Spatially resolved experimental analysis and modeling of mass transfer from rising gas bubbles under the influence of swarm turbulence with superimposed chemical reaction (DFG SPP 1740)

The SPP 1740 aims to describe the mass transport of rising gas bubbles quantitatively, based on experimentally gained local data. In the current project phase, an NMR spectrometer will be used to measure concentration and velocity distributions of single bubbles.


To quantify the influence of chemical reactions onto the mass transport of single bubbles under laminar flow onditions, an imaging method, based on the NMR spectrometer, will be developed. It will give insight into velocity distributions and flow profiles inside the wake of the bubble. Therefore a single bubble is held in place using a  counter flow. The position of the bubble is determined by an array of optical fibers and controlled by adjusting the flow rate.

Maintaining laminar and homogeneous flow conditions of the counter flow is crucial. At first, the experimental setup needs to be planed and constructed. The complete setup needs to fulfill the hydrodynamic, as well as the MRI requirements.

The MRI can detect the used chemicals due to their different magnetic properties. Experiments regarding the mass transport will use a ferrous system (Fe-NO) whereas a copper system (Cu-O2) is used for experiments regarding the selectivity.

The obtained data is used to correlate and describe the mass transport of rising single bubbles. Furthermore, the data might be transferrable to bubble swarms.

Publications from the project

Helmers et al. (2022). Experiments in Fluids 63, 5.
Kemper et al. (2021) in Reactive Bubbly Flows, p. 137-162.
Kemper et al. (2021), Chemical Engineering & Technology 44(3), 456-476.
Helmers et al. (2020) Experiments in Fluids 61(2), 64.
Helmers et al. (2019), Fluids 4(3), 162.


Kemper, Philip, M. Sc.
Room UFT 2100
Fon 0421- 218 - 63466

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Further information

DFG Priority Program Reactive bubbly flows (SPP 1740)
In-vivo MR group