With Supazone, an online platform for sustainable packaging is being created that lowers the hurdle for small and medium-sized enterprises to switch to innovative solutions. While the willingness to use reusable packaging and packaging made from renewable raw materials is already very high among SMEs, implementation often fails due to the lack of clarity and transparency in the market. Companies find it difficult to find out which packaging is really sustainable and meets their requirements in terms of price and quality.
With the B2B platform, SMEs are provided with a holistic market overview so that the use of single-use plastic or greenwashing products is reduced in areas such as service and transport. The presentation of product characteristics such as origin, materials or certifications ensures a transparent overview of the different aspects of a packaging. This makes it easier for SMEs to switch from conventional to sustainable packaging, taking their needs into account.
At the same time, Supazone gives suppliers of innovative, sustainable packaging solutions a platform for a quick and uncomplicated market entry. As a start-up, we actively involve the suppliers in the design of our platform in order to permanently integrate them into the process optimisation and to achieve a high degree of automation for the procurement of sustainable packaging by SMEs in the long term.

Start of the project: October 2019, Company launch: 26.02.2021
Contact possibilites: infoprotect me ?!supazoneprotect me ?!.de,
Participation in the GO! Start-up Centre in Oldenburg from March-August 2020, Lower Saxony start-up scholarship for Sarah Schmidt and Fabio Okraffka, winning the jury prize at the Pitch Night Bremen