Prof. Dr. Gralf-Peter Calliess
University of Bremen
Faculty of Law
Room: A 2110
Universitätsallee, GW 1
D-28359 Bremen
Telephone: +49 (0)421 218-66207
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Margrit Knipper
Room A 2100
Telephone +49 (0)421 218-66208
Telefax +49 (0)421 218-66212
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Office hours:
Mon., Thu. and Wed 9 -13h (Tue. by telephone and by e-mail)
Gralf-Peter Calliess, born in 1967, is a Professor of Private Law, International Commercial and Economic Law and Legal Theory at the Department of Law at the University of Bremen. Since 2013 he is also Director of the Institute for Commercial Law. His research interests focus on international private law and transnational commercial law including maritime commercial law and international commercial arbitration.
After completing his studies of Law and Social Sciences at the University of Göttingen and the European University Institute in Florence, Italy, he obtained a PhD in legal theory. He acquired his habilitation at the Institute for Economic Law at the University of Frankfurt/Main and accepted a call to the chair for International and European Private Law at the University of Munich before he eventually moved to his current position in Bremen. Since 2009 he is a Judge at the High Regional Court (OLG) Bremen.
He is liaison professor of the Friedrich-Nauman-Foundation and board member of the German Association for Law and Society.
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Margrit Knipper
Research Associates:
Eva Ricarda Lange
Paul Galyga
Michel Borchardt
Lukas Hecht
Dr. Quang Vu
Dr. Marcel Schröder
Dr. Christoph Möller
Dr. Jos van Doormaal
Dr. Mascha Hesse
Dr. Kai Danelzik (Baker McKenzie, Düsseldorf)
Dr. Erik Göretzlehner (Kanzlei Lupp + Partner, Berlin)
Dr. Ann Christine Musmann
Dr. Christian Wesemann, LL.M.
Dr. Insa Jarass, LL.M. (Max-Planck-Institut für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte, Frankfurt am Main)
Dr. Federico Parise Kuhnle (White & Case, Frankfurt)
Dr. Stephan von Harder (Eversheds Sutherland, Hamburg)
Dr. Herrmann Hoffmann
Prof. Dr. Andreas Maurer, LL.M. (Wilhelm-Müller-Stiftungsjuniorprofessur)
Dr. Jens Lobschat
Gralf-Peter Calliess teaches on Property Law and Transnational Law see study program 2022/23 course catalogue