accepted). Das Puzzle im Kopf: Wie Wahrnehmungseindrücke und Handlungspläne entstehen. In-Mind Magazine.

Bermeitinger, C., Eder, A., Giesen, C., Janczyk, M., Michalkiewicz, M., Wentura, D. (2019). Ein 'Ja!' und ein paar Assoziationen mit einem Hauch von Aber. Kommentar zu Richter, T. et al. (2019). Positionspapier zur Lage der Pädagogischen Psychologie in Forschung und Lehre. Psychologische Rundschau, 70, 125-126.

Janczyk, M., Bermeitinger, C., Giesen, C., Rummel, J., Schmidt, T., Ulrich, R., & Wentura, D. (2018). Wachsende Anforderungen an die wissenschaftliche Qualität erfordern eine immer größere Methodenkenntnis. Kommentar zu Meiser, T. et al. (2018). Positionspapier zur Rolle der Psychologischen Methodenlehre in Forschung und Lehre. Psychologische Rundschau, 69, 332-333.

Giesen. C., Rummel, J., Janczyk, M., & Bermeitinger, C. (2017). Qualifiziert – wofür und wozu eigentlich? Kommentar zu Rentzsch, K., Harzer, C., & Wolter, J. (2018). Stellungnahme zur Lage des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses in der Psychologie. Psychologische Rundschau, 68, 274-276.

Janczyk, M. (2016). Wohin sollen ProfessorInnen entwickelt werden? Kommentar zu Abele-Brehm und Bühner: Überlegungen zur Optimierung von Berufungsverfahren in der Psychologie. Psychologische Rundschau, 67, 273-275.

Pfister, R., Janczyk, M., & Kunde, W. (2010). Los, beweg dich! - Aber wie? Ideen zur Steuerung menschlicher Handlungen. In-Mind Magazine, 4.

Janczyk, M. (2004). Rezension: "Kontextoptimierung" von H.-J. Motsch. Heilpädagogik-online (, 4, 75-79.

Janczyk, M., Schöler, H. & Grabowski, J. (2003). Arbeitsgedächtnis und Aufmerksamkeit bei sprachentwicklungsgestörten und sprachunauffälligen Vorschulkindern. Arbeitsbericht Nr. 15 aus dem Forschungsprojekt "Differenzialdiagnostik". Heidelberg: Pädagogische Hochschule, Institut für Sonderpädagogik.


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