

Bibliothek Institut für Handelsrecht

The Institute of Commercial Law thanks Bremen lawyers RMK - Rosenboom Menges Klindwort for their support

The Institute of Commercial Law thanks Bremen lawyers RMK - Rosenboom Menges Klindwort for their generous support in furnishing the Institute library with a large conference table and chairs.

Inner courtyard

Research excellence at the new location

Research at international top level is carried out at Forum am Domshof - this is result of the current Times Higher Education ranking.

Group photo at the port

Excursion to Neustädter Hafen

On 13th January 2025, an excursion to the port with the harbour police took place as part of the lecture series "Water Legislation" of Prof. Dr. Katharina Reiling.

Professor Viellechner

5th YUFE Law Conference at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń/Poland

On 15/16 May 2024, the 5th Law Conference of the European university alliance YUFE (Young Universities for the Future of Europe) took place at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń/Poland.

Good and bad practices in European Housing Law and Policy

From 21-22 November 2024, the Universities of Groningen and Bremen hosted an international conference on ‘Good and bad practices in European Housing Law and Policy’.

ZERP Colloquium on 27 November 2024, 6:00 p.m.

Lecture and discussion with PD Dr. Kolja Möller

In guter Verfassung? 75 Jahre Grundgesetz

Fifth Bremen Talks on the Constitutional State on 6 December 2024 in Bremen

Group photo doctoral awards ceremony

Doctoral Awards Ceremony 2024

On 19 November 2024, this year's doctoral awards ceremony of the Faculty of Law took plance in the Kaminsaal of Bremen Town Hall.

Lecture: Die EU der Zukunft: Größer, flexibler und effizienter?

Lecture by Prof. Dr. Christian Calliess LL.M. Eur (FU Berlin), followed by discussion, 6:00-8:00 p.m. in room 40010.

Prof. Dr. Abbo Junker

Bigas Invites to a Lecture on 27 November (Wednesday) at 5:00 p.m. s.t.

Professor Dr. Abbo Junker (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich) will talk about repayment clauses for education and payment in employment contracts (in German).

Updated by: FB6