
Research Profile

Our research areas:

- High Responsibility Teams
- Teamwork and team training
- Crew Resource Management and Human Factors
- Needs analysis in complex work environments
- training evaluation
- Debriefing and feedback
- Requirements and Resources as well as work design in the context of Industry 4.0
- Human-Automation Interaction
- Human-Autonomy Teaming
- HR-/People Analytics

High responsibility teams work in dynamic and often unpredictable work conditions and in challenging work contexts where technical errors and slips have serious consequences for people and the environment if they are not immediately identified and resolved within the team. These teams are responsible for their own lives and the lives of others. The Department of Business Psychology and Human Resources focuses on techniques to support the non-technical skills and teamwork processes of these teams for reliable and successful collaboration in complex and interdependent work contexts. For example, projects focus on developing training for fire brigade teams and anaesthesia teams, transferring competences from simulation instructors for debriefing non-technical skills, developing training objectives and scenarios for control room teams, or assessing workforce demands and resources in changing work contexts through digitization and automation. As a result of technological advances, a new form of teamwork is also emerging, on which the department is conducting research: the so-called Human-Autonomy Teaming. It refers to the collaboration between humans and technical agents. The department is also working on the use of new technologies for HR-related data analysis in order to optimize decision-making processes in companies. By combining different data sources in the company, HR-related questions can be answered.

Figure Research Profile

The department applies both qualitative and quantitative research methods and analyzes the behavior of individuals or groups in simulated complex work environments in experimental studies.

Research results are published in national and international journals (e.g. Applied Health Economics and Health Policy, Applied Ergonomics, BMC Medical Education, Employee Relations, Ergonomics, Frontiers in Psychology, International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics, International Journal of Medical Education, International Journal of Employment Studies, Vocations and Learning) and presented at national (e.g. German Psychological Society) and international conferences (e.g. European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Europe Chapter) and in edited books.

Books lie in a shelf.


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