Lemex News

Diginomics Panel Series on "Bremen's Digital Economy 2025-2030

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the University of Bremen, three current projects of the Graduate Group will be presented and discussed in a panel series with representatives of business, the public sector and academia as part of the "Campus City" event series:

In the panel Successful Interaction of Humans and Technology in Work - Do Technology and Automation Replace Humans or Do They Become Team Players? the change of work towards digital and automated workplaces will be addressed. In particular, the possibilities of effective cooperation between humans and technology or automation will be examined more closely, so that in the future it may be possible to actively integrate them into work processes, so that they are perceived as autonomous and sometimes as team players. As panelists we welcome Prof. Dr. Linda Onnasch (Humboldt University Berlin), André Biestmann (DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH), Dr. Yvonne Bauer (Senator for Economics, Labour and Europe).

In the panel Digital Start-Up Support: Virtual Incubators and Accelerators in Bremen, the digital transformation of start-up support organizations will be discussed. These virtual support systems are promising for Bremen as a startup location, as they can slow down the exodus of founders due to location-independent startup support and strengthen Bremen's ecosystem by virtually connecting external founders and their resources. The panel is composed of Reenie Vietheer (embauerment), Sinah Vogel (GO! Start-up Zentrum Oldenburg), and Bastian Müller (Senator for Economics, Labour and Europe).

In the panel From Enterprise to Online Marketplace: The Curse and Blessing of the Technology Giants, the advantages and disadvantages of large technology corporations such as Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google will be discussed. On the one hand, marketplaces are an economic engine for Bremen as a business location, as they enable local companies to tap into global markets. At the same time, the market power of the technology giants from America continues to grow. As discussants we welcome the managing director of Bremer Versandwerk GmbH Mr. Frank Haberkorn and Dr. FelixEngelsing from the Federal Cartel Office.

We are looking forward to your visit!