News from the Project

Successful Participation in the 23rd Workshop: Psychologie der Arbeitssicherheit und Gesundheit
From May 13 to 15, 2024, we took part in the 23rd workshop of the "Fachverbands Psychologie für Arbeitssicherheit und Gesundheit" in Dortmund. We had the opportunity to present and discuss the project and the initial results of the interview study on the premises of the DASA - Arbeitswelt exhibition. (Our contribution can be found under Publications in the project.) In addition, we were able to exchange ideas with experts on various occupational health and safety topics as part of the work dialog circles.

Beiratstreffen an der Universität Bremen
One week ago, on 10.01.2024, we met with the members of the advisory board for the first time in person at the University of Bremen for an exchange. We had the opportunity to discuss the results of the interview study and to adapt the questionnaire developed so far with input. Thank you very much for the interesting meeting and the constructive and inspiring discussions! We are now working on the final topics before we start collecting data!

Practice Partner Meeting at the University of Bremen
On 18.09.2023 we had the opportunity to discuss the results of our interview study as well as the further planning of the questionnaire study with the practice partners in the project at the practice partner meeting at the University of Bremen. Thank you very much for the interesting meeting with exciting conversations and an inspiring exchange. We have gathered many new impressions and are now planning the next steps towards the questionnaire study.
Survey phase of the interviews completed
In the past weeks we have successfully conducted the surveys of the interviews. We are pleased about the many interesting interviews that came about thanks to our practice partners and would like to thank the participants!
In the coming weeks, we will deal with the evaluation and are very excited about the findings, which we will present as first interim results at our first practice partner meeting in Presence in September.
We are preparing the following quantitative questionnaire study, which will start at the end of this year!

Start of the interview study
The first of two study phases in the "CovSress" project began in mid-May.
We have put together a great guideline that we will take with us into the interviews as a common thread and have the goal of conducting at least 20 anonymous interviews of about 45 minutes each with people affected by our dialogue group. Our dialogue group includes the sectors of gastronomy, events, logistics, industry as well as other precarious employment.
We are looking forward to an exciting exchange and interesting results!

First advisory board meeting
The first advisory board meeting of the project "CovStress" has taken place online. We had a great exchange about expectations and interests in this project as well as further experiences with similar projects.
We thank the advisory board members for their participation and look forward to the first face-to-face meeting early next year!

First practice partner meeting
The first practice partner meeting of the project "CovStress" took place online. Over the course of two days, there was a lively exchange about expectations for the project, plans and initial ideas for further development. We would like to thank our practice partners for their participation and the interesting exchange and are looking forward to the first face-to-face meeting in September!
Description and start of the project
The project "CovStress" investigates the psychological long-term consequences of corona-related cuts in working life. CovStress" is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). There is also cooperation with various practice partners and advisory board members. The project has already started in February 2023 and will take a total of three years. During this time, two phases of qualitative and quantitative data collection (in the form of interviews and questionnaires) are planned. The goal of the project is to investigate how career shocks during the Covid19 pandemic affect subsequent economic stress and health, and what psychological processes play a role in this process. We look forward to an interesting exchange and an exciting project period!