Top quality management
Top quality management
Quality aims of FB 08 in education and studies
Faculty 08 pursues four main aims in respect of the quality of education and studies, namely:
- ensuring student-friendly studies,
- a high level of education,
- orientation to the practice, and
- strengthening internationalization.
The overall objective is to offer attractive and student-friendly study programs that ensure graduates good career prospects and/or prepare them for consecutive master’s programs and doctoral studies. The individual study programs cannot focus simultaneously on all four quality aims: it is necessary to set priorities. Notwithstanding, it is not until we reach the point where student demand is strong and there are sufficient numbers of graduates that we can speak of a successful study program. For this reason, we have to keep an eye on how the number of applicants, enrollments and graduates develop as well as capacity utilization and drop-out quotas. These stats can vary greatly from program to program. For instance, introductory undergraduate programs with high numbers of first-semester students will inevitably have a higher drop-out quota than specialized MA programs. In the event, however, that enrolments decrease and a there is considerable spare capacity on a study program over a number of semesters, or more than half of the students on BA programs deregister before their sixth semester – third semester for MA students – it is necessary to investigate the cause and adopt accordant measures.
Generally speaking, we believe the best way to generate the requisite student demand and produce good graduates is to offer well-conceived study programs. This is where our quality management and the Faculty’s four central quality aims come in. These aims and how they are measured are depicted in the appendix. The form and frequency in which the individual quality aims are evaluated are defined in the Faculty’s quality management cycles.
The four main aims of quality management in FB 08
The four main quality aims pursued across the different subject areas in FB 08 are described in the Faculty’s quality cycle as follows:
1. Student-friendly study programs:
- Matching of workload expressed in CPs and the time needed to achieve them.
- Likelihood of graduating within the specified time frame.
- Availability of student guidance, information events and availability of up-to-date information media (e.g. study guide, module guides for the individual study programs, the institutes‘ and Faculty’s online presence with ease of access to central information and regulations such as Bachelor’s Examination Regulations (BPO), Master’s Examination Regulations (MPO), Admission Regulations, mailing list, subject-related compendium on working according to scientific criteria and academic integrity).
- Examination standards that are binding for all members of the teaching faculty and are accessible on the institutes’ homepages (e.g. study guides); these must accord with the learning objectives set down in the respective module guides.
- Studying still possible even under constraining circumstances: The Faculty Council resolutions on family-friendly studies and compensating for disadvantaged students such as those with disabilities are implemented by the different institutes.
2. High level of education: Research-based learning , continuing education for teaching faculty
- Systematic introduction to the research logics of individual subjects.
- Communicating the quality standards of working according to scientific criteria and academic integrity.
- Diverse forms of teaching and examination consistent with module contents.
- Teaching formats that support independent, research-based learning as well as the presentation of research results, e.g. in seminars, student conferences etc.
- It is expected that all members of teaching faculty are familiar with the didactics of university education and participation in continuing education for didactics of higher education is encouraged:
Mid-level faculty are allowed scope and opportunity for continuing education. - The Faculty (Office of the Dean) contributes towards financing such measures of continuing education for mid-level faculty: Participants in such measures can apply for partial refund of costs incurred.
3. Orientation to the practice
- The study programs are oriented towards training professional competences. For details, see the module guides/descriptions.
- Periods of internship are anchored in the curricula of the respective study programs. In the different study programs, specially appointed members of the Faculty are responsible for advising and supporting students in matters surrounding such placements. Student guidance is also provided by the Center for Studies and Practice.
- Each subject can be combined with courses in General Studies. These courses are oriented to the Faculty’s General Studies concept and reinforce central competences. FB 08 also offers additional, cross-disciplinary courses.
- The Faculty supports the institutes in finding a sound mix of university studies and practical experience, for example via offerings of the Center for Studies and Practice, a Faculty Practice Day, and the FB 08 practice forum in Stud.IP.
4. Strengthening internationalization
- The International Office in FB 08 supports the institutes in their efforts to strengthen internationalization.
- The institutes for their part are responsible for maintaining and developing cooperation with universities in other countries.
- The institutes’ study programs foresee a one-semester stay abroad.
- The institutes offer advice on stays abroad and appoint contact persons for visiting students (Erasmus Officer etc.).
- Each semester for at least hours a week (4 SWS), the institutes offer courses taught in English.
- The ErasmusPlus program fosters the mobility of teaching and administrative faculty.
- There are offers aimed at making visiting faculty and international students feel at home and facilitate taking up studies in Bremen (e.g. Welcome Day, guidance for visiting faculty). The International Office in FB 08 initiates and coordinates these activities.
Prof. Dr. JuliaLossau
Building: GW2
Phone: 0421 218-67002