
Keywords A-ZExperts at the IPW
AfricaProf. Klaus Schlichte
Educational PolicyProf. Dr. Kerstin Martens
Federal Republic of GermanyProf. Dr. Frank Nullmeier
DemocracyProf. Dr. Frank Nullmeier,
Prof. Dr. Martin Nonhoff
E-GovernancePD Dr. Stefan Luft
European Integration, EuropeanisationProf. Dr. Susanne K. Schmidt
Global Social PolicyProf. Dr. Carina Schmitt,
Prof. Dr. Sarah Berens
GlobalisationProf. Dr. Peter Mayer
Global GovernanceProf. Dr. Kerstin Martens,
Prof. Dr. Peter Mayer
International RelationsProf. Dr. Kerstin Martens
Prof. Dr. Peter Mayer,
Prof. Dr. Klaus Schlichte
International JusticeProf. Dr. Peter Mayer
International Trade PolicyProf. Dr. Susanne K. Schmidt
International OrganisationsProf. Dr. Kerstin Martens,
Prof. Dr. Peter Mayer
International LawProf. Dr. Susanne K. Schmidt
International Security Policy, InternationaliationProf. Dr. Peter Mayer
International Conflict ResearchProf. Dr. Klaus Schlichte
International Environmental PolicyProf. Dr. Peter Mayer
Local PoliticsPD Dr. Stefan Luft
Teaching and Learning ResearchProf. Dr. Andreas Klee
Media PolicyPD Dr. Stefan Luft
MigrationPD Dr. Stefan Luft,
Prof. Dr. Sarah Berens
NGOs (Non-Governmental Organisations)Prof. Dr. Kerstin Martens,
Prof. Dr. Peter Mayer
Parties and AssociationsProf. Dr. Frank Nullmeier
Political Education and Political Didactic ducationProf. Dr. Andreas Klee
Political EducationProf. Dr. Andreas Klee
Political ViolenceProf. Dr. Klaus Schlichte
Political CommunicationDr. Stefan Luft
Political Economy 
Political TheoryProf. Dr. Nonhoff,
Prof. Dr. Peter Mayer,
Prof. Dr. Frank Nullmeier
Privatisation, LiberalisationProf. Dr. Herbert Obinger
Prof. Dr. Susanne K. Schmidt
Law and PoliticsProf. Dr. Susanne K. Schmidt
National System of GovernmentProf. Dr. Frank Nullmeier
Intenational Systems of Government (comparative)Prof. Dr. Herbert Obinger
Prof. Dr. Susanne K. Schmidt
Welfare State (comparing internationally)Prof. Dr. Frank Nullmeier
Prof. Dr. Herbert Obinger,
Prof. Dr. Carina Schmitt,
Prof. Dr. Sarah Berens
Transformations of the StateProf. Dr. Frank Nullmeier,
Prof. Dr. Kerstin Martens
Comparative PoliticsProf. Dr. Herbert Obinger
Prof. Dr. Susanne K. Schmidt
Economy and Politics 
Welfare StateProf. Dr. Nullmeier
Prof. Dr. Obinger,
Prof. Dr. Carina Schmitt
Quantitative MethodsProf. Dr. Sarah Berens,
Prof. Dr. Sophia Hunger
Latin AmericaProf. Dr. Sarah Berens
Development EconomicsProf. Dr. Sarah Berens

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