Dr. Michael Schade
Innovatives Markenmanagement
Max-von-Laue Str. 1
28359 Bremen
WIWI 2 Gebäude, Raum F 3340
Telefon: +49 (0)421 218-66583
• Strategische Markenführung
• Sportmarketing
• Stadt- und Regionenmarketing
Zur Person
Dr. Michael Schade ist seit 2011 als Habilitand in der Arbeitsgruppe „Innovatives Markenmanagement“ tätig. Er hat Wirtschaftswissenschaften an der Universität Bremen studiert und bei Prof. Burmann zum Thema „Identitätsbasierte Markenführung professioneller Sportvereine“ promoviert. In der Lehre bietet Michael Schade Kurse in den Themenfeldern Stadt- und Sportmarketing, Kommunikationspolitik und Wirtschaftspsychologie an.
Nach seiner Promotion war er als Senior Consultant bei Keylens Management Consultant tätig. Michael Schade hat Forschungs- und Lehraufenthalte an der University of the Free State (Bloemfontein, Südafrika), an der Temple University (Philadelphia, USA), an der INSEEC (Lyon, Frankreich), an der Edith Cowan University (Perth, Australien) und an der University of Guelph (Kanada) absolviert.
Veröffentlichte Arbeiten in Zeitschriften mit Peer-Review-Verfahren
Hollstein, A.S./Schade, M./Kanitz, C./Burmann, C. (2024): Identification as a Sword in the War for Talent: Understanding Organizational Identification Through a Prospective Employee Lens, Psychology & Marketing, online first, https://doi.org/10.1002/mar.22160.
Müller, J./Schade, M./Burmann, C. (2023): Should Brands Talk about Environmental Sustainability Aspects That “Really Hurt”? Exploring the Consequences of Disclosing Highly Relevant Negative CSR Information, sustainability, 22(15), https://doi.org/10.3390/su152215909
Roßmann, P./Schade, M./Burmann C. (2023): When manufacturer brands did not support retailer brand images, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, online first, https://doi.org/10.1108/IJRDM-12-2022-0518
Piehler, R./Schade, M./Sinnig, J./Burmann, C.
(2021): Traditional or “instafamous” celebrity? Role of origin of fame in social media influencer marketing, Journal of Strategic Marketing (Vol. 30 No.4, pp. 408-420; doi.org/10.1080/0965254X.2021.1909107).
Piehler, R./Hanisch, I./Schade, M./Burmann; C. (2019): Reacting to negative online customer reviews: effects of accommodative management responses on potential customers, in: Journal of Service Theory and Practice, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 401-414.
Piehler, R./Schade, M./Kleine-Kalmer, B./Burmann, C. (2019): Consumers’ Online Brand-Related Activities (COBRAs) on SNS Brand Pages: An Investigation of Consuming, Contributing, and Creating Behaviours of SNS Brand Page Followers, in: European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 53 No. 9, pp. 1833-1853.
Schade, M./Piehler, R./Müller, A./Burmann, C. (2018): How cities can attract highly skilled workers as residents: The impact of city brand benefits, in: Journal of Product & Brand Management Vol. 27, No. 7, pp. 847–857.
Piehler, R./Schade, M./Burmann, C. (2018): Employees as a second audience: The effect of external communication on internal brand management outcomes, in: Journal of Brand Management, Vol. 26. pp. 445-460.
Schade, M./Piehler, R./Warwitz, C./Burmann, C. (2018): Increasing consumers’ intention to use location-based advertising, in: Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol. 27, No. 6, pp. 661–669.
Schade, M./Piehler, R./Warwitz, C./Burmann, C. (2016): Location-Based Advertising: Privacy Concerns No Big Deal, in: Marketing Review St. Gallen, 33/6, 56-61.
Burmann, C./Schade, M./Halaszovich, T./Skala-Gast, D./Roßmann, P. (2016): Zufriedenheit im Premium-Automobilsegment irrelevant?, in: Marketing Review St. Gallen, 3/2016, S. 30-39.
Schade, M./Hegner, S./Horstmann, F./Brinkmann, N. (2016): The Impact of Attitude Functions on Luxury Brand Consumption: An Age-Based Group Comparison, in: Journal of Business Research Vol 69, S. 314-322.
Schade, M./Piehler, R./Burmann, C. (2014): Sport Club Brand Personality Scale (SCBPS), in: Journal of Brand Management 21/7-8, S. 650–663.
Kanitz, C./Muzellec, L./Schade, M./Burmann, C. (2013): Reverse Product Placement – Eine empirische Untersuchung der Verhaltensrelevanz fiktiver Dienstleistungsmarken, in: Marketing ZFP 3/2013, S. 23 –250.
Burmann, C./Schade, M./Kanitz, C. (2013): Augen auf bei der Sponsorenwahl, in: Marketing Review St. Gallen, 1/2013, Ausgabe 1, S. 36-45.
Burmann, C./Schade, M. (2012): Benefits of Sport-Teams-Modell (BoST-Modell), in Marketing ZFP 4/2012, S. 316-335.
Müller, A./Schade M. (2012): Symbols and Place Identity, a Semiotic Approach to Internal Place Branding – case study Bremen, in: Journal of Place Management and Development, Vol. 5, No. 1, S. 81-92.
Burmann, C./Schade, M./Kleine-Kalmer, B. (2012): Identitätsbasierte Führung von Luxusmarken – Eine Analyse am Beispiel von Bugatti und Maybach, in: Marketing Review St. Gallen, 2012, Ausgabe 1, S. 42-47.
Burmann, C./Halaszovich, T./Schade, M. (2012): Markenführung und Markenauthentizität, in: wisu 10/2012, S. 1318-1322.
Burmann, C./ Halaszovich, T./ Schade, M./ Klein, K./ Piehler, R. (2024): Identitätsbasierte Markenführung - Grundlagen - Strategie - Umsetzung - Controlling, 5. Aufl. Wiesbaden.
Burmann C./Riley, N.-M./Halaszovich, T./ Schade, M./Klein, K./Piehler, R. (2023): Identity-Based Brand Management – Fundamentals – Strategy – Implementation – Controlling, Second Edition, Wiesbaden.
Burmann, C./ Halaszovich, T./ Schade, M./ Klein, K./ Piehler, R. (2021): Identitätsbasierte Markenführung - Grundlagen - Strategie - Umsetzung - Controlling, 4. Aufl. Wiesbaden, 2021.
Burmann, C./Halaszovich, T./Schade, M./Piehler, R. (2018): Identitätsbasierte Markenführung - Grundlagen - Strategie - Umsetzung - Controlling, 3. Aufl. Wiesbaden, 2018.
Burmann C./Riley, N.-M./Halaszovich, T./ Schade, M. (2017): Identity-Based Brand Management – Fundamentals – Strategy – Implementation – Controlling, Wiesbaden, 2017.
Burmann, C./Halaszovich, T./Schade, M./Hemmann, F. (2015): Identitätsbasierte Markenführung - Grundlagen - Strategie - Umsetzung - Controlling, 2. Aufl. Wiesbaden, 2015.
Schade, M. (2012): Identitätsbasierte Markenführung professioneller Sportvereine – eine empirische Untersuchung zur Ermittlung verhaltensrelevanter Markennutzen und der Relevanz der Markenpersönlichkeit, Wiesbaden, 2012.
Meyer, T./Schade, M. (2007): Cross-Marketing – Allianzen die stark machen, Göttingen, 2007.
Mahn, L./Schade, M./Burmann, C. (2024): Influencer in Fashion Hauls: Hard-Selling at It’s Best?! in: Vignolles, A./Waiguny, M.K.J. (Eds.): Advances in Advertising Research XIV - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger: Advertising and Communication between Immediacy and Sustainability.
von der Wense, D./Schade, M./Burmann, C. (2023): Geisterspiele: Wenn ein Teil der Dienstleistung ausbleibt – Die Relevanz der Fan-Communities für die Leistungserstellung im Profi-Fußball, in: Bruhn, M./Hadwich, K. (Hrsg.): Gestaltung des Wandels im Dienstleistungsmanagement – Band 2: Kundenperspektive – Anbieterperspektive - Mitarbeiterperspektive, Wiesbaden, S. 175-196.
Kanitz, C./Schade, M. (2021): Influencer Marketing – Nicht alles ist Gold, was auf Instagram glänzt, in: Haag, P. (Hrsg.): KMU- und Start-up-Management – Strategische Aspekte, operative Umsetzung und Best-Practice, Wiesbaden, S. 397-413.
Diegel, M/Schade, M./Burmann, C. (2019): Führung von Sportvereinsmarken aus identitätsbasierter Markenmanagementperspektive, in: Walzel, S./Römisch, V. (Hrsg.): Teamsport Management – Eine umfassende und interdisziplinäre Betrachtung, Wiesbaden, S. 171 – 190.
Burmann, C./Piehler, R./Schade, M./Beckmann, C. (2014): Identität und Marke im Entrepreneurial Marketing, in: Freiling, J./Kollmann, T. (Hrsg.): Entrepreneurial Marketing – Besonderheiten, Aufgaben und Lösungsansätze für Gründungsunternehmen, Wiesbaden, S. 473 – 499.
Burmann, C./Schade, M./Müller, A. (2014): Erfolgreiche Führung von Destinationsmarken – das Fallbeispiel Bremen, in: Hartmann, R./Helle, F. (Hrsg.): Interkulturelles Management in Freizeit und Tourismus – Kommunikation – Kooperation – Kompetenz, Berlin, S. 281 – 288.
Burmann, C./Frantzen. M./Schade. M. (2014): Identitätsbasierte Markenführung im Sport – Herausforderung Brand Delivery, in: Preuß (Hrsg.): Marken und Sport – Aktuelle Aspekte der Markenführung im Sport und mit Sport, Wiesbaden, S. 93 – 106.
Kanitz, C./Schade, M. (2012): Markenarchitektur bei Luxusmarken, in: Burmann, C./König, V./Meurer, J. (Hrsg.): Identitätsbasierte Luxusmarkenführung – Grundlagen, Strategien, Controlling, Wiesbaden, S. S. 103 – 119.
Müller, A./Schade, M. (2012): Der symbolische Nutzen von Luxusmarken, in: Burmann, C./König. V./Meurer, J. (Hrsg.): Identitätsbasierte Luxusmarkenführung – Grundlagen, Strategien, Controlling, Wiesbaden, S. 69 - 82.
Artikel in Praxiszeitschriften
Dulle, M./Schade, M./Kanitz, C./Wiezorrek, J./Zehetner, A. (2024): Email Marketing - Wie Sie mithilfe von Customization aus der Klickflaute kommen, in: Harvard Business Manager, Juni 2024, S. 8-9.
Müller, J./Schade, M./Burmann, C. (2023): Should Brands Talk about Environmental Sustainability Aspects That “Really Hurt”? Exploring the Consequences of Disclosing Highly Relevant Negative CSR Information, sustainability, 22(15), https://doi.org/10.3390/su152215909
Adomeit, M./Könnecke, D./Kyas, V./Burmann, C./Schade, M. (2021). The strive for the authentic brand experience. How an identity-based authenticity model can increase trust, in: Deloitte Digital.
Burmann, C./Schade, M./Müller, A./ Kelschebach, J. (2014): Identitätsbasierte Markenführung – Die Persönlichkeit der Dinge, in: Gunthner, M. (Hrsg.): Bremer Marken – Marke Bremen, Bremen, S. 14 – 19.
Burmann, C./Welling, M./Schade, M. (2008): Führung von Sportvereinsmarken, in: USP – Menschen im Marketing, Nr. 3, 2008.
Veröffentlichte Arbeiten in verdeckt-referierten Conference Proceedings
Hollstein, A. S./Schade, M./Frese, F./Schewe, M./Burmann, C. (2024): Strategic Employer Branding: A Deep Dive into the Organizational Identification Dimensions from the Perspective of the Prospective Employees, In EMAC 2024 Conference Proceedings, Bucharest, Romania.
Schewe, M./Gardewin, O./Schade, M./Frese, F./ Hollstein, A. S./Burmann, C. (2024): Forging Bonds: The Development of a Scale to Measure Perceived Benefits of Brand Flagship Platforms. In EMAC 2024 Conference Proceedings, Bucharest, Romania.
Frese, F./Brüninghaus, D./Arribas, I./Garcia, F./Burmann, C./Schade, M./Schewe, M./ Hollstein, A. S./Steding, A. (2024): CSR Associations and Market Value: The Moderating Role of Market Competition. In EMAC 2024 Conference Proceedings, Bucharest, Romania.
Frese, F./Hollstein, A. S./Fink, T./Schade, M./Burmann, C. (2024): Why Do You Like the Post? An Explanatory Approach of Micro, Macro and Mega Influencers’ User Engagement Statistics. In 2024 AMA Winter Academic Conference Proceedings, St. Pete Beach, FL, USA.
Hollstein, A. S./von der Wense, D./Schade, M./Burmann, C. (2024): Decoding Sport Club Identification - A Multi-Dimensional Analysis. In 2024 AMA Winter Academic Conference Proceedings, St. Pete Beach, FL, USA.
Schade, M./Kanitz, C./Dulle, M./Wiezorrek, J./Buttgereit, S./Zehetner, A. (2024): Does anyone read your marketing emails? No? Then customize it! - The effect of content and timing. In 2024 AMA Winter Academic Conference Proceedings, St. Pete Beach, FL, USA.
Mahn, L./Schade, M./Burmann, C. (2024): How to Sell via Fashion Hauls on Instagram: Social Media Influencers Acting as Virtual Sellers for Brands. In 2024 AMA Winter Academic Conference Proceedings, St. Pete Beach, FL, USA.
Kanitz, C./Schade, M./Abraham, E./Burmann, C. (2023): PL Brand Architecture – Should Retailers Link PL Brands with their Corporate Brand? In: 2023 AMA Summer Academic Conference, San Francisco, CA; USA.
Frese, F./Schade, M./Kanitz, C./Burmann, C./Abraham, E. (2023). To link or not to link - Which type of retailer brand should use a linked PL branding strategy? In: EMAC 2023 Conference Proceedings, Odense, Denmark.
Hollstein, A. S./Frese, F./Fink, T./Schade, M./Burman, C. (2023): Why Do You Like the Post? An Explanatory Approach of Micro, Macro and Mega Influencers’ User Engagement Statistics. In: EMAC 2023 Conference Proceedings, Odense, Denmark.
Mahn, L./Schade, M./Burmann, C. (2023): Role Perceptions of Influencers in Virtual Selling Tools: How Do Consumers Perceive the Influencer’s Role in Fashion Hauls on Instagram, and How Do These Perceptions Affect Purchase Intentions? In: EMAC 2023 Conference Proceedings, Odense, Denmark.
Schade, M./Kanitz, C./Dulle, M./Wiezorrek, J./Buttgereit, S./Zehetner, A. (2023): Do not underestimate email customization to boost consumer engagement – the impact of the customization elements timing and content. In: EMAC 2023 Conference Proceedings, Odense, Denmark.
Kanitz; C./Landershammer, M./Schade, M. (2023): Digital is not always better – B2B customer experience in the machinery construction industry. In: EMAC 2023 Conference Proceedings, Odense, Denmark.
Schade, M./Rossmann, P./Burmann, C. (2022): Manufacturer Brands and the Impact on Retailer Brand Image - The number of offered manufacturer brands as moderator. In: 20th International Conference on Research in Advertising.Frontiers of Advertising: Re-considering Its Shapes and Forms, 23 - 25 June 2022, Prague, Hungary.
Dulle, M./Wiezorrek, J./Schade, M./Kanitz, C./Buttgereit, S. (2022): Customize your Newsletter! – Email marketing in the light of content and timing customization. In: 20th International Conference on Research in Advertising.Frontiers of Advertising: Re-considering Its Shapes and Forms, 23 - 25 June 2022, Prague, Hungary.
Kanitz, C./ Schade, M./Abraham, E./Burmann, C. (2022): Private-label brand architecture for online retailers. In: 20th International Conference on Research in Advertising.Frontiers of Advertising: Re-considering Its Shapes and Forms, 23 - 25 June 2022, Prague, Hungary.
Schade, M./Kanitz, C./Abraham, E./Burmann, C. (2022): Not even Amazon is always right – How to drive private-label brand architecture decision-making. In: EMAC 2022 Conference Proceedings, Budapest, Hungary.
Rossmann, P./Schade, M./Burmann, C. (2022): The Impact of Manufacturer Brands on Retailer Brand Image - The Moderating Role of the Number of Manufacturer Brands Offered by the Retailer. In: EMAC 2022 Conference Proceedings, Budapest, Hungary.
Piehler, R./Schade, M./Diegel, M./Burmann, C. (2021): A Comparison of the Feedback Effect of Brand Extension and Co-Branding Strategies. In: ANZMAC 2021 Conference Proceedings, Melbourne, Australia.
Schade, M./Piehler, R./Sinnig, J./Burmann, C. (2021): Traditional Celebrity or Instafamous Starlet? The Role of Origin of Fame in Social Media Influencer Marketing, Proceedings of the 2021 Academy of Marketing Science Virtual Conference.
Schade, M./Piehler, R./Sinnig, J./Burmann, C. (2020): The role of origin of fame in social media influencer marketing, 2020 EMAC Annual Conference Proceedings.
Piehler, R./Schade, M./Sinnig, J./Burmann, C. (2020): Traditional Celebrity or Instafamous Starlet? The Role of Origin of Fame in Influencer Marketing, in: 2020 Winter AMA Conference Proceedings, February 14-16, San Diego, CA; USA.
Piehler, R./Schade, M./Rößler, A./Burmann, C. (2020): Internal City Branding, in: 2020 Winter AMA Conference Proceedings, February 14-16, San Diego, CA; USA.
Piehler, R./Schade, M./Rößler, A./Burmann, C. (2019): Internal City Branding, in: 2019 ANZMAC Conference Proceedings, December 02-04, Wellington, New Zealand.
Schade, M./Piehler, R./Rößler, A./Burmann, C. (2019): Internal City Branding, in: 2019 EMAC Conference Proceedings, May 28-31, Hamburg, Germany.
Schade, M./Piehler, R./Burmann, C. (2019): How Cities Can Attract Highly Skilled Workers as Residents: The Impact of City Brand Benefits, in: in: 2019 AMA Winter Marketing Educators‘ Conference Proceedings: Understanding Complexity, Transforming the Marketplace, Vol. 30, February 22-24, Austin, TX, USA.
Piehler, R./Schade, M./Kleine-Kalmer, B./Burmann, C. (2019): Antecedents and Consequences of Consumers' Online Brand-Related Activities (COBRAs) on Social Networking Sites, in: 2019 AMA Winter Marketing Educators‘ Conference Proceedings: Understanding Complexity, Transforming the Marketplace, Vol. 30, February 22-24, Austin, TX, USA.
Piehler, R./Schade, M./Kleine-Kalmer, B./Burmann, C. (2018): Antecedents and Consequences of Consumers' Online Brand-Related Activities (COBRAs) on SNS Brand Pages, in: 2018 ANZMAC Conference Proceedings, Adelaide, Australia.
Schade, M./Piehler, R./Müller, A./Burmann, C. (2018): How Cities Can Attract Highly Skilled Workers as Residents: The Impact of City Brand Benefits, , in: 2018 ANZMAC Conference Proceedings, Adelaide, Australia.
Piehler, R./Schade, M./Kleine-Kalmer, B./Burmann, C. (2018): Antecedents and Consequences of Consumers' Online Brand-Related Activities (COBRAs) on SNS Brand Pages, in: 2018 AMS World Marketing Congress Proceedings: Finding new ways to engage and satisfy global customers, June 27-30, Porto, Portugal.
Schade, M./Piehler, R./Burmann, C. (2018): How Cities Can Attract Highly Skilled Workers as Residents: The Impact of City Brand Benefits on Highly Skilled, Potential Residents’ City Brand Attitudes, in: 2018 AMS World Marketing Congress Proceedings: Finding new ways to engage and satisfy global customers, June 27-30, Porto, Portugal.
Piehler, R./Schade, M./Kleine-Kalmer, B./Burmann, C. (2018). Antecedents and Consequences of Consumers’ Online Brand-Related Activities (COBRAs) on SNS Brand Pages, in: 2018 European Marketing Academy Conference Proceedings: People Make Marketing, May 29-Jun 1, Glasgow, UK.
Schade, M./Piehler, R./Burmann, C. (2018): How Cities Can Attract Highly Skilled Workers as Residents: The Impact of City Brand Benefits on Highly Skilled, Potential Residents’ City Brand Attitudes, in: 2018 European Marketing Academy Conference Proceedings: People Make Marketing, May 29-June 1, Glasgow, UK.
Piehler, R./Schade, M./Burmann, C. (2017): The effect of external communication on employees, in: 2017 ANZMAC Conference Proceedings, Melbourne, Australia.
Piehler, R./Schade, M./Nee, I./Burmann, C. (2017): Management responses to negative online customer reviews, in: 2017 ANZMAC Conference Proceedings, Melbourne, Australia.
Schade, M./Piehler, R./Warwitz, C./Burmann, C. (2017): Increasing consumers’ intention to use location-based advertising, in: 2017 ANZMAC Conference Proceedings, Melbourne, Australia.
Piehler, R./Schade, M./Kleine-Kalmer, B./Burmann, C. (2017): Antecedents and consequences of brand page attachment, in: 2017 ANZMAC Conference Proceedings, Melbourne, Australia.
Piehler, R./Schade, M./Nee, I./Fink, T./Burmann, C. (2017):Compensate or Explain? Management Responses to Negative Online Customer Reviews, in: 2017 European Marketing Academy Conference Proceedings: Leaving Footprints, May 23-26, Groningen, The Netherlands.
Piehler, R./Schade, M./Kleine-Kalmer, B./Burmann, C. (2017): Drivers of Brand Page Attachment, in: 2017 AMS Annual Conference Proceedings: Back to the Future: Using Marketing Basics to Provide Customer Value, May 24-26, San Diego, CA, USA.
Piehler, R./Schade, M./Nee, I./Burmann, C. (2017): Management Responses to Negative Online Customer Reviews: The Effect of Compensation and Explanation on the Observer’s Purchase Intention, in: 2017 AMS Annual Conference Proceedings: Back to the Future: Using Marketing Basics to Provide Customer Value, May 24-26, San Diego, CA, USA.
Piehler, R./Schade, M./Kleine-Kalmer, B./Burmann, C. (2017): Measuring the Success of Social Media Activities: Brand Page Attachment as a Pre-Behavioral Construct, in: 2017 AMA Winter Marketing Educators‘ Conference Proceedings: Better Marketing for a Better World, Vol. 28, February 17-19, Orlando, FL, USA.
Piehler, R./Schade, M./Burmann, C. (2016): The Effect of Communication on Employee Brand Understanding, Brand Commitment, and Brand Citizenship Behavior, in: Proceedings of the 2016 AMS 19th World Marketing Congress.
Schade, M./Piehler, R./Warwitz, C./Burmann, C. (2016): Antecedents of the Intention to Use Location-Based Advertising: Advertising Value, Privacy Concerns, and the Role of Brand Trust, in: Proceedings of the 2016 AMS 19th World Marketing Congress.
Schade, M./Piehler, R./Warwitz, C./Burmann, C. (2016): The Effect of Advertising Value and Privacy Concerns on the Intention to Use Location-Based Advertising: The Role of Brand Trust as Brand-Related Antecedent, in: 2016 European Marketing Academy Conference Proceedings: Marketing in the age of data, May 24-27, Oslo, Norway.
Piehler, R./Schade, M./Kleine-Kalmer, B./Burmann, C. (2016): Brand Page Attachment - Development of the Construct, Antecedents, and Consequences, in: 2016 European Marketing Academy Conference Proceedings: Marketing in the age of data, May 24-27, Oslo, Norway.
Schade, M./Piehler, R./Warwitz, C./Burmann, C. (2016): Factors Influencing the Intention to Use Location-Based Advertising: The Effect of Entertainment, Informativeness, and Irritation on Advertising Value and the Effect of Brand Trust and Self-Efficacy on Privacy Concern, in: 2016 AMA Winter Marketing Educators‘ Conference Proceedings: What Happens in Marketing, Stays Digital: Rethinking Marketing in the Era of Unlimited Data, Vol. 27.
Piehler, R./Schade, M./Burmann, C. (2015): The role of communication in internal brand
Management, in: Proceedings of the EMAC 2015.
Schade, M./Hegner, S./Horstmann, F., Piehler, R. (2015): An empirical investigation of the relevance of attitude functions for luxury brand consumption in different age groups, in: Proceedings of the EMAC 2015.
Piehler, R./Schade, M./Burmann, C. (2015): Internal and External Communication as Antecedents of Employee Brand Understanding, Brand Commitment, and Brand Citizenship Behavior, in: 2015 AMA Winter Marketing Educators´ Conference - Marketing in a Global, Digital and Connected World.
Schade, M./Piehler, R./Burmann, C. (2015): Personality Scale for Professional Sport Clubs, in: 2015 AMA Winter Marketing Educators´ Conference - Marketing in a Global, Digital and Connected World.
Schade, M./Hegner, S./Horstmann, F. (2014): The Relevance of Attitude Functions for Luxury Brand Consumption During Human Life Span, in: 2014 AMA Summer Marketing Educators´ Conference - Leveraging New Technology to Create Value for Customers and Firms.
Schade, M./Hegner, S./Horstmann, F. (2014): The impact of attitude functions on luxury brand consumption: An age-based group comparison, in: Proceedings of the ICORIA 2014.
Piehler, R./Schade, M. (2014): External Communication and Internal Brand Management, in: Proceedings of the ICORIA 2014.
Burmann, C./Kanitz, C./Halaszovich, T./Schade, M. (2014): Managing Brand Architecture –The Impact of Corporate and Product Brands, in: Paradigm Shifts & Interactions, Proceedings of the 43rd European Marketing Academy Conference.
Schade, M./Hegner, S./Horstmann, F. (2014): The Impact of Attitude Functions on Luxury Brand Consumption: An Age-Based Group Comparison, in: Monaco Symposium on Luxury Conference Proceedings.
Hanisch; S./Kanitz, C./Schade, M./Burmann, C. (2013): Reverse Sponsoring: An Empirical Analysis Of Sponsors' Impact on the Image of Sport Team and League Brands, in: 2013 AMA Summer Marketing Educators´ Conference Proceedings – Innovating and Collaborating in a Global Market Place.
Schade, M./Kanitz, C./Burmann, C. (2013): Reverse Sponsoring – Influence of Sponsors on Sport Team and League Brands, Proceedings of the ICORIA 2013 – “To boldy go …” - Extending the Boundaries of Advertising.
Kanitz, C./Schade, M./Burmann, C. (2013): Managing Brand Portfolios – Influence of Brands on Different Hierarchy Levels, in: Proceedings of the ICORIA 2013 – “To boldy go …” - Extending the Boundaries of Advertising.
Schade, M/Kanitz, C./Burmann, C. (2013): Reverse Sponsoring Effects: Sponsors‘ Impact on the Image of Sport Team and League Brands, in: Proceedings of the Sport Management Conference, ISC School of Management.
Schade, M./Kanitz, C./Burmann, C. (2013): Relevant Brand Benefits of Professional Sport Teams – An Enhancement of the Team Association Model (TAM) by Gladden and Funk, in: Proceedings of the Sport Management Conference, ISC School of Management.
Schwardt, H./Schade, M./Müller, A. (2013): Status Signaling through Consumption Choices: ‘The Theory of the Leisure Class’ and Luxury Brand Life-Cycles and Cross-Cultural Brand
Transfers, in: Lost in Translation – Marketing in an interconnected world, Proceedings of the 42nd European Marketing Academy Conference.
Schade, M./Kanitz, C./Burmann, C. (2013): An Empirical Investigation of Relevant Benefits in the Context of Professional Sport Teams - “Benefits of Sport Teams-Model“ (BOSTModel), in: Lost in Translation – Marketing in an interconnected world, Proceedings of the 42nd European Marketing Academy Conference.
Kleine-Kalmer, B./Burmann, C./Schade, M. (2013): What Makes Brand Fan Pages in Social Networks Successful? An Empirical Study on Facebook Users’ Attitudes towards Fan Pages of Food and Beverage Brands, in: Lost in Translation – Marketing in an interconnected world, Proceedings of the 42nd European Marketing Academy Conference.
Kanitz, C./Schade, M./Burmann, C. (2012): Managing Brand Architecture: State-of-the-Art and Decision-Making, in: Arnold/Scheer (Hrsg.): Marketing in the Socially-Networked World: Challenges of Emerging, Stagnant, and Resurgent Markets; 2012 Summer AMA Educators’ Proceedings.
Kanitz, C./Schade. M./Burmann, C. (2012): Strategic brand architecture management - A case of pharmaceuticals, in: Proceedings of the ICORIA 2012 - The changing roles of advertising.
Schade, M./Kanitz, C./Burmann, C. (2012): The brand image of professional sport teams, in: Proceedings of the ICORIA 2012 – The changing roles of advertising.
Schade, M./Burmann, C. (2011): The brand image of professional sport teams – an empirical investigation of the relevance of brand personality, in: Patterson, A./Oakes, S. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Conference 2011: Marketing Fields Forever, Academy of Marketing.
Schade, M. (2010): Das Markenimage professioneller Sportvereinsmarken – eine Analyse unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Markenpersönlichkeit, in: Horch, Breuer, Brett, Römisch, Walzel (Hrsg.): Markenmanagement im Sport, Abstracts des 7. Deutschen Sportökonomie‐Kongresses.
Burmann, C./Schade, M. (2009): Determinanten und Wirkungen der Markenpersönlichkeit professioneller Sportvereine, Arbeitspapier Nr. 41 des Lehrstuhls für innovatives Markenmanagement (LiM), Universität Bremen, Burmann, C. (Hrsg.): Bremen.
Burmann, C./Schade, M. (2009): Stand der Forschung zum Markenimage professioneller Sportvereine - eine literaturgestützte Analyse unter besonderer Berücksichtigung relevanter Markennutzen, Arbeitspapier Nr. 40 des Lehrstuhls für innovatives Markenmanagement (LiM), Universität Bremen, Burmann, C. (Hrsg.): Bremen
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