General Studies, Berufspraktikum, Auslandsstudium

General Studies encompass all courses dedicated as such in the study programme of the University of Bremen. A special offer are the eGeneral Studies. Within the master programme General Studies are intended to fill occasional gaps between the required 30 CP and the actually obtained CP, i.e. less than 30 CP in the third semester. Note that the examination office can only take credit for lectures with their full CP. For example, in case 3 CP are missing and you study a 6 CP course, it is not possible to hand in these 6 CP for the missing 3 CP.


Example 1 - Internship: PG-RP2 and PG-INS

Both modules result in 24 CP. Since 30 CP are required in the third

semester, the missing 6 CP can be gained either by studying General

Studies courses or by one of the electives.


Example 2 - Study Abroad: PG-RP2 and Study Abroad

Both modules together result in 30 CP. In case the intended 18 CP of the

Study Abroad are not obtained, it is possible to study up to 6 CP by

attending General Study courses or by one of the electives.


Example 3 - No internship, no study abroad

You can earn a maximum of 12 CP in General Studies throughout your

studies. So, you need to study at least 6 CP in one of the additional

subjects (free electives or an additional core subject from first semester)


Certificate of Achievement (Hand this to your professor, if you cannot sign up for the exam via pabo)

The internship provides you with a structured introduction to the contexts of professional practice. Emphasis is placed on the identification and negotiation of learning objectives, activities and outcomes in relation to a professional context. You are required to find a suitable position, e.g. with a company, at another university or with a public administration, complete eight weeks of work and prepare and present your experience to your supervisors and peers.

It is recommended to complete the internship of eight connected weeks before the end of the third semester. There are several options how you can do this:

  • during the summer break before the third semester.
  • during the third semester. In this case, the internship should be carried out in close relation to the module "Research Process II", e.g. at another university or abroad.
  • before starting the master programme.

The internship regulations can be found in the menu under "Rules and Regulations".

Study abroad allows you to complete up to 18 CP General Studies and other modules at another university outside of Germany. There are existing cooperations between working groups at the University of Bremen and collaborating research institutions with working groups at other universities and research institutes in the world. In addition, it is possible to study at one of the partner universities of the University of Bremen. Note that some of our partner universities offer Master programmes in English as well (GIS in Tartu or Climate Change and Hazards in Poznan for example).

Information about Study abroad

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