Political Science MEd

Basic information


Master of Education


Standard period of study
4 semesters


Teaching language


The Master of Education in Political Science (School profiles: Gymnasium / Oberschule / Berufsbildende Schulen) stands out due to its emphasis on practical content. The teaching practicality of the subject matter in the fields of political science and political didactics are consistently reevaluated. 

Furthermore, cooperation with the subjects of Geography and History, through the Centre for Didactics in Social Sciences (ZeDiS), offers interdisciplinary training to meet the demands of current teaching practice. A particular area of focus lies on the concept of "inquisitive learning" (Bremer Stadtforscher). As part of their Master's theses, students in the Master of Education in Political Science programme use empirical analysis to examine current issues in political didactics under consideration of educational practice. 


Further information

Please consult the Institute of Political Science website and the University of Bremen's Study Programme Databasete for further information..

Contact us

Prof.Dr. Andreas Klee
Study programme advisor for teacher training 
Room: 1.36
Phone: 0421 218-56700
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