PhD Grants - incoming

The MAPEX Center for Materials and Processes invites international doctoral candidates to apply for short-term research grants to spend a limited period of time (one week to one month) at the University of Bremen within the group of a MAPEX member. Incoming doctoral candidates can receive travel and subsistence support for activities that clearly contribute to an added value of their research and career development, such as additional experiments, instrumental training, interdisciplinary projects and cooperation, or networking in the respective scientific community.


The grants are eligible to doctoral candidates (and master students close to graduation) from abroad. Any MAPEX Principal Investigator, Associated Investigator or Early Career Investigator is eligible to host.


Funding up to 2300 € is available for activities lasting between a minimum of one week and  a maximum of up to one month.

The grants include:
(1) a contribution to the travel costs for a return trip along the least expensive route according to the travel allowances;  
(2) a flat-rate allowance for subsistence expenses of 70 € per day, a maximum of 350 € per week and a maximum of 1200 € per month.

The sum of (1) and (2) is limited in all cases to a maximum of 2300 € .

The travel allowances set by the DAAD for Short-Term Research Grants will be used as a basis for calculating the maximum funding amount. Please include a calculation of the expected total travel and subsistence costs in your proposal and, if applicable, explain how you plan to finance possible additional costs.

After their research stay the candidates must provide a short written report (one to two A4 pages) to the MAPEX Center for Materials and Processes. Furthermore, they must provide a short paragraph summarizing their experience and a picture for the MAPEX website.


Applications need to be submitted in electronic form (see below) to the MAPEX executive board, represented by its science manager, Dr. HannaLührs.  Proposals must be submitted no later than one monthbefore the envisaged start of the research stay, the quarterly deadlines for submission are available online.

A commission appointed by the MAPEX executive board will decide whether to fund the proposal or not, depending on the scientific qualification of the candidate, the quality of the proposed project and availability of funding. Precedence is given to candidates whose host has not yet benefitted from an incoming MAPEX Research Grant.

The result of the proposal assessment and the amount of granted funds will be communicated to the applicant and the MAPEX hosting group within three weeks from the deadline for submission.


Please create a single PDF document comprising the following documents:

  1. Text of the proposal following the guideline and not exceeding two A4 pages
  2. Proof that you are actively pursuing a PhD (MSc) at your home university or research institution
  3. Curriculum Vitae including a list of publications and conference contributions.
  4. Letter of recommendation of your PhD (MSc) supervisor.
  5. Letter of recommendation from the MAPEX host, including a statement confirming that the facilities as well as the workspace needed to carry out the proposed project will be available from the start and for the entire period of the envisaged stay.
  6. A signed declaration that
    - the candidate agrees to adhere to the standard rules of good scientific practice, as set for instance by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.
    - in case of publication of results obtained during the research stay, funding through the MAPEX PhD research grant will be explicitly acknowledged.


Only applications that comply with the formal rules will be considered for funding.

Complete applications need to be submitted by email to:

Dr. HannaLührs

Quarterly deadlines for submission are available online.


IW3, Room 2230
Phone: +49-421-218-64580

Updated by: MAPEX