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New MAPEX Postcard - 32

Color-coded photoluminescence mappings of exfoliated MoS2 mono- and multilayers at different wavelengths. High/mean/low intensity is displayed in red/green/blue color. Figure dimension ~ 100 x 70 µm².

Tessarek et al., ACS Applied Nano Materials 3, 7490 (2020).

associated with MAPEX Research Highlight 08-2020:

Controlled Laser-Thinning of MoS2 Nanolayers and Transformation to Amorphous MoOx for 2D Monolayer Fabrication


Tessarek, C., Gridenco, O., Wiesing, M., Müssener, J., Figge, S., Sebald, K., Gutowski, J., Eickhoff, M.


ACS Applied Nano Materials (2020) 3, 7490.

vier unterschiedlich gefärbte Bilder, wie bei einer Finiten Elemente Methode oder Wärmebildkamera
Updated by: MAPEX