Events 2017

5th MAPEX Early Career Researchers Workshop

Science meets industry – spin-offs and cooperation projects

About 40 participants from the University of Bremen and Hochschule Bremen were highly impressed by the contributions presented at the 5th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop on 16 November 2017. According to the motto “spin-offs and cooperation projects” Meike Goos from the Knowledge and Technology Transfer Unit of the University of Bremen introduced possibilities for scientists to set up a business originating from Bremen’s universities. In vivid contributions, three spin-offs of the University of Bremen shared their experience packed full with anecdotes and practical recommendations how to bring your ingenious idea into a ready-to-sell product. The key message to take home from all three founders, Cord Winkelmann (sensosurf), Stefan Frehse (SCiLS), and John Schlasche (Additive Works), is “Talk to your customer!”

In the afternoon, the audience was taken onto an intriguing trip on how academic research and industrial development can work hand in hand. In two tandem talks, Arne Kunze from the Stiftung Institut für Werkstofftechnik (IWT) and Sabine Wagner (Form Tech GmbH) as well as MichaelBrink from the Institute for Integrated Product Development (BIK) and Lars Ischtschuk (SAERTEX GmbH & Co. KG) presented successful examples for the workshop motto “science meets industry”.

A lively exchange between the presenters and the participants took place during the lunch break and coffee breaks. As a final highlight, the MAPEX speaker Lucio Colombi Ciacchi (Hybrid Materials Interfaces) closed the imposing day with a presentation of his own research, showing that the understanding of processes on the atomistic scale can push forward industrial development.

Detailed programme of the workshop.

  • 5th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop

    on 16 November 2017

  • 5th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop

    on 16 November 2017

  • 5th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop

    on 16 November 2017

  • 5th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop

    on 16 November 2017

  • 5th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop

    on 16 November 2017

  • 5th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop

    on 16 November 2017

  • 5th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop

    on 16 November 2017

  • 5th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop

    on 16 November 2017

  • 5th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop

    on 16 November 2017

  • 5th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop

    on 16 November 2017

  • 5th MAPEX Early Career Researcher Workshop

    on 16 November 2017

Guests from the Centre for Advanced Materials (ZHM)

  • Visit of the Centre for Advanced Materials


  • Visit of the Centre for Advanced Materials


  • Visit of the Centre for Advanced Materials


  • Visit of the Centre for Advanced Materials


  • Visit of the Centre for Advanced Materials


A delegation of scientists from the Centre for Advanced Materials around their director Norbert Huber visited MAPEX in September. They were offered an ambitions campus tour visiting ten different MAPEX areas including the four non-university research institutes. The guests were impressed by the collaborative spirit within MAPEX as well as by the passion and motivation of the individual scientists presenting their research. The Centre for Advanced Materials sustains the collaboration within the collaborative research centre 986 between the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) and the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht (HZG) in the field of materials science in an institutional setting.


MAPEX Symposium 2017 - Materials Informatics

MATERIALS INFORMATICS - An emerging research field at the University of Bremen

On 15 September 2017 MAPEX had the honour to host three internationally leading scientists from the still young research field 'materials informatics', attracting more than 50 scientist from the University of Bremen.

The invited talks:

"Computational design and discovery of novel materials"
Nicola Marzari, National Centre for Competence in Research, EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland.

"Discovering the science of materials through Informatics"
Krishna Rajan, Department of Materials Design and Innovation, University at Buffalo, USA.

"Materials informatics and big data: realization of 'fourth paradigm' of science in materials science"
Ankit Agrawal, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Northwestern University, USA.

The programme was completed by three keynote talks from the University of Bremen, and by 10 flaslight and poster presentations by Early Career Reserachers from the MAPEX community.

Detailed programme of the symposium.

  • MAPEX Sprecher Lucio Colombi Ciacchi eröffnet das Symposium.

    MAPEX Symposium - Materials Informatics

    MAPEX speaker Lucio Colombi Ciacchi. "The urgent need for metals engineering ontologies"

  • Vortragender Nicola Marzari (EPFL Lausanne, CH)

    MAPEX Symposium - Materials Informatics

    Nicola Marzari (EPFL Lausanne, CH) "Computational design and discovery of novel Materials"

  • Krishna Rajan (University at Buffalo, USA) talking

    MAPEX Symposium - Materials Informatics

    Krishna Rajan (University at Buffalo, USA) "Discovering the science of materials through informatics"

  • Timo Kohorst (University of Bremen), flaslight presentation

    MAPEX Symposium - Materials Informatics

    Timo Kohorst (University of Bremen), flaslight presentation

  • Carsten Lutz, Mareike Picklum, Stefan Bosse (all University of Bremen) discussion during the poster session

    MAPEX Symposium - Materials Informatics

    Carsten Lutz, Mareike Picklum, Stefan Bosse (all University of Bremen) discussion during the poster session

  • Andreas Rosenauer (University of Bremen), Krishna Rajan (University at Buffalo, USA) discussing

    MAPEX Symposium - Materials Informatics

    Andreas Rosenauer (University of Bremen), Krishna Rajan (University at Buffalo, USA)

  • Postersession

    MAPEX Symposium - Materials Informatics

    Daniel Otero Baguer (University of Bremen) discussion his poster with Sybrand van der Zwaag (TU Delft, Netherlands, member of the MAPEX International Advisory Board)

  • Ankit Agrawal (Northwestern University, USA), talking

    MAPEX Symposium - Materials Informatics

    Ankit Agrawal (Northwestern University, USA) "Materials informatics and big data: realization of 'fourth paradigm' of science in materials science"

  • Carsten Lutz (University of Bremen), talking

    MAPEX Symposium - Materials Informatics

    Carsten Lutz (University of Bremen) "Ontology Engineering on Ontological Data Access"

  • Auditorium MAPEX Symposium 2017

    MAPEX Symposium - Materials Informatics

    Participants of the MAPEX Symposium 2017 in the Haus der Wissenschaft in Bremen.

  • Andrea Miene (Faserinstitut Bremen e.V.), talking

    MAPEX Symposium - Materials Informatics

    Andrea Miene (Faserinstitut Bremen e.V.), flaslight presentation

  • M. Mirdrikvand (University of Bremen), talking

    MAPEX Symposium - Materials Informatics

    Mojtaba Mirdrikvand (University of Bremen), flaslight presentation

  • young women giving a sicentific talk

    MAPEX Symposium - Materials Informatics

    Mareike Picklum (University of Bremen) giving her flashlight presentation

MAPEX at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht (HZG)

  • Visit at the HZG


  • Visit at the HZG

    MAPEX Principal Investigators (Lutz Mädler, Andreas Lüttge)

  • Visit at the HZG


  • Visit at the HZG


  • Visit at the HZG


  • Visit at the HZG


  • Visit at the HZG


  • Visit at the HZG


  • Visit at the HZG

    MAPEX Principal Investigators Lucio Colombi Ciacchi together with the science manager Hanna Lührs

In June, a delegation of MAPEX Principal Investigators (Lutz Mädler, Andreas Lüttge, Jens Falta, Hans-Werner Zoch, Lucio Colombi Ciacchi) together with the science manager Hanna Lührs visited the Centre for Materials and Costal Research. During their visit, the HZG scientists introduced them to their most recent research topics: materials for hydrogen technology, corrosion protection coatings, laser shock peening, tailored polymers for membrane-based separation, experimental mechanics of lightweight materials, and biocompatibility of biomedical implants. Finally, the scientists from Geesthacht and Bremen discussed possible synergies and starting points for new cooperation. “There are a lot of direct connections between the research in Bremen and at the HZG” stated Wolfgang Kaysser, scientific director of the HZG.

See also the press release of the HZG.

MAPEX Methods Workshop I - Materials Characterization

The first MAPEX Workshop on Characterization Methods took place in the TAB building on June 13th 2017. More than 30 participants from chemistry, materials science, physics, and production engineering enjoyed 10 accessible, yet in-depth presentations covering the full range from high-precision measuring techniques to exciting in situ experimental approaches to quantify the structural, physical, chemical, and optical properties of materials and elucidate their synthesis, transformation, and modification by various treatments. PhD students, postdocs, and MAPEX PIs alike were excited to learn about existing state-of-the-art instruments and technical expertise that are available for collaborative use within the MAPEX community. The presented material is also available for download for registered within the university network.

  • Link to Instrument Database
  • Link to the detailed programme of the workshop.

If you are logged in the intranet of the University of Bremen, you can see the presentations of the speakers here:

  • MAPEX Methods Workshop I

    MAPEX scientific manager Hanna Lührs welcomes participants

  • MAPEX Methods Workshop I

    speaker: Jan Ingo Flege

  • MAPEX Methods Workshop I

    speaker: Jérémy Epp

  • MAPEX Methods Workshop I

    speaker: Michael Maas

  • MAPEX Methods Workshop I

    Coffee Break + Discussion

  • MAPEX Methods Workshop I

    Coffee Break + Discussion

4th Early Career Researcher Workshop

  • 4th Early Career Researcher Workshop

    on May the 11th

  • 4th Early Career Researcher Workshop

    on May the 11th

  • 4th Early Career Researcher Workshop

    on May the 11th

  • 4th Early Career Researcher Workshop

    on May the 11th

  • 4th Early Career Researcher Workshop

    on May the 11th

  • 4th Early Career Researcher Workshop

    on May the 11th

  • 4th Early Career Researcher Workshop

    on May the 11th

  • 4th Early Career Researcher Workshop

    on May the 11th

  • 4th Early Career Researcher Workshop

    on May the 11th

  • 4th Early Career Researcher Workshop

    on May the 11th

  • 4th Early Career Researcher Workshop

    on May the 11th

  • 4th Early Career Researcher Workshop

    on May the 11th

  • 4th Early Career Researcher Workshop

    on May the 11th

  • 4th Early Career Researcher Workshop

    on May the 11th

  • 4th Early Career Researcher Workshop

    on May the 11th

  • 4th Early Career Researcher Workshop

    on May the 11th

Within the 4th Early Career Researcher Workshop (formerly named Young Scientist Workshop) on May the 11th, 50 young scientist met in the TAB building to present and discuss their work and contribution to MAPEX. Beside three keynote presentations from Gerrit Dumstorff (FB1, IMSAS), Nils Ellendt (IWT, SFB1232) and Andrea Kirsch (FB2, CKfS) 20 master students, PhD candidates, and postdocs gave a short view on their work in a lightning presentation followed up by poster sessions. “It is interesting and exciting to see, what people are dealing with in their daily scientific work and how they actually define scientific work”, said one of the participants. Another participant praised the relaxed atmosphere, where‚ Master students, PHDs and Postdocs get together. A highlight of the workshop was the last presentation “Processes at fluid interfaces” by Mark Avila. The new Head of the ZARM gave an exciting insight into the scientific work of his group. The workshop finally ended in the city with a slightly different presentation: A night watchman lead the participants through the old city of Bremen, telling stories about the city by walking from the marketplace over the Schlachte to the Schnoor Viertel. Alltogether the workshop was again a successful event which will be continued in autumn with the 5th workshop, where people from industry will meet the MAPEX Early Career Researchers.

Detailed programme of the workshop.

Updated by: MAPEX