Qualification offers

Area of Qualification: Professional skills

Principles and rules of scientific work


Area of Qualification: Professional skills

Personal competencies


Area of Qualification: Professional skills

Higher-education didactics


Area of Qualification: Lectures and courses



General overview: Offers at the University of Bremen

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Konstruktive Einzelgespräche gestalten

By Personalentwicklung

Mapex QP- Principles and Rules of Scientific Work|

Open Online Course - Research Ethics and Integrity (RE&I)

By YUFE Pilot Programme on Doctoral Learning / only registered members to the MAPEX Doctoral Qualification Programme are eligible for participation.

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Open Online Course - Equality, Diversity & Inclusivity (ED&I)

By YUFE Pilot Programme on Doctoral Learning / only registered members of the MAPEX Doctoral Qualification Programme are eligble to participate

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Rhetorisch überzeugen mit Inhalt, Körper und Stimme

By Personalentwicklung

Mapex QP- Higher-education didactics| MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Gut »gestimmt« lehren und auftreten - ein aktives Stimmtraining

By Personalentwicklung

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Empowerment – Soft Skills und Verhandlungstraining für Frauen

By Career Center

Mapex QP- Higher-education didactics| MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Sketchnotes für Wissenschaftler*innen

By Personalentwicklung

Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses|

Nachhaltige Unternehmensführung

By Career Center

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Schneller lesen - mehr verstehen

By Personalentwicklung

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Konflikte und ihr Innenleben - wir erzeugen und schüren sie, aber wir unterscheiden zu wenig zwischen sinnvollen und nutzlosen Konflikten

By Personalentwicklung

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|


By Personalentwicklung

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Zeitgemäßes Führen - lateral, vor Ort und remote

By Personalentwicklung

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Online Praxisworkshop "Gute Entscheidungen in komplexen Situationen treffen"

By Personalentwicklung

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Starke Stimme - starker Auftritt / Seminar zur Selbstpräsentation

By Personalentwicklung

Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses|

Getting started with Python

By Data Train

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Produktive Meetings ohne Frust: Besprechungen effektiv gestalten und moderieren

By Personalentwicklung

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Selbstmanagement - von Zeit, Selbst und Resilienz

By Personalentwicklung

Mapex QP- Principles and Rules of Scientific Work|

How to write a data management plan (DMP)?

By Data Train

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Guter Stil - Verständlich schreiben für Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler

By Personalentwicklung

Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses|

Adventures in programming languages

By Data Train

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Einführung in die Konfliktvermittlung (Mediation)

By Personalentwicklung

Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses|

Unternehmen kaufen statt gründen - so geht´s

By Personalentwicklung

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Effektive Kommunikation - ONLINE

By Personalentwicklung

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Online-Coaching-Programm „Projektmanagement in der Wissenschaft“

By Personalentwicklung

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Effektive Steuerung von Gruppensituationen

By Personalentwicklung

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Kommunikation reloaded - Wirkungsvoll zuhören und kommunizieren

By Personalentwicklung

Mapex QP- Principles and Rules of Scientific Work| Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses|

Digitalizing data collection using the KoboToolbox

By Data Train

Mapex QP- Principles and Rules of Scientific Work| MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Wissenschaftliches Schreiben - Gruppencoaching

By Personalentwicklung

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

"Effektive Leitung von Gruppensituationen - Online"

By Personalentwicklung

Mapex QP- Principles and Rules of Scientific Work| Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses|

Data preparation/processing - Climate model data

By Data Train

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Science goes public

By Personalentwicklung

Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses|

Betriebswirtschaftslehre für Ingenieurs- und Naturwissenschaftler:innen

By Career Center

Mapex QP- Principles and Rules of Scientific Work| MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Publishing Your Research: guidance for natural scientists


Mapex QP- Principles and Rules of Scientific Work| Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses|

Data preparation/processing - Image data

By Data Train

Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses|

Strategisches Management - Die wichtigsten Management-Tools

By Career Center

MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Fit for Leadership?!


Mapex QP- Principles and Rules of Scientific Work|

Good Scientific Practice – Protecting Research Integrity


Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses|

Getting started with R

By Data Train

Mapex QP- Higher-education didactics| MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies| MAPEX Workshops|

Effective Teaching in Higher Education

By MAPEX Doctoral Qualification Programme

Mapex QP- Principles and Rules of Scientific Work| Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses|

Artificial Intelligence Tools: Responsible Use and Applications in Research and Academia


Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses|

Erste Schritte in MATLAB

By Data Train

Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses|

Data extraction from external online resources using R

By Data Train

Mapex QP- Principles and Rules of Scientific Work| Mapex QP- Lectures and Courses|

Data base skills

By Data Train

Mapex QP- Higher-education didactics| MAPEX QP- Personal Competencies|

Visual Tools Kompakt – Flipcharts, Sketchnotes und Kognitive Landkarten in Lehre und Wissenschaft

By Personalentwicklung

Updated by: MAPEX