Events 2016

New generation X-ray Microscope for MAPEX

On 1st December 2016 the time had finally come, the long expected X-ray microscope (XRM), ZEISS Versa 520, arrived and was set-up in the LION building. During the following two weeks, a team of ZEISS and MAPEX scientists and technicians completed the complex installation and calibration process. Since January 2017, the instrument is running and standard measurements are possible.

During the initial project phase, we offer to scan test samples of all MAPEX members in order to explore the capabilities and limits of the method with respect to our specific types of samples. Routine service operations for standard measurements will start in early summer 2017. Different types of in-situ equipment and diffraction contrast tomography will become available within the next months.

The instrument is provided by the DFG within a major equipment initiative for XRMs. The corresponding project “In-situ studies of 3D microstructure evolution and spectroscopic imaging during processing and manufacturing of advanced materials.” is coordinated by the MAPEX speaker Lucio Colombi Ciacchi.

For any questions or queries regarding the XRM, please contact the responsible instrumental scientist, Oliver Focke: fockeprotect me ?!uni-bremenprotect me ?!.de.

  • Arrival and set-up of the XRM

    in the LION building.

  • Arrival and set-up of the XRM

    in the LION building.

  • Arrival and set-up of the XRM

    in the LION building.

  • Arrival and set-up of the XRM

    in the LION building.

  • Arrival and set-up of the XRM

    in the LION building.

  • Arrival and set-up of the XRM

    in the LION building.

  • Arrival and set-up of the XRM

    in the LION building.

Group of elderly students from Bremen and Bielefeld visiting the LFM

  • Elderly students visiting the LFM

    Laboratory for Precision Machining (Labor für Mikrozerspanung, LFM)

  • Elderly students visiting the LFM

    Laboratory for Precision Machining (Labor für Mikrozerspanung, LFM)

  • Elderly students visiting the LFM

    Laboratory for Precision Machining (Labor für Mikrozerspanung, LFM)

  • Elderly students visiting the LFM

    Laboratory for Precision Machining (Labor für Mikrozerspanung, LFM)

  • Elderly students visiting the LFM

    Laboratory for Precision Machining (Labor für Mikrozerspanung, LFM)

  • Elderly students visiting the LFM

    Laboratory for Precision Machining (Labor für Mikrozerspanung, LFM)

  • Elderly students visiting the LFM

    Laboratory for Precision Machining (Labor für Mikrozerspanung, LFM)

For a delegation of elderly students from Bielefeld the visit of the Laboratory for Precision Machining (Labor für Mikrozerspanung, LFM) was one of the highlights during their meeting with the representatives of the elderly students from the University of Bremen. On 27th October 2016, MAPEX Early Career Investigator Lars Schönemann took our guests on an intriguing tour into the world of ultra-precision machining. The visitors were impressed by the insights into the manufacturing of complex optical elements and precision mechanical parts, which often play a key role in diverse technological fields ranging from medical engineering to astronomy. After all questions of the interested audience were answered, Lars Schönemann received a full applause and a small thank-you gift.


3rd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop

Science meets Industry - cooperation projects and career path in(to) the industry

Every seat was occupied for the 3rd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop that took place with more than 60 participants on 27th September 2016. According to the motto “science meets industry” the programme was composed of career talks by representatives from BEGO Implant Systems GmbH & Co. KG, OHB System AG as well as tandem talks on cooperative projects held by a MAPEX member and a cooperation partner from industry (Daimler AG, ficonTec Service GmbH). The generous coffee breaks allowed for a lively exchange between the participants and the presenters from science and industry. A highlight was the plenary talk, which is traditionally given by a newly appointed professor in the MAPEX community: Anne Staubitz took the participants on a fascinating journey through her research “Synthesis as a Tool for Developing New Functional Materials”. The talk of MAPEX early career investigator Katharina Koschek from the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials IFAM on the “challenges and opportunities of fibre reinforced plastics” was a perfect introduction for the final excursion through the different departments of the IFAM. The day was rounded off by a dinner buffet and get together at the IFAM and later on in the Haus am Walde.

Detailed programme of the workshop.

  • 3rd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop

    Career Opportunities for Natural Scientists and Engineers in Space Industry, OHB System AG

  • 3rd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop

    Fabrication of dental implant surfaces, BEGO Implant Systems GmbH & Co. KG

  • 3rd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop

    Discussion Tables and Coffee.

  • 3rd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop

    Dr. Claas Falldorf, BIAS

  • 3rd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop


  • 3rd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop

    Discussion Tables and Coffee.

  • 3rd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop

    speakers: cooperation project „SMARTY“

  • 3rd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop

    Discussion Tables and Coffee.

  • 3rd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop

    plenary lecture by Anne Staubitz, newly appointed Professor for Organic Functional Materials

  • 3rd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop

    Participants of the 3rd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop.

MAPEX Symposium 2016

  • Andreas Breiter, Konrektor für Forschung und wissenschaftlichen Nachwusch begrüßt die Teilnehmer

    MAPEX SYMPOSIUM 6 June 2016

    Vice Rector for Research and Young Academics Andreas Breiter welcomes participants

  • Begrüßung durch MAPEX Sprecher Lucio Colombi Ciacchi

    MAPEX SYMPOSIUM 6 June 2016

    Introduction to MAPEX by MAPEX speaker Lucio Colombi Ciacchi

  • Vortragender Marcus Bäumer

    MAPEX SYMPOSIUM 6 June 2016

    speaker Marcus Bäumer

  • Vortragende Dorothea Brüggemann

    MAPEX SYMPOSIUM 6 June 2016

    speaker Dorothea Brüggemann

  • Vortragender Frieder Lucklum

    MAPEX SYMPOSIUM 6 June 2016

    speaker Frieder Lucklum

  • Vortragender Daniel Meyer

    MAPEX SYMPOSIUM 6 June 2016

    speaker Daniel Meyer

  • IAB Mitglied Sybrand van der Zwaag und MAPEX Sprecher Lucio Colombi Ciacchi vor dem MAPEX Briefkasten

    MAPEX SYMPOSIUM 6 June 2016

    IAB member Sybrand van der Zwaag and MAPEX speaker Lucio Colombi Ciacchi at the MAPEX post box

  • Gruppe von Personen, International Advisory Board, MAPEX Sprecher und Wissenschaftsmanagerin bei den Bremer Stadtmusikanten

    MAPEX SYMPOSIUM 6 June 2016

    International Advisory Board, MAPEX speaker and scientific manager visiting Bremen Town Musicans

  • Gruppe von Personen, Stadtführung

    MAPEX SYMPOSIUM 6 June 2016

    Guided City Tour

  • Willkommensrede von Lucio Colombi Ciacchi beim Abendessen

    MAPEX SYMPOSIUM 6 June 2016

    Welcome speech of Lucio Colombi Ciacchi during social dinner

  • Gruppe von Personen, das International Advisory Board

    MAPEX SYMPOSIUM 6 June 2016

    International Advisory Board. From left to right: Mike W. Finnis, Hans-Conrad zur Loye, Stacey F. Bent, Hani Henein, Sybrand van der Zwaag.

  • Zuhörer des MAPEX Symposiums

    MAPEX SYMPOSIUM 7 June 2016

    Transfer – Projects in cooperation with industry

  • Vortragende Uta Bohnebeck, Konrektorin für Forschung

    MAPEX SYMPOSIUM 7 June 2016

    Vice Rector for Research Uta Bohnebeck

  • Tandemvortrag moderiert von Ralf B. Bergmann (mittig) und gehalten von Axel Herrmann (links) und Andre Walter (rechts)

    MAPEX SYMPOSIUM 7 June 2016

    Ralf B. Bergmann (center) moderating the tendem lecture of Axel Herrmann, FIBRE (left) and Andre Walter, Head of Site and Plant Bremen at Airbus Operations (right)

  • Vortragender Axel Herrmann

    MAPEX SYMPOSIUM 7 June 2016

    speaker Axel Herrmann

  • Tandemvortrag moderiert von Ralf B. Bergmann (mittig) und gehalten von Hans-Werner Zoch und Winfried Gräfen

    MAPEX SYMPOSIUM 7 June 2016

    Ralf B. Bergmann (center) moderating the tendem lecture of Hans-Werner Zoch, IWT (left) and Winfried Gräfen, Hanomag Lohnhärterei GmbH (right)

  • Gruppe von Personen, Führung durch das LFM

    MAPEX SYMPOSIUM 7 June 2016

    Visit of LFM

  • Gruppe von Personen, Führung durch das LFM

    MAPEX SYMPOSIUM 7 June 2016

    Visit of LFM

  • Gruppe von Personen, Führung durch das ZARM

    MAPEX SYMPOSIUM 7 June 2016

    Visit of ZARM

  • Gruppe von Personen, Führung durch das ZARM

    MAPEX SYMPOSIUM 7 June 2016

    Visit of ZARM

With a fantastic early summer evening at the promenade of the river Weser “Schlachte”, the members of the International Advisory Board and the organizing committee had a perfect kick-off for the first MAPEX Symposium that took place on June 6th and 7th 2016.

The first day was dedicated to the three major fields of the MAPEX research landscape – Materials – Technologies – Methods. Nine MAPEX scientists from all career stages presented their research projects in front of the interdisciplinary audience in the well-filled Olbers-Saal in the “Haus der Wissenschaft”. After the guided city-tour had to be interrupted due to a heavy thunderstorm, a nice dinner at the Restaurant Jürgenshof rounded off the day.

Cooperation projects with the industry were in the focus on the second event day, with two tandem talks given by the MAPEX Principal Investigators Prof. H.-W. Zoch (IWT) and Prof. A. Hermann (FIBRE) together with their cooperation partners Winfried Gräfen (Hanomag Lohnhärterei GmbH, Hannover) and Andre Walter (Airbus Operations, Head of Site and Plant Bremen), respectively. Before the panel meetings took place in the afternoon, a tour through the Laboratory for Precision Machining was scheduled and as another highlight the board members enjoyed a lunch buffet with the nice panorama on the top of the Fallturm.

Detailed programme of the symposium.

2nd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop

About 60 young scientists from the University of Bremen and Hochschule Bremen met on 11 April 2016 for the 2nd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop in the science lounge of the TAB building. In 27 flash presentations master and PhD students advertised their research posters in front of the MAPEX early career investigators and their colleagues. The contributions were embedded in a frame work of key lectures from the MAPEX members Michael Fischer (FB5), Dirk Lehmhus (FB4) and Dorothea Brüggemann (FB1). Whereas Michael Fischer guided the audience into the world of “Atomistic Modelling of Porous Solids – From Fundamental Understanding to Applications”, Dirk Lehmhus discussed “Material- integrated intelligent systems: Challenges and Perspectives”. Dorothea Brüggemann started her talk “Materials science meets Biology: Synthetic cell systems” with the view of a physicist on biology: “What I cannot create, I do not understand!” (Richard Feynman).

As a high light, Prof. Fabio La Mantia, recently appointed at the faculty of Production Engineering (FB4) held the plenary lecture and introduced into “Novel aqueous zinc-ion battery on copper hexacyanoferrate for grid energy storage”.

Numerous enthusiastic discussions started during the poster sessions and were contunued during the blacklight minigolf match and the dinner. The young scientists summarized the workshop to be an excellent platform to get an overview on the research topics and techniques available at the University of Bremen and to get in contact with scientists from the other faculties.

Detailed programme of the workshop.

  • 2nd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop - Registration

    2nd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop


  • 2nd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop - Preparation for Poster Session

    2nd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop

    Preparation for Poster Session

  • 2nd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop - Participants

    2nd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop


  • 2nd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop - MAPEX speaker Lucio Colombi Ciacchi welcomes participants

    2nd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop

    MAPEX speaker Lucio Colombi Ciacchi welcomes participants

  • 2nd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop - MAPEX speaker Lucio Colombi Ciacchi

    2nd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop

    MAPEX speaker Lucio Colombi Ciacchi

  • 2nd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop - MAPEX scientific manager Hanna Lührs

    2nd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop

    MAPEX scientific manager Hanna Lührs

  • 2nd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop - speaker: Michael Fischer

    2nd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop

    speaker: Michael Fischer

  • 2nd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop - speaker: Yang Liu

    2nd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop

    speaker: YangLiu

  • 2nd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop - speaker: Fabio La Mantia

    2nd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop

    speaker: Fabio La Mantia

  • 2nd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop - Poster Session 1

    2nd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop

    Poster Session 1

  • 2nd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop - Poster Session 2

    2nd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop

    Poster Session 2

  • 2nd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop - presenter: Lasse Langstädtler

    2nd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop

    presenter: Lasse Langstädtler

  • 2nd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop - presenter: Nils Hildebrand

    2nd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop

    presenter: Nils Hildebrand

  • 2nd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop - presenter: Benjamin Besser

    2nd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop

    presenter: Benjamin Besser

  • 2nd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop - presenter: Jens Laube

    2nd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop

    presenter: Jens Laube

  • 2nd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop - presenter: Katharina Haag

    2nd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop

    presenter: Katharina Haag

  • 2nd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop - presenter: Eike Foremny

    2nd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop

    presenter: Eike Foremny

  • 2nd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop - presenter: Monika Michaelis

    2nd MAPEX Young Scientist Workshop

    presenter: Monika Michaelis

How to build an airplane out of plastic?

  • MOM meets MAPEX

    6 March 2016

  • MOM meets MAPEX

    6 March 2016

  • MOM meets MAPEX

    6 March 2016

  • MOM meets MAPEX

    6 March 2016

  • MOM meets MAPEX

    6 March 2016

  • MOM meets MAPEX

    6 March 2016

  • MOM meets MAPEX

    6 March 2016

  • MOM meets MAPEX

    6 March 2016

  • MOM meets MAPEX

    6 March 2016

  • MOM meets MAPEX

    6 March 2016

  • MOM meets MAPEX

    6 March 2016

  • MOM meets MAPEX

    The five visited MAPEX institutions of the MOM visitors.

60 pupils between 14 and 16 years from Ireland, Italy, Portugal, and Germany visited MAPEX on March 9th 2016. Their schools are taking part in the Erasmus-plus-program "Matters of Matter - Future Materials in Science Education", funded by the European Union. In small international groups and supported by their teachers, the pupils are working on projects regarding biosensors, "smart houses", or energy harvesting. The project foresees mutual visits to all partner schools. An excursion to Bremen was part of the one-week program hosted by the Gymnasium Papenburg. In small groups, the guests visited five different institutions of the MAPEX network and presented posters summarizing their visits during a final discussion round.

In the LFM they learned about ultrahigh-precision machines using diamond cutting tools in order to produce metals with mirror-like surfaces. "How to build an airplane out of plastics?" was the question they addressed in the FIBRE. The effect of laser radiation on the properties of different materials and their behavior was explained in the bias. Students of the Bremergy team demonstrated how they are building their own racing car. In the IMSAS the pupils visited the laboratories and workshops used for the fabrication of novel sensors.

Updated by: MAPEX