
Secretary's Office

Office hours:

Tuesday: 9:00 - 14:00 Uhr
Friday: 9:00 - 14:00 Uhr

WiWi 1, Room A2050
Phone: +49 (0)421 218-66801

The office hours of Prof. Dr. Möhrle
can be found here


There is hardly anything that has a greater impact on peoples’ lives and the economic strength of enterprises than the progress of innovations. Consequently, the management of innovations and the technologies they are based upon is central to the academic chair’s research portfolio, curriculum and transfer program.


Martin G. Möhrle

Prof. Dr. Martin G. Möhrle

University of Bremen
Faculty of Business Studies and Economics
Institute of Project Management and Innovation
Enrique-Schmidt-Straße 1
28359 Bremen


Promotion Dr. Valentin Schmitt

Am 18. Oktober 2024 wurde Herr M.Sc. Valentin Schmitt mit seiner Arbeit zum Thema "Assessment of Patent Quality - Challenges for Patent Intelligence Stakeholders using Digital Technologies" promoviert.

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Martin G. Möhrle

Sprechstunde von Prof. Dr. Möhrle

In der vorlesungsfreien Zeit bietet Prof. Möhrle seine Sprechstunde zu den folgenden Terminen an:

Dienstag, 23. Juli 2024, 13.00 bis 14.30 Uhr, Donnerstag, 8. August 2024, 13.00 bis 14.30 Uhr, Donnerstag, 29. August 2024, 13.00 bis 14.30 Uhr, Donnerstag, 19. September 2024, 14.00 bis 15.30 Uhr,…

2. Auflage des Lehrbuches „Mathematik im Studium der Wirtschaftswissenschaften“

2. Auflage des Lehrbuches „Mathematik im Studium der Wirtschaftswissenschaften“ von Lothar Walter

Seit der ersten Auflage des Lehrbuches „Mathematik im Studium der Wirtschaftswissenschaften – Hinführung, Vorlesungen, Prüfung“ sind knapp über drei Jahre vergangen, und ich habe sehr viel positives Feedback erhalten. Gleichwohl gab es auch Hinweise, die mich auf diverse Tippfehler, Zahlendreher…

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New Publication on Assessment of Patentability by Means of Semantic Patent Analysis

Valentin J. Schmitt, Lothar Walter and Frank C. Schnittker from the IPMI published a new paper in the World Patent Information journal titled „Assessment of patentability by means of semantic patent analysis – A mathematical-logical approach“.


To obtain patent protection, a patent must…

Kolloquium Nils Denter

Promotion Dr. Nils Denter

Am 9. Dezember 2022 wurde Herr M.Sc. Wi.-Ing. Nils Denter mit seiner Arbeit zum Thema "Machine learning for patent intelligence - Opportunities and challenges" promoviert.

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New Publication on Identification of Patent-based Inventor Competencies

Lothar Walter and Jonas Frischkorn from the IPMI, together with Laura Johanna Karwehl and Simone Kauffeld from the TU Braunschweig, have published a new paper entitled „Identification of patent-based inventor competencies: An approach for partially automated competence retrieval in technological…

Ngoc Uyen Phuong Nguyen

Promotion Dr. Ngoc Uyen Phuong Nguyen

Am 19. September 2022 wurde Frau M.Sc. Ngoc Uyen Phuong Nguyen mit ihrer Arbeit zum Thema "Technology Dynamics in Urban Innovation - Development of a System Structure, Comparison, between Countries, Analysis of a Technology Interactions" promoviert.

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Summer School on Data and Algorithms 2022

Presentation at the Summer School on Data and Algorithms for Science, Technology & Innovation Studies 2022

Presentation at the Summer School on Data and Algorithms for Science, Technology & Innovation Studies 2022 Standard-essential patents are the fundament of technical standards and technologies like 5G. Their declaration as standard-essential is based on the honesty and knowledge of their assignees.…

Paper submission

New Publication on Measuring generative appropriability: Experiments with US semiconductor patents

Nils Denter and Mei Yun Lai published a new paper in the World Patent Information journal titled “Measuring generative appropriability: Experiments with US semiconductor patents”.


  • Generative appropriability (GA) is operationalized by means of knowledge flow.
  • Textual patent data is…

Paper Submission

New Publication on Analyzing technological competencies in the patent-based supplier portfolio: introducing an approach for supplier evaluation using semantic anchor points and similarity measurements

Lena L. Kronemeyer, Herbert Kotzab and Martin G. Möhrle published a new paper in the International Journal of Operations & Production Management journal titled “Analyzing technological competencies in the patent-based supplier portfolio: introducing an approach for supplier evaluation using semantic…

BP Infoteam Vorträge Lothar Walter

„Wo ist die nächste Nische? Aufspüren innovativer Märkte mit PatMining” Vortrag im Rahmen des 49. Best Practice Seminars des „quer.kraft – der Innovationverein e.V“

Am 07.07. waren Herr Dr. Lothar Walter und Herr Nils Denter zu Gast beim 49. Best Practice Seminar des „quer.kraft – der Innovationsverein e.V.“ beim Gastgeber „infoteam Software AG“.

Der Innovationsverein quer.kraft unterstützt Unternehmen dabei, zukunftsträchtige Ideen zu marktreifen Innovationen…

DRUID 2022

Presentation at the Danish Research Unit for Industrial Dynamics (DRUID) conference 2022

Biotech start-up Theranos has been granted more than 50 US patents by disclosing prophetic examples. Prophetic examples are often based on fictitious claims, while working examples are based on proven experimentations.

On June 15, Ms. Mei Yun Lai presented a paper about this topic at the DRUID…

Paper submission

New Publication on Forecasting future bigrams and promising patents: introducing text-based link prediction

Nils Denter, Lukas Jan Aaldering and Hüseyin Caferoglu published a new paper in the Foresight journal titled “Forecasting future bigrams and promising patents: introducing text-based link prediction”.

Purpose: In recent years patents have become a very popular data source for forecasting…

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New Publication on Digitalization Trends in Patent Information Databases and Interrogation Tools

Dr. Lothar Walter, Nils Denter and Jan Kebel published a new paper in the World Patent Information journal titled “A review on digitalization trends in patent information databases and interrogation tools”.


  • The broad provider landscape is distinguishable according to costs and…

Paper submission

New Publication on the Benefits of Blockchain Technology for Patent Management

Nils Denter, Fabian Seeger and Martin G. Moehrle published a new paper in the International Journal of Information Management journal titled “How can Blockchain technology support patent management? A systematic literature review”.


Patent management tasks involve many stakeholders from…

Segnitz-Preis 2021 für Dr. Hüseyin Caferoglu

IPMI-Alumni gewinnt Segnitz-Preis

Unser IPMI-Alumni Dr. Hüseyin Caferoglu hat mit seiner Dissertation zum Thema "Entstehung von Nischentechnologien. Evolutionsorientierte Perspektive - Patentbasierte Analyse – Strategische Implikationen" den diesjährigen Segnitz-Preis für Promotionsarbeiten gewonnen. Er teilt sich den Preis mit Dr.…

Paper Submission

New Publication on the Breeding Grounds of Blockchain patenting

Nils Denter published a new paper in the World Patent Information journal titled “Blockchain breeding grounds: Asia's advance over the USA and Europe”.


Blockchain is argued to disrupt almost every industry and research field. Among other technologies, it contributes to the next fourth…

New Publication on the Innovation Dynamics Theory in Technovation

New Publication on the Innovation Dynamics Theory in Technovation

Sven Wittfoth, Theo Berger and Martin G. Moehrle published a new paper in the Technovation journal titled “Revisiting the innovation dynamics theory: How effectiveness- and efficiency-oriented process innovations accompany product innovations”.


In the innovation dynamics theory one…


Gastwissenschaftler des IQIB am IPMI

Das IPMI freut sich zwei Gastwissenschaftler des IQIB – Institut für qualifizierende Innovationsforschung & -beratung aus Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler zu beherbergen. Die Gastwissenschaftler forschen im Bereich des agilen Projektmanagements und bietet folglich aussichtsreiche Ansatzpunkte zu…

Promotion Hüseyin Caferoglu

Promotion Dr. Hüseyin Caferoglu

Am 05. Juli 2021 wurde Herr M.Sc. Wi.-Ing. Hüseyin Caferoglu mit seiner Arbeit zum Thema "Entstehung von Nischentechnologien. Evolutionsorientierte Perspektive - Patentbasierte Analyse – Strategische Implikationen" promoviert.

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Two papers published in the IEEE TEMS Special Issue on Strategies to reach convergence

Two papers are accepted for the Special Issue in the IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management on the topic “Strategies to reach convergence: A multiple perspectives assessment”.


New Publications on Frugal Innovations

Lena Kronemeyer, Raik Dräger and Martin G. Möhrle published two new articles on finding frugal patents in the field of household appliances.

Themen für Bachelorarbeiten

Neue Themen für Bachelorarbeiten

Es wurden neue Themen für eine Bachelorarbeit am IPMI ausgeschrieben. Die Themen und weitere Informationen über den Ablauf der Bearbeitung finden Sie im Reiter “Teaching” unter “Bachelor Thesis” oder unter dem folgenden Link. Zögern Sie bitte nicht den jeweiligen Ansprechpartner zu kontaktieren.

Paper Submission

New Publication on Bridging Trends and Patents in IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management

Michael Wustmans, Thomas Haubold and Bennet Brüns published a new article on “Bridging Trends and Patents - Combining Different Data Sources for the Evaluation of Innovation Fields in Blockchain Technology”.

The evaluation of various innovation fields of an emerging technology as well as their…

Promotion Bennet Brüns

Promotion Dr. Bennet Brüns

Am 14. Januar 2021 wurde Herr M.Sc. Wi.-Ing. Bennet Brüns mit seiner Arbeit zum Thema "Textbasierte Stand-der-Technik-Analyse zur Sicherung eigener Patentqualität" promoviert.

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International Journal of Intellectual Property Management

New Publication on Patent Alignment – Alignment Patterns in the Case of Blockchain Technology

Bennet Brüns and Martin G. Möhrle published a new article on “Enhancing resolution: Semantic analyses of the alignment between a patent’s claims and description on different levels”.

New Publication on Patent Alignment – Alignment Patterns in the Case of Blockchain Technology

Untertitel: Bennet…

Promotion Sven Wittfoth

Promotion Dr. Sven Wittfoth

Am 08. Sptember 2020 wurde Herr M.Sc. Sven Wittfoth mit seiner Arbeit zum Thema "Claim Mining: legal-based technology analysis using the semantics of patent claims" promoviert.

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World Patent Information Cover

New Publication on Artificial Intelligence – China and the USA at the Forefront

Matheus Leusin, Jutta Günther and Björn Jindra together with Martin Möhrle published a new article on “Patenting patterns in Artificial Intelligence: Identifying national and international breeding grounds” in the journal “World Patent Information”.

The paper identifies countries at the forefront…


Patents for Technology Intelligence

The IPMI is happy to welcome Mrs. Jane List for a guest lecture on “Patents for Technology Intelligence”. Mrs. List is Editor-in-Chief of the journal “World Patent Information” and brings along extensive experience in the fields of patents and patent search.

The lecture will take place on Tuesday,…

Neues Mathematiklehrbuch von Dr. Lothar Walter

„Mathematik im Studium der Wirtschaftswissenschaften – Hinführung, Vorlesungen, Prüfung“

In diesem neuen Mathematiklehrbuch werden zur Hinführung an die Mathematik im Studium der Wirtschaftswissenschaften die Grundlagen der Schulmathematik resümiert, die als Inhalte in Brückenkursen zu Beginn des…

Promotion Torben Mahnken

Promotion Dr. Torben Mahnken

Am 04. Mai 2020 wurde Herr M.Sc. Wi.-Ing. Torben Mahnken mit seiner Arbeit zum Thema "Integration von Patentinformationen in den Planungsprozess von Cross-Industry Innovationen" promoviert.

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Paper Journal Sustainability

Paper published in the Journal Sustainability

Fast urbanization leads to several challenges in many cities all over the world. Thus, urban innovation is considered a common approach to deal with such questions. Although technologies are important factors in urban innovation, the development of technologies over time, how they affect urban…

IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management

Paper published in the Journal IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management

Monitoring the movements of competitors as well as their innovative endeavors and the targets of their efforts is an important task for the business intelligence of a company. The IPMI successfully published the paper Monitoring Competitors’ Innovation Activities: Analyzing the Competitive Patent…

Promotion Kathi Eilers

Promotion Dr. Kathi Eilers

Am 10. Dezember 2019 wurde Frau M.Sc. Wi.-Ing. Kathi Eilers mit ihrer Arbeit zum Thema „Scanning und Monitoring von Technologiebewegungen“ promoviert. Das IPMI gratuliert dazu herzlich!

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Editorial for the Journal World Patent Information Volume 59

In times of topic modelling, documents can be represented as topic vectors. This creates new possibilities for similarity measurements, such as measuring the similarity between different document types (e.g. patents and scientific publications). With the Editorial for the World Patent Information…

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Session at the International Youth Science Congress 2019

On November 26, Nils Denter hosted a speech for young students at the International Youth Science Congress (IYSC). In addition to the basics of Blockchain technology, the students were introduced to the idea of distributed networks and consensus mechanisms in an interactive session. The case study…

Global TechMining 2019

Presentation at the Global TechMining Conference 2019

Frugal innovations are often not only simplifications of existing products, they are based on a clever engineering and can be patented. On October 17, Mr. Moehrle presented a paper about this topic at the Global TechMining Conference in Atlanta. The paper is authored by Nora Altgilbers, Lothar…

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Successful certification of derivatives trader

Bennet Brüns has successfully completed the examination as "Certified Derivatives Trader (Eurex)" of Deutsche Börse AG. The course focused on the functioning of derivatives markets in both exchange-traded and over-the-counter derivatives as well as the respective financial instruments.


Diginomics Research Talk

Diginomics Research Talks zum Thema “Digitalisierung im Projektmanagement” am 28.11.2019

Die Diginomics-Group der Universität Bremen und die Regionalgruppe Bremen/Oldenburg der Gesellschaft für Projektmanagement laden zum Kennenlernen und inhaltlichen Austauch ein.

Die Digitalisierung wird im Projektmanagement viel beschworen, sie findet sich aber selten in der unternehmerischen…


Editorial for the Journal World Patent Information Volume 58

The Editorial for the World Patent Information Volume 58 is contributed by Prof. Dr. Martin G. Moehrle. In times of globalization and strong technological competition, patent management in particular and intellectual property management in general play major roles for companies and other…

DIFI-Tagung 2019

DIFI-Tagung über das Thema “Patente und IP im Innovations- und Patentmanagement – Herausforderungen, Perspektiven und Chancen”

In today's knowledge driven society, patents and other intellectual properties (IP) are valuable assets for companies. They are proven crucial to the competitiveness and success of companies. However, assets must not only be managed efficiently, but the knowledge associated with these values must…

Promotion Alfred Radauer

Promotion Dr. Alfred Radauer

Am 05. August 2019 wurde Herr Mag. rer. soc. oec. Alfred Radauer mit seiner Arbeit zum Thema „Nutzung technischer Schutzrechte im Kommerzialisierungsprozess von Erfindungen“ promoviert.

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Paper published in the Journal Technological Forecasting and Social Change

The IPMI successfully published the paper Patent-based semantic measurement of one-way and two-way technology convergence: The case of ultraviolet light emitting diodes (UV-LEDs) in the Journal Technological Forecasting and Social Change.

Technology convergence and technology fusion provide huge…

Paper Submission

Paper published in the Journal World Patent Information

The IPMI successfully published the paper Multi-cross-industry innovation patents in the USA - A combination of PATSTAT and Orbis search in the Journal World Patent Information.

Knowledge and technologies from different fields will undoubtedly be combined in order to develop the products of the…

Contribution to the book project Innovations and Innovation Management in Health Care

The IPMI participates in the book project Innovations and Innovation Management in Health Care with its contribution on patent-based exploration of developments in digitisation in the field of medical technology. This contribution by Ms Eilers takes the opportunities and risks of digitisation as an…

Research Group Diginomics – Digitisation, Economy & Society

IPMI participates in the research group Diginomics - Digitisation, Economy & Society with the project Understanding the Benefits of Blockchain Technology for Patent Management. The graduate group of the Faculty of Economics investigates timely research questions related to the digitisation of…



IPMI is represented with two publications at the Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology  (PICMET) Conference 2019.

The topic of the conference is "Technology Management in the World of Intelligent Systems". Artificial Intelligence, robotics, autonomous cars,…

IPMI goes to

IPMI goes to Munich

On 07.03.2019, IPMI participated in the VHB workshop on Blockchain - Application potentials and research challenges. Four speakers examined the phenomenon of blockchain as a part of the digital economy of the future. The workshop focused on the challenges and research opportunities that arise from…

IPMI goes to Bonn

On 04.02.2019, IPMI attended the 5th BioSC Spotlight Conference with the topic Moving the BioEconomy from mind to market - how can technology and innovation management research contribute? with the involvement of former colleague Dr. Wustmans. Besides the presentation of the paper Technological…

AG Möhrle

IPMI moved to a new building

IPMI has moved to a new building on the university campus. Since October 2018, you can find us on the second floor of the WiWi1 building at Enrique-Schmidt-Straße 1.

ITonics Innovation Road (IRo)

Roadmapping Summit mit Bayern Innovativ

Prof. Dr. Martin G. Möhrle präsentierte die Eröffnungs-Keynote der Veranstaltung "Innovation Road (IRo)" am 17.04.2018 in Nürnberg. Rund um das Thema Technologie-Roadmapping präsentierte die Veranstaltung konzeptionelle Vorgehensweisen ebenso wie Erfahrungen aus der betrieblichen und…

Promotion Michael Wustmans

Promotion Dr. Michael Wustmans

Am 04. April 2018 wurde Herr M.Sc. Wi.-Ing. Michael Wustmans mit seiner Arbeit zum Thema „Patent Intelligence zur unternehmensrelevanten Wissenserschließung“ promoviert.

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Promotion Alexander Kerl

Promotion Dr. Alexander Kerl

Am 05. März 2018 wurde Herr M.Sc. Wi.-Ing. Alexander Kerl mit seiner Arbeit zum Thema „Management von Multi-Cross-Industry Innovation Wirkungsabschätzung - organisationale Strukturen - Gestaltungshinweise“ promoviert.

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