MA European Politics

Basic information


Master of Arts


Standard period of study
4 Semester


Teaching language
German and English


The program is aimed at students of social sciences who have completed at least 40 CPs in the field of political science in their undergraduate program. In the research-oriented Master European Politics you will acquire empirical knowledge and theoretical and methodological competencies that will enable you to analyze political disputes, political decision-making and policy content in the states of Europe and within the framework of the European Union.

We qualify you for tasks related to Europe in politics, business and associations as well as for a political science doctorate in the field of European politics. Some of the courses in the postgraduate program are offered exclusively in English. In the third semester, you will either study abroad for a semester or do an internship related to your studies. In the methods course, you can choose to focus on qualitative or quantitative methods. The postgraduate program is closely integrated into the research-strong and internationally oriented social science research landscape of the University of Bremen.  

Further information

Please consult the Institute of European Studies website and the University of Bremen's Study Programme Database for further information.


Prof.Dr. Arndt Wonka
Building: GW2
Room: B 2330
Phone: 0421 218-67420
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