Physical Geography: Environmental History MSc

Basic information

Master of Science (MSc)
(Physical Geography focus )


Standard period of study
4 semesters
ECTS points


Teaching language


The focus of the MSc programme "Physical Geography: Environmental History" lies on the reconstruction of environmental and climate history. The programme conveys an understanding of physical geography, enabling analysis and interpretation of environmental change and evaluation of the effects on the natural world and society in general. Global environmental change will become the greatest social, political and cultural challenge of the 21st century. To do the complexity of these topics justice, innovative , interdisciplinary teaching and research approaches are necessary, combining natural and anthropogenic phenomena. The new Master's programme faces this challenge by combining a natural science study programme with elements of social sciences from the fields of archaeology and human geography. Using historic data from natural, archaeological and historical environmental archives and instrumental data, you will predict future environmental developments and investigate the impact of climate and environmental change on natural and socioeconomic systems. You will learn how to develop questions independently in consideration of current national and international research projects, about methodical implementation and subsequent interdisciplinary interpretation of the results. In doing so, you will receive thorough training for various professional fields. If you wish to pursue a career in academia, research-oriented training will prepare you for international job markets at research institutions and universities. Methodological field, laboratory and computer training (integrating geographic information systems - GIS) will enable you to work in a variety of applied professional fields, such as public administration, planning offices, media, information technologies or the further education sector.

Further information

For further information about this programme and the application procedure please consult the Institute of Geography website and the University of Bremen's Study Programme Database.

Information for international exchange students can be found here.

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